

A Study of Social Support System in China Childlessness&Empty-nest Families

【作者】 杨晴

【导师】 高峰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 社会工作(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 失独问题是近两年一个凸显的社会问题,本文立足于苏州2012年的失独空巢家庭“爱心大走访”活动调查数据,对苏州失独空巢家庭的基本状况进行了全面分析。研究发现失独空巢家庭由于失去了唯一的孩子社会支持严重缺失,导致生活更加困难,从而出现各种各样的问题。2013年3月苏州新推出了针对失独空巢家庭的帮扶政策,以解决失独空巢家庭面临的困难。本文在充分的文献研究基础上,结合当前苏州采取的失独空巢家庭帮扶政策,试探析政策推行前后失独空巢家庭的社会支持现状的变化情况,通过掌握苏州失独空巢家庭政策前后社会支持状况的改善程度,分析苏州失独空巢扶助政策下可能存在的不足之处,最后尝试提出合理的改善意见。本文通过综合运用深度访谈和问卷调查的方法作了相应分析,发现苏州失独空巢家庭在扶助政策推行后,心理情绪上发生了积极的正向变化,被调查对象普遍认为自己的生活状况得到了一定程度改善。同时也看到该政策在推行过程中存在着很多的不足,目前苏州失独空巢家庭的社会支持体系仍然不够健全,也存在很多不合理之处。为此,本文最后提出了推进公共服务社会化、公共服务专业化、推进公共服务的监管、评估和完善我国失独空巢家庭社会支持体系建设的几点建议。

【Abstract】 Childlessness&Empty-nest Families problem become a China social issue in recentyears. Based on “2012Suzhou Childlessness&Empty-nest Families Investigation” data,the basic situation of Suzhou Childlessness&Empty-nest Family is analyzed in this paper.Chinese Childlessness&Empty-nest Families due to the losing of their only child weresuffering serious lacking of social support. The shortage of social support will makeChildlessness&Empty-nest Families’ life to be more difficult, leading various kinds ofproblems. In March of2013, Suzhou’s government launched a new Childlessness&Empty-nest Family support policy. In order to know the social support situation of SuzhouCEFs, first step is to clearly describe all government support policy of CEFs and thosepolicies effects. Then this paper focused on investigating the possible changes in CEFsafter support policy implantation. This paper combined Suzhou support policy with theSuzhou Childlessness&Empty-nest Families’(CEFs) current situation as the researchcontext, and then made a longitudinal comparison between before CEFs support policy andafter CEFs support policy.This paper through used integrating case analysis, group interview in this longitudinalcomparison finding positive psychological and emotional changes have taken place inSuzhou CEFs after the implementation of government support policy. However, there arestill lots of deficiencies in those government CEFs support policies after using surveymethod to investigation and analysis. The survey showed nowadays’ Suzhou CEFs socialsupport system is still not sufficient and has many unreasonable and short points. Base onthis situation, the last part of this paper is to propose the government to promote publicservice socialization level, public service specialization level and improving public servicemonitoring, regulatory assessment, and enhance CEFs social support system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】C916;C913.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2460
  • 攻读期成果

