

Micro Film-the Narrative Turn of Image Convince in the Micro Era

【作者】 冉思雨

【导师】 杜志红;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 微时代背景下,微博、微小说、微电影等新事物陆续登场,“微”的观念逐渐渗透在人们生活的方方面面。尤其是近两年来微电影发展迅猛,不仅吸引了大量专业人士甚至是草根网民的关注和摄制,同时也获得了广告市场对微电影的青睐。然而,在微电影风生水起的背后,直至今日它仍是一个身份模糊的新事物。目前业界和学术界对微电影的认识尚无统一的观点。随着微电影的发展,它已经不仅仅是存在于电影学领域的一种影像叙事的艺术,在越来越多商业元素的加入下,它已经逐渐转化为一种影像说服的叙事手段。本文对已有的微电影的研究给予厘清,并追溯了微电影的诞生和发展之路。与商业的联姻是目前微电影的发展态势,巧妙的将商品诉求和微电影叙事蒙太奇的手段相结合并充分的诠释品牌理念是微电影叙事的重点。行业规范和版权保护可以为微电影的发展提供良好的外部坏境,同时微电影还应做好自身的内容创意、人才建设和整合营销以期从容应对未来市场的挑战。

【Abstract】 Under the background of micro era, new things are making their debut, such asmicro-blogging, miniature novel and micro film. The conception of ‘micro’ infiltrates intoalmost every aspect of our life gradually. Especially in the past two years, micro filmwitnessed explosive development. Micro film not only catches the attention of manyprofessionals and even netizens, but also arouses advertising market’s affections.As the micro film booms, its identity remains obscure. At present, there is no unifiedview to the explanation of micro film in the field of business and academia. As the microfilm develops, it is not merely an image narration’s art existed in filmology. Added withmore and more commercial elements, micro film has transformed into a narrative methodof image convince.On the basis of analysis to the existing research on micro film, this paper traces backmicro film’s birth and development. Development trend of micro film is cooperating withbusiness. Micro film connects commodity appeal with narrative montage skillfully and itfocuses on interpreting brand concept. Industry standard and copyright protection canprovide a nice external environment for micro film. At the same time, in order to cope withthe market’s challenges in the future, micro film should focus on creativity, talents andmarketing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

