

The Study of Transitional Space between Inside and Outside Public Buildings Design

【作者】 朱文清

【导师】 王琼;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 公共建筑内外过渡空间是一种非常特殊的过渡空间:它介于建筑内外环境之间,起着衔接内外实现内外环境过渡的作用;它作为建筑入口空间序列的重要组成部分,起到入口标识,体现建筑形象的作用;它作为建筑的附属部分,要实现与建筑的协调性与整体性。从建筑内外过渡空间的多重属性及诸多功能,可见建筑内外过渡空间是一种非常重要的空间形式,然而,人们往往忽视了它的重要性,对其不够重视。目前,我国公共建筑内外过渡空间的设计存在一些不足之处,主要表现在以下三个方面:与建筑缺乏整体性;与内外环境缺乏联系;作为入口空间缺乏个性。本文针对建筑内外过渡空间与建筑缺乏整体性,与内外环境缺乏联系,作为入口空间缺乏个性的问题,从它的形式要素、材料要素、光影要素、自然要素四个方面进行全面的剖析,并提出各要素的设计要点与设计方法,来实现建筑内外过渡空间与建筑的整体化设计,与内外环境的过渡设计,作为建筑入口空间的个性化设计。关于形式要素的设计是从空间形式、界面形式、线要素形式三方面展开研究并提出形式要素的设计要点;关于材料要素的设计是从材质与色彩两方面展开论述并提出有关材料运用上的设计要点;关于光影要素的设计是从人工照明设计与自然光影设计两方面展开并提出过渡空间光环境设计的方法;自然要素的设计是从绿化方式、植物配置方式、过渡空间对植物的要求三方面展开探讨,并提出绿化设计的设计要点。最后通过实践案例及调研中的典型案例对公共建筑内外过渡空间的设计进行全面的阐述,通过案例对各要素其设计要点与设计方法的综合运用,来进一步验证其可行性。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times, the beginning of construction activities, people’s livingenvironment can be divided into two types, the indoor environment and outdoorenvironment. Because there is a great difference between them leads to showing anopposite state, so we will use the exterior wall to separate t, and in the entrance region, toachieve transition of internal and external environment to insert the transitional space.Therefore, transitional space between inside and outside building is mainly used inbuilding entrance area, it is an important part of entrance space sequence, so it has the dualattributes of entrance space and the transition space.This paper from the dual attributes of transitional space, spatial characteristicsanalysis of building internal and external transitional space as the entrance space,transitional space and building space to compare present situation of public buildings’transitional space, put forward the problems of internal and external transitional spaceand analysis its causes.From the comprehensive analysis on the four aspects of buildings’ internal andexternal transitional space, form, materials, lighting, greening, and puts forward somemethods to solve the problem from the four aspects. Form analysis will from three aspects:space form, form, line elements form and put forward some methods; materials analysiswill from two aspects: material and color, and put forward some methods; lighting designwill from the artificial lighting design and natural light, and puts forward the method oflight environment design; discussing three aspects of greening and put forward the greendesign methods.Finally, the passage use practice cases to design public buildings’ transitional space indetail, and making verification of the theoretical study.

【关键词】 公共建筑过渡空间设计研究
【Key words】 Public ArchitectureTransitional SpaceDesign Study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

