

Intuitive Design and Humanity

【作者】 韦文波

【导师】 廖军;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 艺术设计(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 自从真正现代意义上的设计学科出现,学术界对于产品设计的价值探讨始终不断,长期存在较多争议,我们需要回归设计的基本问题,对产品设计价值的本质进行探讨。首先,在理解产品设计的价值之前,对产品设计的产生和历史沿革进行简要概述。在此基础上,对于产品设计价值到底是什么、有何传统分类以及在现当代它有何嬗变等问题进行解读。继而论及了环境、人、设计对于设计价值的作用,在此基础上提出了产品设计价值重塑应当在“三位一体”的背景下展开,也就是说,提出了产品设计价值重塑的大的宏观方向。在该宏观方向指导下论证产品价值重塑的过程中,首先对人类文明的可塑性进行展开论述,基于人类文化的可塑与物质产品的关联,探讨了产品设计价值的选择;在这种选择的前提下再来考究产品设计价值应当落实到哪些具体的微观层面进行重塑——提出了“直觉设计”和“人性关怀”这两个重塑途径。当谈及直觉设计时,很多人会疑惑“何谓直觉、直觉有什么功用、对设计的影响有哪些、直觉设计和理性主义设计(功能主义)有何区别于联系”,在对这些基本问题做出解释后,才方便人们对于直觉设计的定义和代表人物进行解读。论文着重论述了以深泽直人为代表的“直觉设计”(也称“无意识设计”),从深泽直人的“直觉设计”的内在涵义来剖析当今产品设计的直觉缺失问题。从设计直觉的缺失延伸到产品设计价值的重塑,提出了唤醒直觉需要从直觉设计的具体途径来操作,同时直觉设计中的人性关怀理念也是必不可少的。人性关怀在很多人文社科的学科都有着重强调,但是具体到产品设计领域,我们首先应当对产品设计的伦理观进行解读,在功利、审美、伦理这三个逐渐递增的层次中,伦理才是最高层次,也就是说,产品设计必须落实到伦理的层面上来。那么,在提出正确的设计伦理观之后,论文强调人性关怀与产品设计价值的内在关联性,认为“人性化”才是未来产品的设计趋势,只有在肯性人的价值的基础上才能谈产品设计的价值。那么,产品设计中的人性关怀有哪些层面?首先人性关怀的生理关怀和心理关怀是基础,但是最高状态应当表现为一种对人类普世价值观的肯定、对未来可持续发展的积极支持、对人类文明史的传承。在这种理解的引导下,论述了人性关怀的途径与方法以及这些途径对于产品设计价值的积极塑造与构建。对于产品设计价值的重塑研究,各有侧重的强调领域,直觉设计与人性关怀是产品设计价值重塑途径中的两个具体方式,也是却是支撑产品设计价值重塑的两条重要途径。

【Abstract】 According to the design of product value problems, the author starts to carry on therelated material collection and argumentation, attempts from the most essential way forproduct design and the related study on value remodeling. discusses the " three yuan "--environment, people, design for the design value, put forward on this foundation productdesign value remodeling should be in the " unity of three " background, that is to say, theproduct design value remodeling of big macroscopical direction.In the macroscopic direction under the guidance of demonstration product valueremodeling process, the author first to human civilization and plasticity are discussed,based on the human civilization plasticity and material products association, discusses thevalue trend of product design selection; in this tendency choice under the premise ofsophisticated product design value shall be again to fulfil what specific aspects ofremodeling--put forward “Intuitive Design " and " Humane Care " of the two specificways.This paper discusses with Fukazawa Naohito as the representative of the " IntuitiveDesign (also known as the" unconscious " design "), from Fukazawa Naohito’s " IntuitiveDesign " meaning to the analysis of the current problems of product design intuition. Fromdesign intuitive deletion extends to the product design value of remodeling, puts forwardthe awakening intuition to reshape the value of product design. But arouse the intuitiveway and need from the intuitive design specific ways of operation, at the same timeaccompanying must have intuition in design concept of humanity.in the correct design ethics, the thesis emphasizes humanity and product design valuerelevance. Think of "humanity" is the future trend of product design, only in the ken of human value is the basis for the talks about the value of product design. In thisunderstanding under the guidance of human care, discusses the ways and methods for thedesign of the product and the way of value actively shape and construction.For the design of the product value of the study of remodeling, each focusing on stressfields, Without Thought Design and humanistic care is a product design value remodelingpathway in two specific ways, but supporting product design value remodeling of one ofthe two main themes, to the modern product design the enlightenment is: can return theproduct design and design of the essence of value sense, in-depth understanding andpractice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

