

Research on Relationship of Organizational Innovation Atmosphere and Employee Creative Behavior in the Scientific and Technological

【作者】 张荷萍

【导师】 魏文斌;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 创新是企业保持持续竞争优势的一个重要因素,员工创新行为作为企业创新的基础,越来越受到学术界的关注。研究表明,除了员工的性格、学历等个体特征因素之外,另一个影响员工创新行为的重要因素就是组织创新气氛。但是,现有研究主要集中于组织创新气氛直接影响员工创新行为程度的研究,忽视了对两者之间内在作用机理的深入分析。另一方面,工作价值观作为员工内在认知的一个部分,影响着员工的工作态度和工作表现。很多学者通过研究发现员工产生创新最主要的原因来自自发形成的动机,而这种动机与员工自身的工作价值观有着密切的联系。本文为了更好的解释组织创新气氛对员工创新行为的作用机制,将工作价值观作为中介变量引入其中。通过对相关文献的阅读和梳理,构建了“组织创新气氛→工作价值观→员工创新行为”这一研究模型,以此为基础提出了四个假设。通过对企业进行实地问卷调研来搜集数据,本次调研一共回收有效问卷238份。通过SPSS19.0数据统计软件对样本数据进行实证分析研究来验证本文提出的四个假设。分析的结果显示,在组织创新气氛与员工创新行为的关系中,组织创新气氛的五个维度:同事支持、主管支持、组织理念、资源供应和任务特性都与员工创新行为呈现正相关的关系。而工作价值观的两个维度:目的性工作价值观和工具性工作价值也与员工创新行为间呈现正相关的关系。研究还表明,组织创新气氛对工作价值观也具有正向影响。另外,工作价值观作为中介变量,在组织创新气氛和员工创新行为间起着中介作用。基于以上实证分析,本文从认为构建良好的组织创新气氛,以及培养员工创新的工作价值观能够充分激发员工创新行为。

【Abstract】 The innovation is a very important factor to an enterprise to maintain the sustainedcompetitive advantage, the academic field pays more and more attention to the employeecreative behavior because it is the foundation of enterprise innovation,. The research showsthat in addition to individual characteristics such as personality and education background,organizational innovation atmosphere is also one of important factors which can influenceemployee creative behavior. Recent academic research focuses on the relationship betweenorganizational innovation atmosphere and employee creative behavior and neglects toanalyze the inside mechanism between them. On the other hand, work value has an effecton individual work attitude and performance because it is a part of internal cognition.Many scholars discover the motive which is the main reason to make the employee toproduce creative behavior comes from himself. It has also been proved to close relationwith work value.This study introduces work value as a mediated variable into organizationalinnovation atmosphere and employee creative behavior in order to explain the insidemechanism between them more clearly. The study builds a research model “organizationalinnovation atmosphere→work value→employee creative behavior" through reading therelevant literature and puts forward four assumptions according to it. I have received238effective questionnaires by researching to the enterprises and analyze the data withSPSS19.0statistics software to prove the assumptions.Some results have been found: firstly, the five aspects of organizational innovationatmosphere: colleague supports, supervisor support, organizational philosophy, availabilityof resources and task characteristics have a positive impact on employee creative behavior.Secondly the two aspects of work value: intentional work value and instrumental work value both have positive relationship with employee creative behavior. Thirdly the positivecorrelation between organizational innovation atmosphere and work value has also beenproved. Fourthly, work value plays an mediating role between organizational innovationatmosphere and employee creative behavior as an mediated variable. Based on the result,building a good organizational innovation atmosphere and training the employees’creative work values can motivate the employee creative behavior.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

