

Administrative Law Research on Conservation Steward Program in China

【作者】 吴菲

【导师】 黄学贤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 协议保护制度是指从保护地的归属权、管理权中分离出保护权,通过签订协议将保护权移交给承诺保护的一方,由承诺保护者进行具体保护行为的制度。与我国传统以国家为主导的环境保护模式相比,这一保护模式在参与主体、承诺保护者权限、协议内容和协议机制四方面都有独特性,作为一种新型行政行为,其性质应当是一种行政特许。在我国,协议保护制度是在传统自然保护地管理模式陷入困境时,由保护国际引进的一种真正的社区共管生态保护模式,如今正在四川、青海、甘肃等省(区)以项目点形式进行运作,主要有“社区实施—资助型”和“社会组织过渡型”两种运作模式,其成效良好、并产生了一定的示范效应。从行政法角度考察我国协议保护制度的实践,可发现其缺少法律层面的支持,主要是在实践操作层面进行探索。在实践操作中,协议保护制度存在着多类型发展、有效性、保护能力建设和效力保障四方面问题。要妥善解决这些问题,应当运用政府规制理论并结合协议保护制度行政特许的性质,针对各问题选择合适的规制手段,并构建有效、透明、有利于竞争和长效发展的规制流程。

【Abstract】 Conservation Steward Program is a institution that isolates the conservation right fromthe ownership of the protected area and the right of management, through contracts totransfer the conservation right to the party who promised to conserve the area, thesepromised protectors will implement the concrete protection.Compared with the traditionalenvironmental conservation model that dominated by the government, this conservationmodel has many characteristics in participants,permissions of the conservator, the contentof the contract and the agreement mechanism. As a new-type administrative action, theproperty of Conservation Steward Program should be administrative franchise.Conservation Steward Program is a real community co-management which was broughtinto our country when the traditional nature protected area management model got intotrouble by Conservation International.Now,it is operated in Sichuan,Qinghai,Gansu andother provinces as project spots,mainly have “Community implement-subsidize”and”social organization transit” two operation modes,they both are effective and havesome demonstration effects. Analyse the practice of Conservation Steward Program in ourcountry from administrative law view, we can find that it lacks the support of law andmainly is a exploration in practice.Conservation Steward Program has multi-modeldevelopment,effectiveness,build protection capacity and effectiveness security these fourproblems.We should combine the government regulation theory with Conservation StewardProgram’s property to solve these problems,which means we should select appropriateregulation means for each problem and establish a effective,transparent, competitive andlong-developed process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

