

Searching for "Home"-a Trauma Study of Toni Morrison’s Paradise and a Mercy

【作者】 林文韵

【导师】 朱新福;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 作为获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一位美国黑人女作家,托尼·莫里森在美国文学领域占有重要地位。《天堂》探讨了对黑人封闭自我的担忧,对可能的黑人种族主义的警惕,以及黑人必然从排斥走向融合的信念;《一点慈悲》描述了北美殖民地初期蓄奴制对黑人、印第安土著等各类奴隶的伤害。本文试图以凯西·卡露丝,凯·埃里克松与茱蒂·赫曼等学者的创伤理论为支撑,通过分析比较小说《天堂》和《一点慈悲》,探讨莫里森小说中对家园的追寻问题。第一章为绪论,首先简要介绍托尼·莫里森的生平及其文学成就,小说《天堂》和《一点慈悲》的故事梗概;其次对两部小说的研究成果进行梳理;最后阐述了创伤理论及本文各章主要论点。第二、三、四章为论文的主体部分。第二章分析小说人物遭受的多种形式的创伤,并探讨相似的创伤经历如何成为其构建具有保护性质的地域空间以躲避伤害的重要纽带。第三章分析创伤记忆的持续及残酷性成为小说人物走出创伤的障碍,随之产生的扭曲历史、铲除异己、道德沦丧及依赖他人等症状使得创伤之屋经历异化,保护及关爱的初衷不复存在。第四章阐明走出创伤为受伤者摆脱心理束缚、破除创伤之屋、构建开放包容家园提供了可能。第五章总结了前文对于《天堂》和《一点慈悲》的创伤分析,指出莫里森在两部小说中共同触及的家园追寻主题;认为破除创伤禁锢、释放心理包袱为建立开放和谐的家园创造了可能,并为构建多元包容的美国国家带来启发。论文希望通过对《天堂》和《一点慈悲》的创伤解读,使读者更好地理解莫里森小说中理想家园的构建问题,为研究其他探寻家园主题的文学作品起到抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 As the first African-American writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, ToniMorrison ranks among the most prominent figures in the American literature. Her novelParadise explores the concern of self isolation and racism of the African Americansociety. A Mercy, Morrison’s second latest novel, describes the enslavement suffered byslaves of different races in the early colonial period of the New Continent. Based on thetrauma theory of Cathy Caruth, Kai Erikson, and Judith Herman, this thesis, bycomparing and analyzing Paradise and A Mercy, attempts to explore the search andconstruction of home.This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction, which isdivided into three parts. The first part is a brief introduction to Toni Morrison and herliterary career, together with the story outlines of Paradise and A Mercy. The second partis a literature review. The third part sets forth the trauma theory and the layout of thisthesis. Chapter Two analyzes various forms of trauma experienced by survivors, andfurther investigates how shared trauma bonds them together to set up a house to seekprotection. Chapter Three argues that the reappearance of traumatic memories displaysits cruelty in preventing the healing process. The trauma syndromes of history distortion,discrimination, moral corruption, and over dependence deprive the house of protectionand care. Chapter Four points out that recovery offers survivors a way to smash thememory trammels so as to construct an open home. Chapter Five presents a summary ofthis study, pointing out that recovery from trauma helps to construct an open home andoffers hope for a dynamic American nation. By analyzing Paradise and A Mercy from theperspective of trauma theory, this thesis intends to help readers to gain betterunderstanding of home search in Morrison’s novels, and start further discussions ofliterary works with the home theme.

【关键词】 托尼·莫里森《天堂》《一点慈悲》创伤家园
【Key words】 Toni MorrisonParadiseA Mercytraumahome
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】411

