

A Summary of Banking Business Performance Research:Theory, Methods and Practice in China

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 张卫国;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 金融(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代经济当中金融是一国经济的核心,而整个金融体系中银行业又占据主体地位。特别是对于我国这样的发展中国家由于资本市场不发达,银行在有效的配置资源和促进国民经济发展方面起着非常重要的作用。实际上,我国的银行业在改革开放以后才开始比较快的发展,一些地方性的城市商业银行和全国性的股份制银行陆续的成立。另外从2003年开始政府对国有银行进行股份制改造并相继上市,这有力的促进了整个银行业的良性发展。毫无疑问,我国的银行业在各方面都有了巨大的进步,经过改革和发展银行在经营理念、服务水平、人才建设以及风险控制等方面都取得了长足进步,资产规模不断扩大,金融创新、业务开展能力有了重大的提高。但是,整体上来看我国的银行业与西方发达国家相比还有较大的差距,这表现在资本实力、资产质量、产品创新、治理结构方面,商业银行的经营绩效还需要进一步的提高。由于银行业在国民经济中所处的重要地位,商业银行经营绩效受到了政府、学术界的广泛关注,国内外的许多学者做了大量的研究,对我国商业银行绩效的研究主要是运用国外的理论和方法进行分析,目前已经有了大量关于银行业改革的成果。本文首先对有关商业银行绩效的理论进行了详细的阐述,包括传统的产业组织理论以及公司治理理论。此外还介绍了当前对于商业银行绩效研究比较流行的分析方法,包括绩效评价时所常用的财务方法和在效率测度中广泛运用的前沿分析方法。最后从影响商业银行绩效水平因素出发,对我国学者在市场结构、股权结构等方面实证研究中得出的结论进行总结,并且比较分析其研究成果,指出当前我国商业银行绩效研究中存在的问题以及进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Finance is the core of the economy of a country in the modern economy,and banking play a dominant position in the financial system. The Bank plays a role in effectively allocating resources and promoting the development of the national economy, especially for developing countries such as China which has underdeveloped capital market. In fact, China’s banking sector began to grow rapidly after reform and opening up,and lots of city commercial banks and national joint-stock banks established. In addition, since2003the government take shareholding reform to state-owned banks, which effectively promote the sound development of the banking sector. Undoubtly China’s banking industry has made great progress through reform in all respects such as business philosophy.service level,talent construction and risk control,in which asset scale expands unceasingly and financial innovation has a significant improvement. However, compared to the western developed countries our banking industry has a large gap in capital strength, asset quality,product innovation,governance structure.Thus the performance of the commercial banks also need further improvement.The government and academic pay extensive attention to performance of commercial banks due to the important position of the banking sector in the national economy. Many domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research on performance of China’s commercial banks by foreign theories and methods,and get many achievements on banking reform.Firstly.this paper elaborate on theory of banking performance including traditional theory of industrial organization and corporation governance theory.Besides.we introduce some popular analytical methods for commercial bank performance study such as financial methods and frontier analysis methods commonly used in the performance evaluation. In the end,the article summarizes the conclusions of empirical research on commercial bank performance.Furthermore we pointed out the current problems in China’s banking performance study and future research directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【下载频次】215

