

The Detection and Analysis of the Tap Water and Spring Water in Jinan

【作者】 姜青青

【导师】 邵丽华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共卫生(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:水是生命之源,它构成人体主要组成成分,参与机体新陈代谢、生理、生化反应,水的安全和健康是生命健康的基础。泉水是济南的城市名片,也是市民的传统饮用水水源。由于地下水减少,近几十年来,济南市主要饮用源于黄河水和地表水等的管网末梢水。然而,时至今日,管网末梢水还未被完全接受。人们多认为泉水清澈透明,富含微量元素,可增强人体免疫力等,而黄河水泥沙浑浊,易受污染。针对市民常见饮用水观念,本研究采用查阅文献、现场采样、实验室分析等方法,(1)了解济南市市区主要管网末梢水和泉水的水质指标的差异;(2)分析各差异可能影响因素;(3)分析各水质指标对人体的健康影响;(4)为合理选择生活饮用水提供参考依据方法:1.调查对象综合考虑社会经济、人群分布、地理环境等因素后,采集黄河源管网末梢水30个样品,水库源管网末梢水和地下源管网末梢水各15个样品。按照市民取用泉水的习惯,从趵突泉群、黑虎泉群、珍珠泉群、五龙潭泉群四大名泉采集泉水样品共10个。2.采样方法按GB/T5750.2-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法、水样的采集和保存》进行水样的采集、保存和运送。3.检测方法根据GB/T5750-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》和GB/T8538-2008《饮用天然矿泉水检验方法》进行管网末梢水和泉水样品的感官性状指标、物理指标和无机盐指标、金属指标及微生物指标的检测。4.评价依据对不同来源的各项水质指标进行统计描述,统计推断采用t检验,以p<0.05为差异有统计学意义。查阅资料,对检测结果进行影响因素分析。结果:1.感官性状指标:各不同来源饮用水感官性状总体情况较好。泉水感官性状最佳,地表源的黄河源管网末梢水和水库源管网末梢水感官性状有进一步优化空间。2.物理指标和无机盐指标:各样品检测值物理指标均在国家标准范围之内。pH结果显示,各饮用水均为弱碱性水,泉水pH值略低于管网末梢水;硬度结果显示,各饮用水均为中等硬度水,泉水和地下源水的硬度要明显高于地表源水的硬度;无机盐检测结果显示,无机盐含量受人类影响明显,且泉水的硝酸盐含量明显高于管网末梢水。3.金属指标:各不同来源生活饮用水样品重金属检测值均远低于国家标准限值,长期饮用对健康无损。济南泉水为富锶水,但总体而言,微量元素含量相较于黄河源管网末梢水并无优势。4.微生物指标:管网末梢水样品的微生物状况优于泉水样品,菌落总数超标在不同类型的生活饮用水中均偶有检出,大肠菌群在市民自选的露天取水泉多有检出。结论1.济南市不同来源的管网末梢水各项常规指标均在国家范围之内,水质情况较好。2.泉水与经过完善净化处理的生活饮用水相比,水质并无明显差别,且为天然水质,不含消毒副产物,经简单处理后可以被合理利用。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveWater is the source of life. It is the main component of human body. It is involved in the metabolism, physiological, biochemical reactions of human body. The safety and health of water is the basis of life. Jinan is famous for its spring, and spring is the traditional source of public drinking water. Due to the reduced groundwater, in recent decades, the main drinking water of Jinan is from the tap water, such as Yellow River and surface water. However, up to now, tap water is not widely accepted. Most people think that the spring is clear and rich in trace elements. It can enhance immunity of human body. Yellow River is muddy and vulnerable to be stained, and is with poor quality. The research is based on literature, field sampling, laboratory analysis and other methods due to the concept on drinking water.(1) To know the difference of the physical and chemical indicators between the tap water and spring in Jinan(2) To analyse the influencing factors of the differences.(3)To analyse the effects of the differences on human health.(4)To provide some reference for people to select drinking water.Method1. ObjectConsidering the socio-economic, population distribution, geographical environment and other factors, we selected30samples of tap water with the source of Yellow River and15samples with the source of reservoir randomly.In accordance with the habits of collecting spring water,we selected10samples from the Baotu spring, Heihu spring, Zhenzhu spring and Wulong spring.2. Collecting methodsWe conduct the sample collection, preservation and transport according to GB/ T5750.2-2006《The standard testing method of drinking water, the collection and preservation of water sample》3. detecting methodWe tested the sensory properties indicators,physical indicators and indicators of inorganic salts, metal indicators of tap water and spring according to GB/T5750-2006《The standard testing method of drinking water》 and GB/T8538-2008《The testing method of drinking natural mineral water》4. Basis for evaluation.We conduct the statistical description of all the indicators and used T-test to compare the indicators of water from different source. We analyze the influencing factors of the results of water quality according to reference material.Results1. Sensory properties indicators:In general, the sensory properties indicators of the drinking water from different sources are in good quality. Among these, spring water is the best. The sensory properties indicators of tap water from the Yellow River and reservoir need to be improved.2. Physical indicators and inorganic salt indicators:The physical indicators of all the samples are in line with national health standards, The results of pH value show that all drinking water are alkaline water, the pH value of spring is lower than the tap water; results of Hardness show that all the the drinking water is in medium hardness, the hardness of spring water and the tap water from underground is significantly higher than the tap water from surface. The results of inorganic salts showed that the contents of inorganic salt increased in recent years.And contents of the nitrate in spring is higher than the tap water.3. Metal indicators:the indicators of heavy metals of all the samples are far lower than the scope of national standards, it is no harmful to drink it. Spring water is rich in strontium. But compare to the drinking water from the Yellow River, the contents of trace elements in spring water has no obvious advantage. 4. Microbial indicators:The microbiological status of the tap water is better than spring water; total numbers of colony is found excessive occasionally in all kinds of drinking water. Colifonn was usually found in spring water from the outer optional water points.Conclusions1. The general indicators of the tap water from different sources in Jinan city are all in the range of national standard, and the tap water is in good quality.2. Compared to the drinking water with purification, there is no significant difference of the quality between the spring water and the drinking water and it is with natural quality without disinfection byproducts. It can be rationally used with simple process.

【关键词】 管网末梢水泉水检测分析
【Key words】 tap waterspring waterdetectionanalysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】R123.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】219

