

On English Soft Environment in Britain Leased Wei-Hai-Wei (1898-1930)

【作者】 袁云冰

【导师】 常晓梅;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会语言学的发展,语言学家对语言软环境的研究逐渐产生了兴趣。语言软环境是个新兴课题,学术界对此的研究刚刚起步。本论文以《威海卫天琴鸟报》为例,运用批评话语分析理论,尝试对英租威海卫时期(1898-1930)英语语言软环境进行研究。英语语言软环境的研究可以以福尔.克罗夫的批评话语分析的模式为理论基础展开。英语语言软环境主要包括该社团内部成员和大众媒体对英语口语及书面语的使用情况和采取的语言态度,政府制定的语言政策和语言规划,以及其他影响语言使用和变化的各种因素。《威海卫天琴鸟报》是英国驻威部队军方于1900年底创办的唯一一份英文报纸.笔者以收藏在威海市档案馆的八十三期《威海卫天琴鸟报》原版报纸复印件为素材展开研究。本论文首先从报纸的创办背景、出版发行、性质地位和内容构成等方面对《威海卫天琴鸟报》进行简单介绍。接下来对报纸内容进行重点分析。笔者从报纸的“最新电文”和“当地新闻”两个栏目中选取了九条新闻,运用范迪克的新闻话语分析理论展开研究;从词汇选择、用词特征和句法结构三个角度入手,对该报新闻语言的词汇密度,简单词、缩略词、修饰词和数量词的使用,以及句式结构和修饰关系进行了实例分析。同时,笔者从报纸“社论”栏目中选取了四则社论,运用公关话语分析理论展开研究;主要从情态动词的用法和人称代词的指示意义角度对社论语言进行分析。另外,笔者还对报纸中出现的三则广告进行了初步的研究,并且分析讨论了副刊中的两篇随笔和一则笑话。随后笔者根据批评话语分析的理论,结合该报纸的信息来源,编辑特点,发行对象和报纸内容,综合考虑报纸语言的上述特点,初步探讨了《威海卫天琴鸟报》承载并反映出英租威海卫时期英语语言软环境的工作机制。本课题研究有两个发现。首先,《威海卫天琴鸟报》中的新闻语言具有以下特点:1词汇密度高;2大量使用简单词和缩略词;3数量词,修饰词使用少;4句式结构单一,固定在主渭宾、主系表和主动补三种结构上。在非新闻语言方面,《威海卫天琴鸟报》的编辑们运用特定的情态动词来表达不同的情感态度;而第一人称代词的大量使用有助于拉近编辑和读者的距离。《威海卫天琴鸟报》中的广告语言具有句子短小,信息量大,忽略修辞等特点。其次,英租威海卫时期(1898-1930),威海卫英租界这个言语社团内英语语言软环境呈现以下特点:第一,英语的主要使用者是英籍驻威移民,第二,该言语社团内英语用词简洁,英语使用次数频繁,并且涉及社会生活各个方面。第三,政府、大众媒体和个体英语使用者都尽力保证英语的规范使用。第四,威海卫英租界的英语不仅承担着信息传递的功能,而且成为满足社区内英籍移民个体归属感和维系民族感情的纽带。第五,以中国地名为代表的新词语的使用。本研究的理论意义在于:首先对英语语言软环境这个概念的内涵和外延进行了探讨;其次对批评话语分析理论进行梳理和阐释,将该理论运用于英语语言软环境的研究,并通过个案研究分析,揭示了特定地区英语语言软环境的特点。希望本文的研究能为今后对话语分析理论的完善和英语语言软环境的研究奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of sociolinguistics. an increasing interest among linguists has emerged to explore English soft environment, and studies on this new subject are just on the threshold. In this thesis, the author aims to use Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis theory to make a tentative study on English soft environment in Britain leased Wei-Hai-Wei (1898-1930) by analyzing The Wei-Hai-Wei Lyre.This research on English soft environment can take Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as theoretical basis since both of them focus on the relationship between language and its social factors in a speech community and the elements of English soft environment correlate with the subjects of critical discourse analysis. English soft environment includes such major elements as the use of English among community members and in public media, English users’language attitudes, language policy and language planning from the government. These elements can be analyzed from the perspective of news discourse analysis, public discourse analysis and advertising discourse analysis, which are three branches of the critical discourse analysis theory.This study is based on the copies of eighty-three issues of The Wei-Hai-Wei Lyre (from December1,1900to March12,1901), the only English newspaper published by the British Military Department in Wei-Hai-Wei, from Bureau of Weihai City Archives. The Wei-Hai-Wei Lyre is introduced in terms of backgrounds, publication and circulation, status and contents, as well as suspension of publication.The contents of the newspaper are analyzed and discussed in detail. An analysis on nine pieces of news from two columns:LATEAST TELEGRAM and LOCAL NEWS is carried out based on Van Dijk’s news discourse analysis from three perspectives:vocabulary analysis (lexical density), word features (simple words, acronyms, modifiers and number words), and syntactical analysis (syntactic structure and modifier clause). Four editorials from the column EDITORIAL are chosen and studied based on public discourse analysis from perspectives of the implications of modal verbs and denotation of personal pronouns. Besides, the author conducts a preliminary research on three advertisements from the paper under the theory of adverting discourse analysis. Moreover, two essays and a amusing dialogue from the supplement is also analyzed and discussed. The author then discusses how The Wei-Hai-Wei Lyre carries and reflects English soft environment in Britain leased Wei-Hai-Wei (1898-1930) by taking critical analysis as a guide, considering language features analyzed above and together with the papers’ news resources,editing, circulation and contents.Two findings are achieved from the above analysis and discussion. One is that in The Wei-Hai-Wei Lyre, news language has the following features:high degree of lexical density; abundance of simple words and acronyms; small amount of modifiers and numerals; syntactic structures fixed on SVO, SVC and SVA. As for non-news, editors express different feelings by the choice of modal verbs, and the abundant use of the first personal pronouns can fill the gap between the editors and readers. The advertisements have short sentences; information is concentrated and there is no use of rhetoric. The other finding is that the author concludes five features of English soft environment in Britain leased Wei-Hai-Wei (1898-1930). Firstly, main English users are British immigrants. Secondly, English is frequently used in all aspects of members’life. Thirdly, the government, public media and individuals try to maintain the use of Standard English. Fourthly, English is not only the carrier of information but also a symbol of identity for English immigrants.Fifthly, new words of Chinese place name are added to English vocabulary.This research has some theoretical significance by discussing the definition and elements of English soft environment, explaining the theory of critical discourse analysis and applying it to the study of English soft environment. It is hoped that the findings of this thesis will provide insights into and useful evidences for further studies of discourse analysis and English soft environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G219.29;H313
  • 【下载频次】43

