

The Enforcement of Environmental Laws of Transboundary Environmental Pollution Governance

【作者】 曹厚良

【导师】 王佃利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,跨界环境污染问题成为当前环境保护工作的热点和难点问题。本文以发生过多起影响较大的跨界环境污染问题的山东省为例,分析了山东省跨界环境问题的现状与环境执法机制,剖析了跨界环境污染问题的成因及跨界环境执法在跨界环境污染治理中的作用,总结了国内外典型跨界环境污染治理的经验,在此基础上提出了从环境执法角度治理山东省跨界环境污染问题的对策。全文共分为六个部分,各部分的论证结构是:第一部分,引言。从跨界环境污染问题产生的背景和危害入手,阐述研究跨界环境污染治理的意义和选取山东省的典型意义,介绍了当前国内外对跨界环境问题的主要研究成果,对本文的主要研究方法和结构框架进行了简要论述。第二部分,跨界环境污染治理问题的界定与治理困境。本部分对跨界环境问题进行了界定,明确了本文中的跨界环境污染,并从环境执法的角度分析了我国跨界环境污染问题治理的困境。第三部分,山东省跨界环境问题现状与当前环境执法机制分析。本部分对山东省各类跨界环境污染问题进行了分别论述,介绍了山东省当前的环境执法机构的发展与执法体制机制的构成。第四部分,跨界环境污染的成因与执法困境。本部分从法律、经济、环境行政体制、环保系统自身等方面分析了跨界环境污染问题的成因,阐述了环境执法的目标设计,分析了山东省跨界环境污染的治理中存在的困境。第五部分,跨界环境污染治理问题对策研究。本部分介绍了国际和国内其他地区的经验,主要包括欧洲的莱茵河跨界河流污染治理、美国针对大气污染的区域环境管理制度,国内“泛珠三角”区域合作、“锰三角”区域环境整治。对山东省跨界环境污染问题治理中的环境执法进行对策分析,从完善环境法律、调整环境管理职能、强化环境执法队伍能力建设、强化跨区域政府间合作和重视公众参与等方面对山东省跨界环境污染问题的治理提出对策和建议。第六部分,对全文的研究思路进行提炼,并对本问题研究的发展进行展望。

【Abstract】 Transboundary environmental pollution has become a hot and difficult problem of environmental protection in recent years. Shandong Province, where great impact of transboundary environmental pollution problems happened, was taken as an example in this study. It was also analyzed in this study that the present situation of transboundary environmental problems, mechanisms of environmental enforcement, the causes of the problem of transboundary environmental pollutions and the role of transboundary environmental law enforcement. It was also discussed in the study that the experience of domestic and international typical transboundary environmental pollution control. On this basis, suggestions on governance of transboundary environmental pollution problems in Shandong Province were proposed in this thesis from the perspective of environmental enforcement.The study was mainly divided into six parts. The structure of each part was as followed.Part Ⅰ, Introduction. The origin of this study and harm of transboundary environmental pollution problems was discussed in this part. The significance of study on transboundary environmental pollution governance and the reasons why Shandong Province was selected in this study and current research on transboundary environmental problems was elaborated. The main research methods and structure of the study was briefly discussed.Part Ⅱ, The current situation of transboundary environmental problems and the enforcement of environmental laws of Shandong Province. The transboundary environmental problem and transboundary were defined in this part. The definition of transboundary environmental pollution in this study was made clear. The governance dilemma of transboundary environmental pollution was analyzed from the point of view of environmental law enforcement.Part III, The current situation of transboundary environmental problems and the enforcement of environmental laws of Shandong Province. Various types of transboundary environmental pollution problems of Shandong Province were discussed in this part, also an introduction of the development of environmental law enforcement agencies and the system and mechasims of enforcement of environmental laws in Shandong Province was made.Part Ⅳ, The causes of transboundary environmental pollution and the role of environmental law enforcement in transboundary environmental pollution governance. The causes of transboundary environmental pollution from the legislation, economy, environmental administration system, environmental protection team were analyzed. The target design of enforcement of environmental laws was elaborated. The major difficulties in the governance of transboundary environmental pollution in Shandong Province were discussed.Part Ⅴ, Countermeasure study on transboundary environmental pollution governance. International and domestic governance experiences, including governance of Rhine transboundary river pollution, the regional environmental management system for atmospheric pollution in the United States, regional cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta and environmental remediation in Manganese Triangle Area in China, were analyzed in this part. Countermeasures analysis of problem of transboundary environmental pollution governance in environmental law enforcement in Shandong Province were made. Countermeasures and suggestions were proposed in this part, including:improving the environmental laws, adjusting the environmental management functions, strengthening the capacity building of environmental law enforcement team, and enhancing cross-regional intergovernmental cooperation and attention to public participation.Part Ⅵ, Refine the full text of the research and prospects of the development of the study of the problem was made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.68
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】839

