

The Mechanism of Transmission Line Galloping and Prevention Measures

【作者】 葛磊

【导师】 陈青; 张伟江;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 电气工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 电力电网的安全可靠运行是衡量电力企业服务水平的一项重要指标,也是企业发展的前提和基础。电网运行的可靠性往往受自然环境因素的影响较大。近年来,由冰雪灾害引发的导线舞动现象频发,不少地区的电网遭受到重创,有的甚至一度瘫痪。如何提高电力电网的抗抵冰雪灾害和突发状况的能力成为电力企业面临的一个重大课题,电力部门和专家学者针对此项课题开展了深入的研究试验。2010年初,胜利油田电网连续发生了两起大规模的暴风雪履冰灾害,严重影响了油井负荷的正常供电,原油产量蒙受了巨大的损失,电网的防舞治理工作变得重要和紧迫。本文首先列举了近年来发生的导线舞动引发的大面积的电网事故,介绍了国内外关于导线舞动的研究现状及目前治理舞动的主要措施。阐述了振动的概念和类型,对比分析了引发输电导线振动的原理和特点。从舞动的原理、舞动的分析建模等方面介绍了目前国际上主流的导线舞动理论。根据研究的目的、对象和要求的不同,分析并建立了导线舞动的单自由度和三自由度数学模型,并进行数学推导。对胜利油田河口供电公司2010年两次线路舞动灾害期间的天气情况和气象因素进行采集和整理,从舞动发生的三要素分析舞动发生的必然性。依据胜利油田电力管理总公司关于线路防舞动治理的思路和原则,河口供电公司确定防舞改造的线路,针对不同电压等级、不同区段线路采取的相应的防舞策略。对多种备选的防舞装置的优缺点进行对比分析,考察应用案例,选择合适的防舞装置来应用实施。从防舞装置的选取安装、杆型改造、金具改造等几方面入手,详细介绍了河口供电公司防舞治理工作的开展情况及前期取得的阶段性效果。从电网的规划设计、维护管理和抗灾抢修工作几个方面提出了防舞治理的其他综合措施。分析了在电网规划设计阶段存在的问题并提出相应的对策,阐述了关于架空输电线路最新的防冰防舞设计标准。介绍了导线在线监测系统的相关原理,新型防履冰材料的研发情况和应用案例。在电网抗灾抢修阶段,提出了建立防舞应急处理系统的相关内容,并详细说明了目前常用的融冰措施和除冰技术。提出进一步做好河口电网防舞治理工作的合理化建议,更好服务于胜利油田电网的安全可靠性运行。

【Abstract】 Safe and reliable operation of the power grid is an important index to measure the level of service of electric power enterprise, is also the prerequisite and basis for enterprise development. The reliability of power grid operation is often affected by the natural environment. In recent years, the wire caused by snow disaster the galloping phenomenon frequently, many areas of the power grid suffered, and some even paralyzed. How to improve the power grid against against snow disaster and emergency ability has become an important research topic of power enterprises, power departments and experts and scholars to carry out the study of test further for this task. At the beginning of2010, Shengli Oilfield Power Grid has undergone two large-scale snowstorm and the ice disaster, seriously affected the normal power supply load of the oil well, oil production has suffered huge losses, the grid anti-galloping governance work has become important and urgent.At first, this paper enumerates the conductor wave happened in recent years caused by large area power grid accident, introduce the research status at home and abroad about wire dancing and dancing main measure for now. Expounds the concept and type of vibration, analysis the cause of the principles and characteristics of the transmission wire vibration. From the principle of dancing, dancing modeling analysis on introduction of the current international mainstream theory of conductor is dancing. According to the research purpose, object and requirements of different analysis and set up wire dancing single degree of freedom and three degrees of freedom mathematical model, and carries on the mathematical deduction.Estuary power supply company of shengli oilfield in2010two line dancing during the disaster weather conditions and meteorological factors of collection and sorting, analysis of three elements:from dancing dancing of inevitability. According to shengli oilfield power management corporation’s line dancing ideas and principles of management, estuary determine prevent dance transformation circuit power supply company, according to different voltage grade, the different sections to take the corresponding prevention strategies. Alternative to the variety of the dance prevention device, this paper compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of application cases, choosing the appropriate prevention device to project implementation. From the selection of dance device installation, reconstruction of lever type, hardware and so on, this article focuses on estuarine power supply company was introduced in detail and dance governance work condition, and early stage effect.According to the power grid planning and design, maintenance management and disaster emergency repair work,the paper puts forward prevent dance governance other comprehensive measures. Analyzes the problems in the power grid planning and design phase, and proposes the corresponding countermeasure, expounded on overhead transmission lines against ice the latest design standards. Wires are introduced the related principle of on-line monitoring system, research situation and application of new anti taking material case. Disaster relief emergency repair phase in power grid, is proposed to establish the dance emergency handling system related content, and details the current commonly used measures of melting ice and de-icing technology. Put forward further rationalization proposal for estuary grid dance governance prevention work,better service operation safety reliability for Shengli Oilfield Power Grid.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

