

Persistence and Transformation——about the Differentiation, Decline of the Northeast Writers Group

【作者】 王佳真

【导师】 黄万华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 按照常理,在抗战时期由于相似的创作倾向聚集起来,带有浓厚的流亡色彩,秉持爱国救亡基调和民族国家叙事的东北作家群体,应该适应新政权建立后的社会环境,发展更加顺利。事实却相反,东北作家群的文学生命很快衰微。本论文试图对东北作家群的衰退与分化,尤其是对萧军、端木蕻良、李辉英这三个有代表性的作家的思想精神状态做出考察,通过揭示1949年前后三人的生存状况、个体思想与文学创作追求的调整,以及当时社会政权与文学机制构建的环境来立体地多层面地考察文人的追求与抉择。其价值在于探讨为何东北作家这个“群”在流亡背景下可以存在,而处于“国家”这个更大的“群”空间反而衰微、分化。这一时期东北作家群经历何种抉择,完成怎样蜕变都值得关注。本文主体有三章构成,第一章考察继续追随中国共产党政权,留守大陆的东北作家群成员的境遇。在舒群、白朗、骆宾基等人响应中国共产党的号召,积极实现改造自我,转变文学观的同时,个人意识强烈的萧军遭遇了毛泽东集体主义文艺思想。萧军在延安以及东北解放区时期,面临“驯服”和打压的种种挫折,表现出坚定文学追求和爱国思想,论文以此来探讨知识分子与政治的关系。第二章分两部分,第一部分主要考察自由主义文人端木蕻良在建国前后的生活、心理和创作轨迹上的演变,当政治理想与文学理想无法调和之际,作家试图靠拢主流的尝试,内心的纠结思量,最终的无奈消隐都反映了自由主义知识分子在那个年代的命运。第二部分主要考察置身于不同的政治与文学场域里,孙陵和李辉英文学观的主动改变。第三章主要探讨东北作家群分化衰退的原因。可以分为三类,一是以萧军和孙陵为代表的知识分子对自身政治理想和信仰的执着,尽管受到无数的误解和打击,依旧不改初心。一是以端木蕻良和骆宾基、舒群、白朗等为代表的作家,在特殊政治语境中备受群体审美观念的压力,或者停笔,或者改变。还有李辉英这类作家,面临特定社会地域中文学气候的作用力时,为了生计,也因为怀有灵活的文学观而及时融入当地,并且做出了应有的贡献。1949年前后东北作家群这种自觉或是不自觉的群体的分化、消退也反映和参与了中国文学转型时期面貌的构建。我们希望能从文学史的角度更合理地看待时代场域的压力与知识分子自身坚守文学传统的辩证关系,探讨小的文学场域面临大的文学场域变化时发生的碰撞及解决对策。也再次审视文人作家与社会主义政治义化体制之间的关系,既关注文学转型中思想史的大环境与具体的文学环境,以及更具体的义学思维方式、个人生活的复杂关系,也注重整个中国文学现代化过程中文学反思的问题。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the recession and differentiation about the literary life of the northeast writer group, before and after1945--1949. According to common sense, due to the creation of similar tendencies come together during the war, with a strong color in exile, uphold the patriotic salvation narrative tone and nation-state, the northeast writer group should adapt to the new social environment after the foundation of the new regime, play a more powerful role of intellectuals. But on the opposite, after the establishment of the Republic, northeast writer group’s creation became differentiation eventually declined.This paper attempts to make an analysis about recession and differentiation of northeast writer group especially the state of mind of XiaoJun, Duanmu Hong Liang, Li Huiying, three representative writers. Through revealed the survival of three status, adjustment of individual thought and the pursuit of literary creation before and after1949, entire social regime and literary construction environment. to study the author’s pursuit and choice in a stereo and multidimensional perspective.Value of this thesis is to explore while northeastern writers this "group" can exist in the context of exodus, in the larger "group"-"country" declination, differentiation. The choices northeast writer group experienced during this period, and their transformation worth paying attention to.This article has three chapters, chapter I explore the condition of northeast writer group members, remaining on the continent’s, follow Chinese Communist Party regime. while ShuQun, BaiLang, LuoBinji, who respond to the call of the Communist Party, actively pursuing reform, changing views on literature, Xiao Jun with a strong personal sense encountered MaoZedong’s collectivism thought of literature and art. In Yan’an and the northeast liberated area, Xiao Jun, facing "tame" and suppressing different kinds of setbacks, demonstrated strong patriotism to literary pursuits. By this paper explores the relationship between intellectuals and political. Chapter Ⅱ is divided into two parts, the first part investigate the evolution on life, psychological and creative path of liberal scholars Duanmu Hongliang, before and after the founding of new China. While political ideals and literary ideals cannot be reconciled, the writer attempts to move closer to the mainstream, inner entanglements, eventually helpless blanking reflects the liberal intellectuals at that time fate. The second part mainly inspects the actively change of literary concept of Sun Ling and Li Huiying in different political and literary field. Chapter III mainly discusses the causes of recession of the northeast writer group differentiation. It can be divided into three categories:one is represented by Xiao Jun and Sun Ling, intellectuals dedicated to their own political ideals and belief, despite the numerous misunderstandings and blow, still do not change the original heart. One is represented by Duanmu Hongliang、Luo Binji、Shu Qun and Bai Lang,which attracted groups aesthetic ideas in the context of special political pressure, or choose to stop, or choose to change. And such writers like Li Huiying, facing the school climate regional Chinese particular social force, in order to make a living, but also with a flexible concept of literature so timely integration into the local, and make due contributions.Northeast writer group that consciously or unconsciously fading phenomenon before and after1949, also reflect and involved in the construction of Chinese literary transition face.Hope from the era of literature to look more reasonable in the dialectical relationship between pressure of the time and the intellectuals’insistence on literary tradition.Discussion on the collision and the countermeasures when small literary field facing large literary field. It is trying to study the complex forms of relationships between intellectuals and socialist culture.Both on the history of thought in Literary Transition environment and specific literary environment, as well as the complex relations between more specific literary thinking, personal life, but also pay attention to the problem of self reflection of modernity of Chinese Literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】144

