

The Design of Employee Performance Management System in JNC Group

【作者】 王琮琮

【导师】 王怀明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的突飞猛进,国有企业面临着与日俱增的竞争压力,而这些竞争越来越集中的体现在人才的竞争上,因此,越来越多的国有企业都将建立行之有效的人力资源管理体系,特别是其中的“短板”之一绩效管理体系作为企业转型升级的核心任务。JNC集团是一家转型中的城建投资类国有企业。它的前身是两家事业单位性质的投融资平台。为了深入贯彻国家深化政府投融资平台改革的要求,全面提升平台自身造血能力,当地政府对这两家单位进行了转制重组。转制后的JNC集团面临着要从“政府任务型”向“市场拓展型”转型,从“资源优势型”向“能力优势型”转型的战略目标。为实现这一目标,JNC集团的当务之急是建立一套行之有效的、符合现代企业制度要求的员工绩效管理体系。但这对于长期受事业单位管理模式影响,改革过程中还有许多遗留后续问题的JNC集团来说,将是一个很大的挑战。如何建立这套员工绩效管理体系,在建立过程中应注意哪些问题,还需要哪些措施加以保障,是JNC集团亟须解决的现实问题,也是其他转型期城投企业以及当前我国事业单位改革过程中“事改企”企业正在或将要面临的问题。论文以JNC集团目前的绩效管理状况为研究对象,通过对国内外绩效管理理论及相关技术、方法的学习和研究,分析该公司绩效管理工作的问题和不足,设计基于岗位职责的绩效考核指标体系,建立符合公司实际、与企业战略相适应的员工绩效管理体系。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economic globalization, the state-owned enterprises nowadays are facing increased competitive pressures, and the competitions are more and more concentrated on the talents. Therefore, a growing number of state-owned enterprises will soon establish their more effective human resource management systems. In particular, one of the most serious shortcomings in the previous system that concentrates on the performance management system will become the core task of the corporation’s future restructuring and upgrading.JNC Group is a state-owned enterprise now is in the innovative transformation. The company aims at the urban construction and investment. Its predecessor was two institutions that work on investment and financing platform. In order to implement the spirit of the investment and financing transformation of the national government, and fulfill the function of the platforms local government reorganizes these two institutions into JNC Group. After, JNC Group has to face to the coming challenge, which shifts from its original "government task type" to "market expansion type", as well as shifts from "resource superiority type" to "capacity-dominant type." To achieve this objective, JNC Group’s first step is to establish an effective employee performance management system that meets the requirements of modern enterprise. However, due to the effects of the long-term previous management pattern, the follow-up questions will be big challenges. How to create a set of employee performance management system, what issues should be noticed in the process of establishment and what measures need to be done are all the questions JNC Group needs to solve. These questions have also become the major challenges for those companies that are in the transitions of "state-run institutions to enterprises".This paper will target on the JNC Group’s current management performances from several aspects including domestic and international performance management theory, methods of learning and research, analysis of the problems and shortcomings of the company’s management performances, and finally design a performance evaluation system that based on the actual personal job responsibilities, which adapts to the enterprise strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F279.23
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】87

