

Study on the Stone Artifacts from Fifth Layer of Lingjing Xuchang Man Site

【作者】 杜春磊

【导师】 栾丰实; 李占扬;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 灵井许昌人遗址所在的中原地区,连接着我国及东亚大陆的南北与东西,是探讨旧石器中晚期石器工业发展及新、旧石器时代过渡问题的核心地带。但该地区有旧石器中期-旧石器晚期-新石器早期等连续地层的遗址发现并不多,严重制约着史前学界对于上述重大学术课题的探讨。2005-2011年,河南省文物考古研究所对灵井许昌人遗址进行了连续发掘,在该地区首次揭露出从旧石器中期-旧石器晚期-新旧石器过渡地层均有分布的剖面,各个时期均出土丰富的石制品、动物化石等遗物,对于研究上述课题有重大价值。遗址第5层出土的石制品、早期陶片等遗物(年代为距今14,000至11,000年之间)属于旧石器、新石器过渡的敏感时期。本文的研究材料为第5层出土石制品,研究第5层出土石制品有助于探讨中原地区旧石器、新石器过渡模式、陶器起源等相关问题;另外,将其与遗址上、下文化层出土石制品进行对比研究,可以纵向了解灵井许昌人遗址距今8-10万年到旧石器末期的旧石器文化发展脉络。本文共分为6个部分。第一章,绪论。明确研究旨趣,梳理灵井许昌人遗址研究简史,介绍遗址概况、研究材料和研究方法。第二章,明确石制品分类和观测项目标准。第三章,石制品分析。运用类型学方法对材料进行分类,然后将所有标本进行全方位观测,取得较多的量化指标,之后再使用统计学方法对各种量化数据进行分析,得出石制品组合的各种数据,从而分析出这批石制品特征。第四章,通过分析石制品原料种类、采办方式等来探究灵井古人类对石制品原料的利用策略。借助石器毛坯、加工方法、工具属性等方面的研究,分析这批石器的加工技术。第五章,进行相关问题讨论。首先,将本文研究材料与细石器,上、下文化层石制品进行对比研究,得出本文研究材料年代,之后探讨灵井许昌人遗址旧石器中期-晚期石器工业发展变化。其次,将灵井许昌人遗址出土石制品与中原地区旧石器中晚期遗址出土石制品对比分析,理清该地区旧石器中期-晚期石器工业发展脉络。最后,将第5层出土材料与李家沟等遗址进行对比分析,探讨中原地区新旧石i器过渡模式等问题。第六章,结语。总结全文,梳理不足,对未来的研究进行展望。

【Abstract】 The lingjing Xuchang Man Site located in the Central Plains region, which connects the north-south of China and east-west of the East Asian mainland, is a core region to explore the problems of stone tools industrial development during the transition period. However, limited by the few numbers of the sites which contain the continuous layers from middle Paleolithic, to Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic, the prehistoric research of the major academic subjects which mentioned above is hardly conducted. While Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated the Lingjing Xuchang Man Site during2005-2011. They revealed the strata in which distributed the layers from the Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, to transition period of Paleolithic to Neolithic for the first time. Abundant stone artifacts, animal fossils and other artifacts have been unearthed from layer of each period. It is crucial to the research of the subject. The large number of stone artifacts, early potteries and other artifacts which unearthed from the5th layer,13,000to11,000B.P., belong to the sensitive period of Paleolithic and Neolithic transition. By researching the artifacts from the layer5, we can learn about the transition mode of the paleolithic to Neolithic, and try to answer the questions of the pottery origin. Besides, by comparing the artifacts from layer5, we can know more about the development history of the Ling Jing Xu Chang site during80-100thousand years B.P. chronologically. This dissertation consists of six parts.Chapter1. Introduction. Stating the purpose of this research and reviewing the history of researches, pointing out the research materials and methodologyChapter2. Introducting the standards on classification of stone artifacts and observating items.Chapter3. Analysis of stone artifacts. Classified the materials by typological methods, and observed all samples thoroughly to get more quantitative indicators. And then analyzed the quantitative data statistically to get the variety of data from ombinations of stone artifacts, we got the characteristics of this group of stone artifacts.Chapter4.Exploreing raw material utilizating strategies of ancient human being at Lingjing site.With the research of the blanks,processing methods.analysis the processing technology of stone tools.Chapter5.Discussion. First, compared the materials of this study with stone artifacts from lower and upper cultural layers, we got the chronological data of these materials. Then compared the stone artifacts of Lingjing site with the artifacts from the central plains region in upper Paleolithic period, we could explore the process of the stone artifacts industrial development from Paleolithic to Neolithic period in this region. Finally, by comparing and analyzing of the stone artifacts unearthed from the5th layer and artifacts from Lijiagou site, we explored the transition mode from Paleolithic to Neolithic in Central Plains.Chapter6. Conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】K876.2;K871.1
  • 【下载频次】169

