

Design and Implementation on of Buying-stock-selling of Management System Based on S2SI

【作者】 纪绪财

【导师】 陈志勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 软件工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 企业进销存管理是利用计算机技术、通讯技术及数据库技术,将企业生产、库存和销售有机地结合起来,使产、销衔接,可大大提高企业的生产效率和经济效益。因此在企业管理中,进销存管理是经营管理中的关键环节。通过进销存管理,可以保障企业合理生产,及时销售,降低库存量,减少货品积压,使其获得最佳的经济效益。由此可见,进销存管理是企业能够取得经济效益的关键。本论文是以作者参与开发的某手机贸易公司的进销存管理系统为背景,首先在论文中介绍了进销存管理系统在国内外的研究和应用现状,以及相关技术应用现状,并简要介绍了MVC模式和Java EE相关框架Spring,Struts2,iBatis;然后以此理论为基础,根据该手机贸易公司现状及经营特点,找出企业目前存在的问题。然后分析这些问题,并根据分析结果,提出了企业进销存系统的设计及实现思想。接着对系统需求进行了全面的分析,其中重点对系统的主要业务流程进行了分析和优化。在系统设计阶段,首先对系统的体系架构进行了设计,然后分别对表现层、控制层、业务逻辑层、数据持久层进行了总体设计。根据总体设计,进行了系统业务逻辑的详细设计、数据库设计及Spring,Struts2,iBatis结合如何实现系统的具体功能。最后,结合Java EE平台及Spring,Struts2,iBatis框架开发了一套适合同类企业的进销存管理系统,该系统主要包括基础信息设置、供应商业务、库存业务、客户业务、账务管理、报表系统等功能模块。系统测试的结果表明,所开发的进销存系统不论在功能性需求,还是非功能性需求方面,均满足用户的需求。目前,该系统己在用户单位投入试运行,运行效果良好。

【Abstract】 Enterprise management of buying-stock-selling is not only an important part of enterprise management, but also a key enterprise to achieve the benefits, if we can achieve reasonable production, timely sales, inventory minimum, reduce the backlog, then the business will achieve the best results. Thus, Enterprise management of buying-stock-selling is the key to directly affect the benefit of the enterprise, the Enterprise management of buying-stock-selling is created in this reason. It is the use of computer technology, makes the enterprise production, inventory and sales can be beneficial to combine, the production and marketing, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises.This paper is to Enterprise management of buying-stock-selling as the background the author participated in the development of a mobile phone trading company, first introduced the domestic and international marketing research and application status and inventory management system, and the related technology application status, and a brief introduction to the MVC pattern and Java EE framework Spring, Struts2, iBatis; and then in the basis of the theory according to the company’s present situation, and puts forward the existing problems of enterprise business characteristics. Then analyzed the problems, and according to the analysis of the problems, puts forward the design thought of this system and the realization of ideas. Then carries on the comprehensive demand analysis to the system, and analyzes the main process of the system; in the design stage, first introduced the system architecture design of WEB, and then on the presentation layer, control layer, business logic layer, data persistence layer of the overall design. Then according to the overall design, detailed design of each layer, the database design and the Spring, Struts2, iBatis how to combine the detailed design of the required functions. Finally, combined with the Java EE platform and Spring, Struts2, iBatis framework for the development of a set of similar enterprises Invoicing management system, so as to improve the management level of enterprises. The system mainly includes basic information set business, inventory, suppliers, customers, business, accounting management, tabulated system, etc.System test results show that the developed invoicing system no matter in the functional requirements, or non-functional requirements, meet the requirements of users. At present, the system has been put into operation the user unit, the running effect is perfect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】83

