

Research on the Mountain Censers of Han Dynasty of Shandong Province

【作者】 王龙

【导师】 陈淑卿; 肖贵田;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文物与博物馆学(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国使用熏香的历史由来已久,战国时期高级贵族中使用熏炉的现象已经比较常见,而汉代则达到了熏香文化发展的小高峰。博山炉即是西汉中期出现的一种极为特殊的熏香用具,其与普通熏炉的区别在于盖顶的山峦形纹饰。此造型特点是汉代山岳崇拜和求仙思想在生活器具上的体现。博山炉出现以后便逐渐在各地占据了熏炉中的主要位置,并且越晚所占比例越高。早期博山炉多铜质,主要流行于上层社会;后期以陶质为主流,更多见于平民墓葬,也体现了其自上而下的传播路径。山东地区是汉代多元文化体系中的重要组成部分。齐地自战国时期即是儒、道、墨、阴阳等诸家思想的交汇碰撞之地。而汉武帝时重用的方士们更是多自此地。本地区也发现有一定数量且造型独特的博山炉。通过对此地博山炉进行基本信息归纳和类型学研究,可以初步了解这类器物的演变过程及其存在的社会背景。对出土博山炉的典型墓葬进行个案分析,则可以在一定程度上还原其在现实生活中的使用情况。而通过对制造工艺和造型特点等进行分析,于这一地区的汉代生活和社会心理状况的研究也大有裨益。文章研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:首先对博山炉的研究现状简单梳理,并对其命名原因进行探讨,确定博山为重山之意,表现在实物上即是层层山峦;其次对不同质地的博山炉与普通熏炉的出土情况进行对比分析,并对博山式器盖出现于非熏炉式器物的现象进行初步研究,认为战国以来的博山饰是博山盖器物造型的来源;然后对山东地区博山炉的出土情况进行统计分析,进而将其置于此地出土的汉代熏炉中展开类型学研究,并选择两座出土博山炉的典型墓葬进行个案分析,探究山东地区汉代博山炉存在的社会背景、实际功能及其所反映的社会状况和社会心理;随后将山东地区与关中、重庆和广州地区进行对比,展示在汉代大一统文化体系下各处博山炉的异同;最后对文章论点加以总结。本文的研究表明,山东地区博山炉在西汉中期出现,晚期出现小高潮,而到了东汉前期却几乎消失,至后期又偶有发现。就社会属性而言,山东这些出土汉代熏炉极少出自平民墓葬,即使是陶质也基本出自中下层官吏及其眷属或中小地主墓葬,一些铜质更是出自于诸侯王或侯爵一级墓主人的家族墓葬。究其原因,应该是西汉中晚期求仙观念只在山东贵族中先行,平民则是奢侈或不可僭越的。与重庆、广东等地区相较而言,本地区博山炉的流行程度不及上述地区,器型变化也略显特色不足。追溯其社会思想根源,实际上是一种新的民间信仰——西王母的逐渐流行并取代了博山炉所代表的海中仙山在民众中的地位。

【Abstract】 Long long years ago, the Chinese use censers to keep the house air clean. It is a very usual scene since the Warring period that the noble use cense burner. And the incense culture reached its peak during the Han dynasty. Boshanlu or mountain censers were special instruments appeared since Mid-Western Han Period, which mountain desperation was different from the usual censers. This characteristic on daily life instrument reflects that people in Han Dynasty worship the mountains and want to be fairy. The mountain censers gradually replaced the usual censers since it appear at many areas. Because it was invented by the royal craftsmen, most of them are made by bronze at the early stage.Shandong province is an important part of the Han culture. The Qi area had many mixed thoughts since the Warring period such as Ru,Dao and Yinyang. And the alchemists which were most valued by the Emperor Wu of Han were mostly from here. Certain amount of mountain censers with unique characteristics were found in this region. By summarizing the basic information and the pattern evolution study of the mountain censers of this region, we can clearly understand its evolution process. And through the analysis of the typical tombs where the mountain censers were unearthed, we can return its usage in real life to a certain degree. The understanding of the manufacturing process and characteristics are of great advantage to the life and social psychology research of the Han dynasty in the region.This article mainly has carried on simple discussion and research in the following respects:First of all, it has a briefly interpretation about the research status of the mountain censers and discussion about the reason on its naming. Then we can see the comparison about the mountain censers and the usual censers, the pottery mountain censers and the bronze artifacts. And there is a research about the "boshan" style covers on some artifacts not only censers. The next section is a summary about the unearthed mountain censers in Shandong province, using it typological analysis with the usual censers unearthed in this area and selecting two typical tombs where the mountain censers were unearthed for case analysis. Then it contrasts Shandong province with the central Shaanxi plain, Chongqing and Guangzhou to discover the similarities and differences of the mountain censers under the Han dynasty cultural system. Then the article discusses the social status and social psychology reflected by the mountain censers in Shandong province of Han dynasty. Finally, there is a summary on the arguments of the article.Research in the article suggests that, the mountain censers appears in the mid-western Han dynasty, thrives in the late western Han dynasty, disappears in the early eastern Han dynasty and appears in the late eastern Han dynasty again.As to social attribute, the censers of Han dynasty in Shandong are rarely from tombs of civilians, even the ceramic ones are basically from the lower level officials and their dependants or middle and small landlords’tombs, some coppers are from vassals or marquis or their family tombs. The reason is that the immortality idea in middle-late western-Han dynasty was popular in nobles firstly, which to civilians is luxury or not trespass. Compared with Chongqing, Guangdong and other regions, there’s a lower popularity of the mountain censers in the area of Shandong, the shape change also having less features. Trace the social thought, it’s the increasingly popularity of a new folk beliefs—Xi Wangmu that causes the replacement of the position of sea mountain for which the mountain censers stand in the folk.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】K875.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】266

