

Research on Deliberative Dialogue Mechanisms during Local Governance at County Level in Contemporary China

【作者】 孟燕

【导师】 方雷;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,竞争性市场经济的发展导致中国的社会阶层出现断裂性的分化,社会利益呈现多元化的趋势。资源高度集中的总体性社会开始瓦解,拥有独立公民身份的公民开始成为主要的社会结构要素。县级地方政府承担着向县域范围内的公民提供优质公共服务的职能,在面对日益觉醒的公民权利意识和不断增长的政治参与诉求时,县级地方政府开始积极探索包容公共利益并以其作为合法性来源的新的治理形式。在此过程中,包括民主恳谈会、开放式决策、议事园以及网络问政等在内的各种协商对话形式发展成为实现公民权利和行政权力之间理性交流的工具。协商民主理论兴起于20世纪80年代以后的西方社会,其承认社会的多元化,尊重公民利益,遵循更好的观点的力量,将受公共问题影响的所有公民的观点、偏好、态度通过协商、对话和讨论等互动性沟通和交流,以制度化的渠道加以表达并阐明理由,以此形成的集体决策具有合法性,可作为集体行动的正当性依据。协商民主理论在参与主体多元性、参与机会均等性、参与方式多样性、参与过程程序性以及参与结果合法性等方面与协商对话机制的原则存在契合之处,为我国县级地方治理过程中的协商对话机制的发展和完善提供了理论支撑,拓宽了我国基层协商民主实践的理论视野。中国的地方政府素来有协商的传统,地方政府在政策中注意倾听群众的意见,从群众中来,到群众中去,协商对话机制的构建与发展完善为此提供了制度化的渠道。本文选取协商民主作为理论视角,通过对当前我国县级地方治理过程中,协商对话机制的发展状况:包括现实基础、发展基础以及发展成效进行分析;探索在协商对话机制的运行过程中存在的问题及其原因:公民参与的平等性以及协商对话的持续性和程序性等非规范性限制;同时就完善县级地方治理中的协商对话机制进行路径选择:倡导地方治理理念、培育地方社会资本,建设网络型参与结构以及完善地方自治制度等方面。

【Abstract】 Chinese society has been undergoing profound and complex changes since reforming and opening up and rapid development of socialist market economy. Social stratums and interests have presented a wide range of trends. Society with highly concentrated resources began to disintegrate, and citizens with independent citizenship became the major elements of social structure. When facing with the growing awareness of citizens’ rights and demands of political participation, the county government, who commits to provide high-quality public services to citizens living in this area, should explore the new governance structure in order to meet citizens’requirements, which could be regarded as a source of legitimacy for the county government. In contemporary China, many efficient deliberative approaches, such as deliberative democratic forum, open decision-making, public debate area and deliberation online and so on, have become effective governance tools for county government and improve the rational communication between civil rights and administrative powers.The deliberative democratic theory was developed in Western society in the1980s, and was spread to all over the world within a few decades. The deliberative democratic theorists recognize the social diversity, respect for the citizens’interests, advocate following such principles:equality, openness, accountability, trust and the freedom of speech, and praise highly the better argument. They lay stress on rational deliberation, dialogue and discussion to promise all the citizens involved in deliberation to freely and equally express their opinions, preferences and attitudes, and explain the relative reasons. The public policies or collective decisions should be made through such interactive communication and be recognized by all the participators, which can be regarded as a source of legitimacy for the county government. Similarities exist between the deliberative democratic theory and the deliberative dialogue mechanisms during the process of local governance at the county level:pluralism of participators, equal opportunities for participation, diversified forms for participation, procedural process for participation and legitimacy of decisions. The deliberative democratic theory has provided a theoretical support and deepened the foundation of deliberative dialogue mechanisms.With the tradition of consultation, local governments in China pay attention to respect public opinions and develop various deliberative forums during the process of local governance, which are becoming the institutionalized approaches for citizens to express their interests and requirements. Based on deliberative democratic theory, this paper attempted to analyze the development of deliberative dialogue mechanisms in local governance at county level, which includes the basis, process and effectiveness, to explore the problems and reasons existed in deliberative dialogue mechanisms, and to put forwards the relative suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

