

A Study of the Marketing Strategy and Implementing Strategy of Nokia Smartphone

【作者】 尤波

【导师】 王兴元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着3G通讯技术浪潮来袭,用户对手机的需求已不再仅仅局限于通话,而是扩展到了数据、娱乐、社交等多个方面。传统功能手机在满足用户的多种需求方面力有不逮。而随着智能手机芯片技术的不断发展,智能手机的性能日进千里,加之智能手机的特性决定了用户可以根据需要自行安装第三方开发商提供的软件、游戏等程序,有效地满足了用户的多种需求。自1996年开始,诺基亚手机连续15年占据手机市场份额第一的位置,其手机市场份额最高曾一度达到40%。然而自2010年起,由于iPhone及采用Android操作系统的智能手机大行其道,诺基亚手机特别是智能手机市场份额开始大幅下滑,至2012年1季度,诺基亚手机市场份额仅为20%,名列第二。与此同时,以三星、苹果、HTC为首的各智能手机厂商市场份额大幅增加,其中三星更是一举超越诺基亚,成为全球最大的手机厂商。2012年4月24H,由于手机销量低迷,服务分化等原因,惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)将诺基亚债务信用评级降至“垃圾级”。2012年5月9日,由于资金不足,诺基亚宣布卖掉其美国纽约总部,诺基亚公司经营陷入困境。根据2012年第三季度的季报,诺基亚公司连续6个季度亏损,其2012年三季度亏损达9.69亿欧元。如何应对、破解智能手机销售低迷的僵局,将是诺基亚公司脱离困境的重要因素。本文在深入研究全球宏观经济环境、智能手机市场格局以及智能手机技术发展趋势的基础上,结合诺基业公司自身优势及全球智能手机市场形势等方面,利用SWOT分析法对诺基亚公司所而临的外部环境和其内部条件进行分析,从地理因素和行为因素两个角度运用综合因素分析法对诺基亚公司智能手机母标市场进行了细分,并以此为基础提出了相应的市场营销战略。在制定市场营销实施策略时,除了运用4P’s组合策略外,还包括了市场营销控制措施。通过本文的分析和研究,希望能够对诺基亚公司智能手机市场营销提供一些参考和借鉴,更重要的是通过本文的分析和研究能够对笔者的理论学习进行检验,对今后的工作起到指导作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of3G technology, the demand of users is not only the communication but also data, entertainment and sociality etc. The feature phone is lack of meeting the various demands. Based on the development of smartphone chip technology, the performance of smartphone makes rapid progress. The characteristics of smartphone allow the users to istall applications provided by3rd party, it can meet the various demand better.Since1996, Nokia have taken over the No.1of handset market for15years. The market share of Nokia handset highly reached40%. But since2010, the market share of Nokia handset glides considerably because of the emergence of iPhonc and Android based smartphone. The market share of Nokia handset reduced to20%in Q1,2012which ranked second. On the contrary, the market share of smartphone vendors, such as Samsung, Apple, HTC, increased rapidly. Samsung took the place of Nokia and became the leader of handset market.On April24,2012, Fitch Ratings reduced Nokia’s long-term debt rating to BB+(junk),blaming the deterioration of its handset business. In May9,2012, Nokia sold its headquarters in New York, USA to raise cash. The operation of Nokia got into hot water. According to the Report of Q3,2012, Nokia continued the losses for6Quarters. The losses was0.969billion EURO in Q3,2012. How to deal with the the deterioration sales is the key to get through difficult situatons.The essay researches the macro economy circumstance and the pattern of the smartphone market, combines Nokia’s strength and globlc handset market situation, analyses the external environment and internal environment by SWOT analysis, segments the target market of Nokia smartphone by synthesis based on geographical and behavioral factors, then puts forward the corresponding market strategy. The essay concludes the implementing strategy based on4P’s strategy and makes the measures of marketing control.The essay intents to provid some reference and consult to the marketing of Nokia smartphone. Most of all, the essay will help to review what I have learned in MBA courses and guide my work in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F416.63
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1949

