

Existentialism in the Grapes of Wrath

【作者】 张皓雪

【导师】 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 约愉·斯坦贝克美国20世纪30年代大萧条期间最富盛名的小说家,他一直致力于寻找并发掘真实的美国及其本质。斯坦贝克亲眼目睹了大萧条时代流动工人的悲惨境遇,并基于他犀利的观察创作了一系列对来自尘暴重灾区移民饱含同情的“加利福尼亚小说”。在此系列作品中,《愤怒的葡萄》常被誉为斯坦贝克的最高成就,享誉全球。小说以乔德一家向西迁徙的旅程为主线。移民经历的苦难,悲痛以及他们对生活变故的不同反应使读者印象深刻。自出版以来,《愤怒的葡萄》曾一度被当作社会问题报告,后来逐步被当作文学作品,从不同批评角度进行研究。然而对于小说中大量得存在主义思想,却罕见于研究。本论文旨在利用萨特提出的自欺、本真和人道主义三个概念,探究《愤怒的葡萄》中潜在的存在主义。本文将依据以上三个概念,以小说中若干人物为对象进行分析,研究人类对于自欺的软弱,对本真的坚定定不移以及对人文主义的终极升华。本论文分为五部分。第一部分引言包括约翰斯坦贝克生平简介及其作品《愤怒的葡萄》简介和文献综述,并对萨特存在主义哲学思想进行总体介绍。第一章首先讨论萨特提出的自欺概念,继而以若干人物为对象,分析自欺的两类形式。第二章以存在主义概念自欺的对立概念本真为中心议题。本章利用本真的概念,分析小说中的人物如何承受住各种巨大压力,坚持本真的存在第三章分析了萨特为存在主义中做出的巨大跨越,即个人主义如何升华为人文主义。本章分析了牧师凯西,汤姆和罗撒香精神层面的发展和转遍,分别展现了他们精神层面的成熟过程。最后一部分为结论,对前面章节进行总结。本章指出小说中的人物与存在主义概念的平行关系,进一步强调了《愤怒的葡萄》中的存在主义。与存在主义类似,小说的结尾积极向上,对人文主义精神进行积极宣扬。

【Abstract】 As the most recognized novelist of the American Depression of the1930s, John Steinbeck is dedicated to pursuing and discovering the truth of a genuine America. Having witnessed the grim conditions of migrant workers, he devoted himself to the creation of a series of "California novels" which are filled with keen observation and profound compassion for migrants from the Dust Bowl. Among this series, The Grapes of Wrath is more often than not considered his highest achievement and is appreciated around the world. The novel features the.load family’s journey to the west. It impresses the reader with migrants’hardships, sorrows as well as their various reactions to the change of their lives.Since publication, The Grapes of Wrath underwent from being read simply as a report of social problems to an example of diverse critical approaches. However, the novel is rarely studied from an existentialist perspective which the novel is greatly immersed with. This thesis intends to explore the existentialist potential in The Grapes of Wrath with special focus on the following three Sartrean notions:bad faith, authenticity, and humanism. The thesis will analyze several characters during times of drastic changes according to the aforementioned concepts, analyzing human vulnerability to bad faith, their adamant insistence on individual authenticity, and some of the characters’ultimate elevation into humanism.This thesis comprises five parts. The first part consists of a brief introduction to John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath, a literature review and a general introduction of existentialist philosophy.Chapter One first deliberates on the Sartrean conception of bad faith, which is closely followed by an analysis of two categories of bad faith based on the examination of several characters.Chapter Two centers on the theme of authenticity, a significant proposition raised by existentialists as opposed to "bad faith". This chapter adopts the notion of authenticity to analyze how characters strive to maintain an authentic existence under multifarious forms of tremendous pressure.Chapter Three analyzes a significant stride in the Sarlrean existentialism, namely, how individualism evolves into humanism. It draws on the mental development and transition of Casy, Tom, and Rose of Sharon, offering an analysis of their respective spiritual maturity.The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes previous chapters. It points out the parallel between the novel characters and existentialist conceptions, reinforcing the existentialist dimension of The Grapes of Wrath. Similar to the existentialism, the novel winds up with an upbeat note that affirms the spirit of humanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】386

