

The Studies on the Issue of Balancing Interests between the Host Developing-Country and the Investor under International Investment Arbitration

【作者】 叶蕊

【导师】 姜作利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 在近年的国际投资条约仲裁中,严重忽视东道国利益以换取投资者利益保护的倾向越来越显著。这种现象将会严重损害东道国对外资的管理权,造成投资者与东道国利益保护的失衡,从而加剧东道国与投资者之间的矛盾冲突。因此,如何在国际投资条约及其仲裁中寻求投资者利益与东道国利益的平衡,成为国际社会关注的热点问题之一。本文分为五大部分。第一部分阐释了国际投资中投资者与发展中东道国利益失衡现状。国际投资仲裁作为解决国家和国民之间投资争端的最重要的途径之一,在投资争端解决中发挥着不可替代的作用。但是仲裁庭近年强调投资者利益保护,罔顾东道国利益让人心生诧异。理论上说,国际投资协定鼓励和保护的应是资本的双向流动,它对一国吸引外资和促进海外投资都发挥着积极的作用。但是仲裁庭对两者利益保护的失衡,使得东道国随时处于被诉的地位,会给东道国发展带来负面影响。文章第二部分从国际投资的重要形式——双边投资协定(BIT)中的三个条款着手,分析发展中东道国在国际投资中面临的风险。唏嘘之余我们不免要多问一个“为什么”,于是本文的第三部分从导致利益失衡的直接原因、间接原因和根本原因三方面进行了分析,并结合当前国际投资环境和法制下对发展中东道国的有利因素,在此基础上提出了缓和利益冲突的可行之策,以期使双边投资协定充分发挥其功用。

【Abstract】 Recently,there was an obvious tendency in the practices of international investment arbitration that the tribunal ignorant the host state’s interests seriously while protect investors’interests.The fact will harm host state’s right to manage the investment heavily,gradually it will create the imbalance between investors’interests and host state’s interests. So seeking a resolution to balance the interests of the host state and investors has been a hot issue.This article is divided into five parts.The first part stared from the present situation of the imbalance between the host country and the investor.The ICSID Center which was found in1965has become one of the most important methods of international investment dispute settlement.Its role in the dispute settlement is irreplaceable and remarkable.However,the lately practice of the tribunal is really astonishing.Generally speaking,international investment promotes funds flowing between different countries,it will benefit the state and investor both.But the imbalance brings the state to court easily,which makes serious damage to the host country’s national interests.In the second part,the writer of the paper probes into three articles in BIT,illustrating crisis in the jurisdiction and management the host state may encounter.In the third section,the writer analyse causes of the problem from different aspects and then bring up some suggestions so as to mitigate the confliction between the host state and investors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D996.4;D997.4
  • 【下载频次】334

