

The Explorment of the Way Social Workers Intervene in Urban Communiy Public Service in China

【作者】 张立仙

【导师】 于萍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国社会工作是我国社会发展的现实需要,随着社会变迁我国进入社会转型期,社会矛盾和社会问题突显。与此同时,我国传统的单位制福利体制日益解体,我国公共服务呈现社区化供给趋势,社区居民对公共服务的需求也日益多样化和复杂化,社区成为化解社会矛盾、供给公共服务的重要阵地。而传统的社区工作者队伍已不能满足形势发展的需要。社会工作者介入城市社区公共服务势在必行。在此背景下,本文展开研究。本文主要研究探讨我国社会工作者介入城市社区公共服务的路径以及路径优化问题。在研究方法上主要以文献研究为主,以实证研究为辅。通过实地调研访谈济南市社区和对相关资料文献进行研究,在总结全国实践经验的基础上,本文概括提出了目前我国社会工作者介入城市社区公共服务的三种基本路径:一是通过在体制内部设置社会工作岗位介入,二是通过社区服务中心介入,三是以民间社工组织为依托,通过政府购买社工服务介入。并对这三种路径进行简要的SWOT分析,分析了其优势缺点以及未来发展的趋势。目前我国社会工作者在介入城市社区公共服务这一过程遇到诸多问题,路径并不畅通,本文对介入的困境及根源进行了分析,认为目前存在社工服务队伍难以满足服务需求、体制内部缺乏科学的社工岗位设置、社区服务中心社工行政化现象严重、民间社工组织发育不良、政府购买社工服务机制不完善以及社区居民有效参与不足等问题。其根源在于管理理念上重管理轻服务、在体制上遭遇制度瓶颈、在发展阶段上处于起步阶段。面对我国社会工作者介入城市社区公共服务存在的表面问题和深层次原因,本文提出了路径优化的对策:宏观层面,从创新社会管理体制、建设人民满意的服务型政府、建设社工人才队伍和社区公共服务入手,为社会工作者介入城市社区公共服务提供良好背景与环境;微观层面,从消解三种介入途径的体制障碍入手,进一步优化设置体制内部社工岗位、理顺政社关系正确定位社区服务中心、促进民间社工组织的发育、完善政府购买社工服务机制,以及调动社区居民参与的积极性。本文的研究具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。现阶段我国此领域的理论研究严重滞后于实践活动。虽然国内关于社会工作者和社区公共服务的单独研究较多,但将二者结合起来研究较少,本文选取社会工作者介入城市社区公共服的路径这一具体领域进行了细化研究,对于丰富此领域研究具有一定的理论意义。在实践中路径问题是关系社会工作者能否顺利介入社区公共服务、发挥应有作用的重大问题。只有路径通畅才能实现社工介入的“一举四得”:于政府层而,承接政府职能转变后的社会服务职能,有效弥补政府公共服务不足,提升了服务水准与效率;于社区层而,对创新公共服务方式、满足人民群众日益增长的社会服务需求、增强社区服务功能、提高社区居民自治能力、促进和谐社区建设具有重要意义;于社会工作者层而,参与社区公共服务提供是迅速壮大社会工作者队伍的最有效途径;于社会层而,对于化解社会矛盾、降低社会管理成本、维护社会稳定,促进社会和谐和公民社会的发育具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The emergence of China’s social work is the result of the social development in our country. Along with the social change, China entered into the period of social transition which has produced a lot of social contradictions and social problems. At the same time, the traditional welfare system in our country collapsed increasingly. The public services supply in our country trend to be presented by communities.The community has become an important positions to resolve social contradictions and to supply of public service. But the traditional community worker team cannot meet the needs of the situation development.It is imperative for social workers to involve in urban community public service.Under this background, this article launches the research.This article mainly studies the path and the optimization measures of social workers intervening in the urban community public service. This article mainly use the literature study method and the empirical research method. Through on-the-spot investigation of jinan communities and the study of the literature of related information, on the basis of summing up the practice experiences of our country, this paper proposed three basic intervention paths in our country at present:first,through installing social work posts in the internal system;second,through the community service center to provide professional services;third,through government perchasing the service of folk social work organizations to involved in community public service. At the same time,this article used SWOT analysis to analyses the advantages, disadvantages and the future development trend of these three paths.At present, social workers’ intervention encountered many problems. This paper analyses the predicament and its causes of the intervention. This paper argues that there exists many problems,for example, the internal system lack of scientific settings of social work post; community service center has been seriously administerization; the development civil society organizations is not sound;the government purchase mechanism is imperfect; lacking of community residents to participate effectively and so on.This article argues that the root lies in the idea of management of the government, the system bottlenecks, and the development stage.In the face of the problems and the deep level reasons,this paper puts forward the countermeasures of path optimization:from the macro level, we must innovate the social management system, to set up a service oriented government,and to set up a grand social workers team; form the micro level,we must to optimize the social work post settings in the internal system, to accurate positioning the role and function of community service center,to nurture and promote the development of social work organizations,to further improve the system of government purchases as well as to arouse the enthusiasm of community residents to participate in community public service.This article research has certain theoretical meanings and practical meanings. This article selects to study this specifi field which now lacking of related research seriously, has enriched the research of this field. In practice, the routing problem matters whether or not the social worker can enter the community public service smoothly. Only when the path unobstructed can realize the special values of social works’intervention in the community public serviccs:At government level, the social works can undertake the service function of government after its transition; At the community level,the socail works’intervention can meet the people’s growing social service demand, strengthen the function of community service, improve the ability of community residents autonomy and promote the harmonious community construction; At the social workers level,the social works’intervention can promote the growing of social workers team; At the social level, the social works’intervention can resolve social contradictions,lower the society management cost,maintain social stability, promote social harmony and the development of civil society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D669.3;C916
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】787

