

The Translation and Influence of Lin Yutang in Korea

【作者】 张懿田

【导师】 牛林杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 亚非语言文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 林语堂在20世纪20年代末被丁来东介绍到了韩国,1940年韩国九人会的成员之一朴泰远在杂志《三千里》中连载翻译了《京华烟云》中的一部分,首次将林语堂的作品介绍到韩国,自此林语堂作品在韩国的译介已经有七十多年的历史,韩国对林语堂的译介与研究一直都没有中断,林语堂也成为深受韩国文人与民众喜爱与尊敬的文人。林语堂的作品在韩国被译介的中国作品中占据了很大比重并且有广泛的韩国读者群,无论在思想上和文学上都对现代韩国人和韩国文坛产生了重大影响,但是对于这一重要问题的研究目前还处于空白。另外,林语堂的思想及其文学作品如何超越了民族、国家、文化以及语言的障碍,被译介到韩国并被韩国民众接受也缺少具体而细致的研究。本论文通过阐明林语堂作品在韩国的译介过程,以及他与韩国文人的交流,分析在译介及交流过程中林语堂在韩国的具体接受过程以及对韩国产生的影响。本论文首先梳理了林语堂作品在韩国的译介情况,分析每个阶段的时代背景、主要特点与作品情况,40年代是林语堂作品在韩国译介的起步时期,1953年对峙局面的终结使韩国国内对中国现代文学的翻译进入了一个新时期,林语堂的几部主要作品也是在这个时期被介绍到韩国。60-80年代是韩国译介林语堂作品的稳步发展时期,80年代之前韩国对中国文学的译介在散文领域主要是对林语堂散文的译介。1992年中韩建交之后,韩国对我国文学作品的翻译进入了-个新的发展时期,这一时期韩国对林语堂作品的译介也进入了全面发展的时期。这一时期的翻译几乎涉及到了林语堂的全部小说及大部分散文作品。另外本文从体裁、作品、译者三方面分析林语堂作品在韩国译介的特点,主要表现为散文译介占据林语堂作品译介的较大比重,主要集中在《生活的发现》、《人生的盛宴》等几部散文代表作的译介。20世纪60年代末与70年代初林语堂曾两度出访韩国,出席在韩国举行的世界大学校长会议与世界笔会,期间他不仅做了大会的特别演讲,还在市民会馆以及西江大学为韩国青年人做了演讲,他的演讲在韩国引起了巨大的反响,对韩国青年学者产生了深远影响。林语堂在韩期间,也与韩国作家学者进行了直接的交流,他就东西方文化融合以及东方文学的西欧化问题与韩国作家崔仁勋和车柱环进行了深入的探讨。林语堂作品在韩国的译介及其与韩国文人的交流对韩国产生了重要的影响,特别是在20世纪50年代朝鲜战争至1978年中国改革开放的二十年间,中韩两国几乎断绝了直接的往来与人员交流,这期间林语堂在韩国大量的译介作品就更加珍贵,他成为了中韩两国文化交流的窗口,林语堂作品中所包含的闲适的生活态度、中西融合的文化以及他的幽默观得到了韩国文人学者与民众的广泛认可与接受,同时他积极肯定韩国的传统文化与精神,为中韩两国文化的交流与两国友谊的发展做出了贡献。

【Abstract】 Lin Yutang was introduced to Korea in the late1920s. Park Tae won translat ed part of the "Moment in Peking" in the magazine "Three Miles", which was the first time the works of Lin Yutang were introduced to South Korea. After that the translation activities of Lin Yutang’s works in Korea has never been stopped in70years. Lin Yutang has gotten reputation in literati and been resp ected by Korean people. His works in South Korea occupy a large proportion and a wide range of Korean audience, which has a major impact both in thou ght and literature of modern Korea. However, the study about it is still in a b lank. In addition, how Lin Yutang’s thought and his literature can transcend the barriers of ethnic, national, cultural and language then introduced to Korea is still lack of specific and detailed study. This thesis analyzed the specific recept ion process and the impact of Lin Yutang’s works in South Korea, by stating t he process of translation and the exchanges with the Korean literati.This thesis summarized the translation of Lin Yutang’s works in Korea, and a nalyzed every stage of the background and the main characteristic. The1940s is the start stage of Korean translation. In the year of1953, the translations of modern Chinese literature in Korea entered a new era, and Lin Yutang’s sever al major works were introduced to Korea during this period.1960s-80s is a pe riod of steady development of the Korean Translation of Lin Yutang works. Ch ina and South Korea established diplomatic relations in1992, caused the Korea n translation of literary works entered into a new period, and Korean translatio n of Lin Yutang works also entered a period of comprehensive development. T he translation in this period is almost about all of his novels and most of the prose works.This thesis analyzed the characteristics of translation in Korea of Lin Yutang works in three aspects:the genre, the works and the translator. Prose’s translati on occupies a large proportion of the translation, mainly concentrated in "the d iscovery of life",’life’s feast" and few other prose. In the late1960s and the early1970s, Lin Yutang has twice visited South Korea to attend the World Co nference of University Rectors held in Korea and World PEN. He not only ga ve special presentations to the General Assembly, but also made a presentation for Korea young people in the Civic Hall and Sogang University. His speech caused a huge response in Korea, and had a profound influence on the young scholars of Korea. Lin Yutang also had a direct communication with Korean writers and scholars. He conducted in-depth discussions on the fusion of Easter n and Western cultures at that time with the Korean writer Choi In hoon and Cha Chu whan.Lin Yutang works’translation in Korean and his exchanges with the Korean Scholars had a significant impact, especially in the period of1950s to1978, w ho became the window of cultural exchanges between China and South Korea.Lin Yutang’s attitude to life, the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures in hi s works, and his humour recognized and accepted by Korean writers and schol ars. He positively affirmed the traditional culture and spirit of Korean, contribu ting to the development of cultural exchange between China and South Korea and friendship between the two.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.6;I046
  • 【下载频次】251

