

One More Discussion about Anatman of Original Buddhism

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宗教学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 佛教创始人释迦牟尼,一生说法,言教甚多,而其中一以贯之的是“无我”思想。凡夫莫不有我,因为有我,于是有了无明,继而有了执著,进而产生了贪嗔痴的妄念与爱恨情仇的纠缠,于是人生便有了无尽的烦恼,成为一苦集道场。释迦牟尼关注现实人生的苦痛,并苦心寻求解脱之道。他觉悟的“无我”思想,道破人生的无常与虚幻的本质,教人们看破无常,破除我执,消除无明,从而断尽烦恼,证得清净自在之我。佛教的“无我”思想要求人们反归内心,证悟智慧,从内在实现人生之解脱,体现了佛教对现实人生的人文关怀。就佛教的“无我”思想,本文从四个方面分析之。首先探讨了佛教产生的背景。在思想方面,佛陀所处的时代思想大开放的时代,一片百家争鸣百花齐放的盛景。在这样的背景下,佛陀即对之前奥义书的思想进行了借鉴与吸收,又对同时代的思想做了批判与扬弃。在充分吸收利用可利用的智慧资源后,佛陀经过自己的苦思与创新,提出了不同于其他各家的“无我”思想。在政治方面:当时印度的政治制度是种姓制度。种姓制度是古代印度社会一种非常重要的制度,种姓制度的最大特点是等级分明,种姓不能混淆;在古印度的社会中,种姓是人最重要的属性,是人与人之间的根本差异,它对于个人命运有着决定性的影响。种姓制度的等级分明不可避免地造成了社会的隔阂,特权制度也催生了统治阶级的腐败。在这样的思想政治背景下,佛教产生了。其次本文论述了“无我”思想的理论依据——缘起论。缘起论揭示了人生的无常性与无我性,即世间无我,只有因果。然后本文分析了人类根深蒂固的有我思想产生的原因及其后果。人类的自我意识使人类成为有我的存在,它在赋予人神性的同时,又把人抛入了悲惨的境地。人类有我的对象性思维模式,造成了人与世界的断裂,也造成了人自身的分裂。人类的自我意识使人成为被抛弃的存在,是人类无助感与绝望感产生的根源。最后,本文分析了无我思想对于诊治时代弊病的积极意义。因此,对佛教的“无我”思想进行研究,从而挖掘出佛教思想的古老智慧,从而为现代人面临危机的解决提供有益的探索,是本文写作的初衷。

【Abstract】 Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism,has many teachings, one of his most important theory is anatman. Everybody aways thinks that there is an ego existing in this world, and there is avidya in people’s heart, and then there is desire, anger, ignorance, jealousy and pride. Avidya is the condition of confusing the permanent, pure, blissful and the Self with that which is impermanent, impure, painful and the not-self. The thought anatman is trying to bring all the people of the world out of the slumber of ignorance and bring them nearer to the facts of reality。Sakyamuni pay close attention to the pain of the realistic life,and try his best to find a way to make people’s life a little happy,and finally he found the way,that is anatman. The Buddhist thought anatman point out the the essence of life frankly,the world is aways changeable,and the life is illusory. Recognizing this, people will wipe out his ego-mind, and obtain the The wisdom of the Buddha. The Buddhist thought anatman requires people turn his attention to his heart inside, rather than the world outside. This point reflects the humanistic care of Buddhism.This article will analysis the anatman thought from four aspects. Firstly we will discuss the the thought background. There were many philosophy schools in the times which Buddha lived in.Making full use of the intellectual resources, Buddha established his original theory of anatman.And then we will introduce the political background,that is caste system in India. secondly this peper talk about the theoretical foundation of anatman, that is Dependent Origination. According to Dependent Origination,there is no ego in this world,there is only karma and no other things. Thirdly this parper analysised the reason why there is an ego in people’s thought. The self-consciousness makes human a divinity exsist, and at the same time brings people to a miserable condition. The self-consciousness is the root of helpless and despair. At last this paper discussed the modern significance of the thought anatman.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【下载频次】276

