

Urban Commercial Location Study Based on Space Syntax

【作者】 赵刚

【导师】 董睿;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,深入研究城市空间结构进而了解并利用其自身发展规律为城市规划建设服务,已是迫在眉睫。空间句法理论因其对空间主体性的强调和对空间拓扑结构的量化表达优势,而逐渐成为当前城市研究中不可或缺的模型构建手段之一。本文正是在空间句法轴线模型基础上,探讨了利用分层线性模型解决可塑性面积单元问题,从而对城市商业区位进行不同空间尺度句法解析的可行性,并以山东省济南市为例进行了城市商业区位的空间模型构建和预测应用,为今后进一步量化讨论城市空间结构与功能关系提供了有益参考。在具体研究中,本文以济南市控制性详细规划为基础,将山东省济南市划分为总体层次和个体层次两个空间结构研究尺度,并分别建立2011年和2020年济南两个层次的轴线模型,计算出各模型中轴线的连接度、控制值、全局整合度和局部整合度以代表其空间特性。然后,将2011年济南个体层次尺度下各商业地块的商业强度采用商业机能度进行量化,利用一般线性模型和分层线性模型分别进行商业强度和各空间句法参数值的回归对比分析,确定不同空间尺度下句法参数对商业区位的影响,并使用所建立的分层线性回归模型进行2020年商业区位预测,同时对济南市控制性详细规划进行评估。研究结果表明,不同尺度空间结构下的句法参数对于济南商业区位选择的影响是不同的:在片区尺度下,决定商业区位的主要因素是局部整合度和连接度:在城市尺度下,决定商业区位的主要因素是全局整合度和局部整合度。综合来看,济南城市商业区位主要受制于局部路网的局部整合度和连接度以及整体路网的全局整合度。能否深入认识并把握住这一城市空间结构与功能的内在发展规律,对于快速而有效地推进济南城市规划建设意义重大。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly rapid advance of urbanization in China, investigating and utilizing city space structure evolution principles to serve the city planning and construction are becoming more and more important. Space Syntax has became one of the most significant urban modeling methods for its emphases on space subjectivity and quantification. This paper discussed the feasibility of using Hierarchical Linear Model as a solution to Modifiable Areal Unit Problem and analyzing city commercial location under multi-scale spaces based on axial models, and then carried out a case study of Jinan to provide a reference for city spatio-functional form studies in future.In the case study, this paper set up city-level and district-level axial maps of Jinan in2011and2020according to Jinan City Regulatory Plan, and calculated the values of connectivity, control, integration n and integration3of each axis to reveal city spatial characteristics. General linear regression models and hierarchical linear models were exploited to investigate the relationship between spatial structure and commercial activity intensity which was quantified by C.B.D ratio. A prediction model was also constructed in terms of the two-level hierarchical linear model to find out the preferred commercial location of Jinan in2020and compare with the commercial distribution pattern proposed in regulatory plan. As the result suggested, the syntactic indexes under different spatial scales had different impacts on Jinan commercial location choice:in the district-level, the main influencing factors were integration3and connectivity; in the city-level, the main influencing factors were integration n and integration3. To sum up, the urban commercial locations were mainly determined by district-level integration3, connectivity and city-level integration n. This finding should be carefully considered in the process of city planning and construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

