

Experiences and Reflection

【作者】 施政

【导师】 葛忠明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 社会工作(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 作为一种新型的养老模式,社区居家养老模式近些年来在我国迅速发展,越来越多的城市和地区都采用了这种模式,在这一模式发展的过程中,既会出现许多成效和成果,也难免会出现一些问题和不足。因此,本文将研究主题放在了城市社区居家养老模式上,试图发现这一模式的得与失,并探究这些得与失背后的原因。本文是在生态系统理论的解释框架下来评价A机构的城市社区居家养老服务的,主要运用了参与式观察法的研究方法,并将长度访谈法的一些技巧运用到其中。通过研究,发现了社区居家养老模式的经验主要有以下五个方面:注重需求评估、注重老年人的日常生活照料和健康需求、注重老年人的精神需求、注重老年人的社会交往以及这个模式自身所具有的优势。另外,也发现了社区居家养老模式的四个不足之处:来自政府的投入不足、来自民间社会的支持不足、政府政策的不连续性以及社工机构和社会工作者受到的忽视。接着,对这些经验和问题进行了归囚,对经验的归因有以下五点:我国面临着严峻的养老问题、机构负责人与资源掌控者之间良好的私人关系、机构对于专业形象的维护、社工自身的素养以及社工与居委会密切的合作。导致出现问题的原因有以下三点:我国的经济发展水平不够高、政府有关领导人的变更以及社工自身的忽视。在结构的安排上,本文的主体分为五个部分。第一部分介绍了对城市社区居家养老服务进行研究的主题、内容、缘起和意义。第二部分进行了文献回顾,尤其是对城市社区居家养老方面的研究文献进行了回顾。第三部分阐明了本研究的解释框架和研究方法,即通过建立和借鉴一种理论,来说明如何评价A机构的城市社区居家养老服务。第四部分陈述了城市社区居家养老服务评估的经验和问题。第五部分就针对上一部分所提到的经验与问题进行归因,为解释部分。

【Abstract】 As a new service model, community-based elderly care program developed rapidly in recent years, and more and more cities and regions have adopted this mode. In the process of the development of this model, not only many effect and results but also some problems and deficiencies came up. Hence, this article focuses the theme of the research on the community-based elderly care model, trying to find the gain and loss of it and explore the reasons behind. This article assesses urban community-based elderly care service in the explanatory framework of ecosystem theory, and uses the research method of participant observations, and the skills of the Long Interview are employed. Through the study, I find that the experience of the community-based elderly care model is mainly manifested in five aspects:paying attention to the needs assessment, the daily life care and health needs of the old people, the spiritual needs and social interaction of the aged, and the advantages of this model. In addition, the study also finds four disadvantages. The disadvantages are the lack of the inputs from the government and the support from civil society, the discontinuity of government policies, and the ignorance of social work agencies and social workers. Then, the paper analyzes the experiences and questions. Experiences" Attribution includes five points:our country facing severe pension problems, good personal relations between agency heads and resource controllers, the agency maintaining on professional images, social workers" accomplishment and close cooperation between social workers and neighborhood committees. The reasons causing problems contain three points:economic development level not high enough in our country, changes of relevant leaders and social workers*ignorance.In terms of the structure, the body of this article is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the topic, background and origin and significance of the research. The second part is literature review; especially about the study of community-based elderly care service. The third part illustrates the explanatory framework and research methods. It is that through establishing and looking from a theory, to illustrate how to evaluate the community-based elderly care service of the agency A. The fourth part represents the experience and questions of the evaluation of community-based elderly care service. The fifth part analyzes the experience and questions mentioned in the last part.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D669.3;D669.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】542

