

The Development and Supervision of Mobile Banking Service in China

【作者】 袁萍萍

【导师】 孙天琦;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 金融(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 1996年,捷克斯洛伐克推出了世界上第一个商业性运作的手机银行,其后,各国商业银行也纷纷推出手机银行业务。如今,历经近20年的进化与升级,手机银行已经成长为众多金融机构提供的一项非常普遍的金融服务。从全球的整体发展状况来看,欧美地区的手机银行起步较早,但受传统的消费习惯影响,手机银行尚未成为主流的支付方式;日韩手机银行的发展最为成熟,用户接受度较高;菲律宾、肯尼亚等发展中国家变革性的手机银行,依托发达的零售代理商网络,拓宽了农村的金融服务渠道,为低收入人群获取正规金融服务提供了便利。国内的手机银行业务兴起于1999年。后几经波折,近年来,由于3G网络的推广、智能手机的普及以及各项政策措施的出台与完善,我国的手机银行业务迎来了一个快速发展的阶段。商业银行、移动运营商、第三方支付企业等各参与主体,不断推出更加方便、快捷、个性化的手机银行产品,以抢占市场地位与市场份额,尤其是在手机支付领域展开了激烈的市场竞争。相对于手机银行发展的如火如荼,国内对该业务的监管却一直处于比较滞后的状态。而手机银行作为一种新型的金融服务,有其特有的风险与安全问题,需要予以适当的监管。因此,亟需对当前我国手机银行的监管现状进行分析,并提出切实有效的完善改革建议。本文从国内手机银行的发展现状和监管现状两个方面展开分析,指出现阶段我国手机银行业务的诸多监管漏洞,比如,手机银行监管法律体系不完善、监管部门之间协调性差,缺乏信息披露制度,缺乏对金融消费者权益的保护。在文章的最后,笔者借鉴国际上手机银行的发展现实和监管经验,提出了完善手机银行监管的对策建议,以保证既能有效地控制业务风险,维持行业稳定发展,又能够确定公平的竞争原则,为手机银行创造良性的市场竞争环境。

【Abstract】 In1996, Czechoslovakia introduced the world’s first mobile banking service. Subsequently, commercial banks around the world have launched mobile banking. Now, after nearly20years of evolution and upgrade, mobile banking has grown to be a very common financial serviee supplied by financial institutions.Globally, mobile banking started earlier in Hurope and America, but it has not yet become a mainstream method of payment due to the traditional consumption habits. In Japan and South Korea, mobile banking is pretty mature and has a high user acceptance. Mobile banking in Philippines and Kenya, relying on well-developed retail network, has broaden access to financial services for low-income people.Mobile banking in our country arose in1999. In recent years, due to the introduction of3G networks, the popularity of smart phones and the promotion of relevant policies, mobile banking in China has been experiencing a stage of rapid development. Commercial banks, mobile operators as well as third-party payment enterprises have introduced more convenient and personalized mobile banking products to capture the market share. Especially in the field of mobile payments, the competition is fierce.With respect to the repaid development of mobile banking, the supervision lagged behind in our country. As a new type of financial services, mobile banking with its unique risk and safety issues need proper supervision. Therefore, it is urgent to analyze the current regulatory status ol China’s mobile banking, and propose effective improvement proposals.This article analyzes the current status of the development and supervision ol domestic mobile banking. Then it points out that there are still many regulatory loopholes of China’s mobile banking at this stage, such as imperfection of mobile banking regulatory legal system, poor coordination among the regulatory authorities, lack of information disclosure and financial consumer protection. At the end of the article, based on the regulatory experience of mobile banking in other countries, the author puts forward suggestions to improve the mobile banking supervision so that it can not only effectively control the business risk and protect the industry develop stably, but also build up fair competition principles and create a healthy competitive environment for mobile banking.

【关键词】 手机银行移动支付监管对策
【Key words】 Mobile BankingMobile paymentRegulation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1671

