

The Writing of Daily Life and the Ironic Artistical Expression on the Creation of Bi Feiyu’s Novels

【作者】 司雪

【导师】 张红军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 本文主要运用文本细读的方法,对毕飞宇小说日常生活书写形态及反讽艺术表达进行深入研究。文章分为上下两篇,上篇为日常生活书写。日常生活书写是毕飞宇的小说中不可缺少的一部分,日常生活构成了其小说的一种场景,一种底色,这种底色是轻盈的,但又蕴含着沉重之思。毕飞宇小说的日常生活主要表现为乡村日常生活和城市日常生活两种形态,通过对被异化的乡村日常生活及城市日常生活的苦闷、欲望、边缘的书写,毕飞宇表现出其对普通人命运与生存状态的关注。下篇为反讽的艺术表达。在毕飞宇的小说中,反讽是一种常见的艺术表达方式。对毕飞宇而言,反讽不仅仅是一种单纯的修辞方法、叙事手法,也是一种看待世界的方式。毕飞宇运用反讽这种艺术表达手法介入日常生活书写,将反讽的锋芒指向日常生活,揭露日常生活背后的“文化之鬼”以及历史叙述的荒谬,表达自己的沉重之思。具体而言,在微观上,毕飞宇主要运用修辞论反讽、叙事论反讽的艺术表达效果,实现了文本叙述层面上轻盈与沉重的融合。在此基础上,他又从存在论反讽的宏观立场出发,将反讽作为一种认知世界的方式,以反讽的姿态驻足,通过对人们日常生活的书写,实现其对历史及历史叙述的解构,对民族文化心理的反思,以此关注人们的命运,关注人们的历史和现实处境。

【Abstract】 Through intensive reading of the text, this thesis studies thoroughly the writing morphology of daily life and the ironic art of Bi Feiyu’s novels.It contains two parts, the first part of which is about the writing morphology of daily life, an inseparable part in Bi Feiyu’s novels. In his novels, daily life, insist of that in rural area and that in urban area, has been a certain scene and a certain background that embodies his deep thought with a lightsome style. Through the description of the depression, desire and helplessness in both rural and urban daily life that have been alienated, Bi Feiyu shows his concern to the fortune and living state of ordinary people.The second part is about the ironic art, which is a common way of artistic expression in Bi Feiyu’s novels. Irony is, in his eyes, not only a rhetorical devise or a narrative technique, but a way to see the world as well. Adding ironic art to the writing of daily life, he analyzes the irony in daily life and exposes the ridiculousness of the "cultural ghost" behind daily life and the historical narration to express his deep thought. Specifically, he employs ironic art on rhetorical devises and ironical art on narrative devises on a micro level to realize the combination of lightsomeness and heaviness on text narrative level, based on which, he analyzes the ironic art on ontology on a macro level regarding irony as a way to perceive the world and realizes the deconstruction of histories and historical narrations and the introspection of the national cultural psychology by writing people’s daily life, to concern about their fortunes as well as their historical and realistic situation.

【关键词】 毕飞宇日常生活反讽
【Key words】 Bi FeiyuDaily LifeIronic Art
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】271

