

The Exploration about Tangshan Dialect Words in"Dream of Red Mansions"

【作者】 高超

【导师】 孙剑艺;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 《红楼梦》具有雅俗共赏的独特的语言风格,是语言研究的典范之作。《红楼梦》中方言词语的使用以18世纪的北京话为基础,并糅合运用了具有各自特色的地域方言词语。本文从唐山方言的角度结合唐山方言词汇语音特点对这类词语进行探析,探析原则为唐山方言中确实存在并日常使用的词语,但不排除其他方言也正在使用的情况。首先,对唐山方言词语运用特点作了概括性说明,结合《红楼梦》中的词语示例,从词形、词义角度对出现在《红楼梦》中与之相契合的唐山方言词语进行了对比统计。其次,按照音节标准对词语进行分类,主要划分为单音节词语、双音节词语、三音节词语和多音节词语。在第三章中针对单音节、双音节、三音节词语进行了分类解析,音节标准之下根据词性、构词方式、词义内容进行分类,按不同词语的不同义项进行归类。在词语释义上,以《红楼梦》专书词典为依据,选取部分词语结合文中实例从唐山方言角度进行解析,与词典义项不同的,单独列出详细阐述;词典义项不全面而本方言中存在并使用着的,补足义项和示例;认为词典释义不符合具体语境的,详细说明理由,并对部分词语结合了唐山方言语音特点进行了说明。在第三章最后一节,选取了四个典型词语“各人、起去、见问、见说”进行了详细的论述。最后一部分着重对多音节词语进行探析,主要选取了《红楼梦》中的方言熟语进行例释,并从惯用语、谚语、歇后语的角度按不同分类标准对其含义内容进行解说,以期对《红楼梦》中的方言词语概貌有一个全面的认识。

【Abstract】 With the tastes of the unique language style, The Dream of Red Mansions is a model for language study. Basing on the Beijing dialect words of18th century, Dream of Red Mansions mixed with different regional dialect words which own distinctive characteristics. This thesis is to make an exploration from the point of view of the Tangshan dialect, combined of Tangshan dialect vocabulary speech characteristics. The analysis is not only on the principle of existence and everyday use of Tangshan dialect words, but also not rule out other dialects which are being used.First of all, we make a general description about the characteristics of Tangshan dialect words. Combined with the example of the words in Dream of Red Mansions, we make statistics about the meaning and morphology. Secondly, we classify the words in accordance with the syllables standards, mainly divided into monosyllabic words, two-syllable words, three-syllable words and multi-syllable words. In the third chapter, classify the different type words. Under the standards of Syllable, according to the part of speech, word formation, meaning content, classify the different meanings of different words.Word interpretation, based on the dictionary of Dream of Red Mansions, Selecting the part of the words together with text examples, we do analysis from the angle of Tangshan dialect. List them separately if different dictionary have different meanings. Do some supplement about the senses and examples if dictionary meanings are not comprehensive and the dialect are using. That the dictionary definition does not meet the specific context, making detailed justification. And also, we make an explanation on the part of the words combined of Tangshan dialect voice characteristics.The last part focused on the multi-syllable words, Select the dialect Sayings of Dream of Red Mansions. According to the classification criteria about phraseology, we make content explanation about idioms and Allegorical Sayings, in order to have a comprehensive understanding about the dialect words of Dream of Red Mansions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】H172.1;I207.411
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】268

