

Research the Renewal of Beijing Historical Sites Parks in the View of"Innovating with the Tradition"

【作者】 阳烨

【导师】 刘志成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 北京作为一座历史悠久的文化名城,底蕴深厚,历史文化资源丰富。它拥有大量的历史遗迹公园,但随着城市的发展,许多公园已经变得老化破旧,如基础设施陈旧,植物破坏严重,不能满足现代居民的精神与物质需求,因此对北京市历史遗迹公园的改造显的尤其的重要。本文将研究对象界定为“基地本身具有一定历史遗存、历史文化遗产,经后人在此基础上保护改造后而形成的公园”。为保证研究的实践意义,研究对象主要针对北京具有代表性的依靠历史遗迹建造的公园如皇城根遗址公园、菖蒲河公园等,也包括一些中小型的历史名园如日坛、月坛公园。研究对具有代表性的北京历史遗迹公园进行大量的调研分析,以“与古为新”的理念,结合国内外有关历史文化遗产保护的相关理论,从宏观方面提出了北京历史遗迹公园改造的四点原则:保护、传承、创新、流变。同时提出了保护的具体方法:整体性保护与原真性保护、把握历史遗迹公园的“意”、传承中国传统造园手法、继承与发展传统园林符号、应用现代工艺与新材料。从微观方面提出对历史遗迹公园中:植物、建筑、水体、地形、小品的具体改造方法。研究旨在建造一个吸取中国传统造园艺术精华,集传统与现代于一体的,既能保证公园的历史文脉的延续;又能适应时代需求的,具有鲜明地域特色的历史遗迹公园。

【Abstract】 Beijing is a beautiful city which renowned for its historical and cultural resources.There is a lot of historic sites parks in Beijing. With the development of the times, there are a large number of parks becoming ageing. Such as old Infrastructure, broken plants, etc. So, it is particularly important to have an update."Historic Sites Parks" is the object of the article. To ensure the practical significance, the study aims at the parks which is constructed depend on historical site such as Huangchenggen Park and Changpuhe Park, also include some small and medium size famous history parks such as Ritan Park and YuetanPark.The article which makes an on-the-spot investigation in historic sites parks of Beijing, introduce the idea of’innovating with the tradition", combine with correlation theory obtained:Four principles:protection, inherit, innovate, rheology.Four methods:whole protect and authenticity protect, grasp the artistic conception, promote traditional gardening technique, Inheriting traditional garden symbols.The study discussed probable approaches of transform about plant, construction, water, landform and sketch in historic sites parks.This study aims at how to keep the historic culture standing in the historic sites parks as well as ensure it being suitable for a modern life.


