

Research on BL-SCFB-6Fluidized Bed Equipment for Biomass Fast Pyrolysis

【作者】 李龙

【导师】 司慧;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 流化床生物质快速热解技术是一种高效的化学转化方法,可以将品位较低的林木剩余物等生物质资源转化成高附加值的化工产品或者清洁能源。本文在总结现有的国内外关于生物质快速热解技术研究的基础上,从产业化中试的角度出发,对热解工艺进行优化、对关键设备进行设计、对设备安装及调试过程进行规划,为我国生物质快速热解技术产业化发展及解决设备放大后的设计和优化提供基础。研制出一套年处理能力为1000吨的BL-SCFB-6型流化床生物质快速热解设备,并合理优化了热解工艺流程;研发了一套处理量为150kg/h的螺旋进料器,集成关风器、冷却水套、密封件等关键部件,解决了进料器存在的物料反喷、进料管温度过高、轴端密封不严等问题。通过冷态实验,掌握了螺旋进料器的进料情况以及转速和压力对进料的影响;研发了分段式流化床反应器并对布风板进行了优化设计;研发了筛板式冷凝塔,并通过流体力学加以验算;按设计要求绘制了设备平面布置图并编制了设备安装及调试方案,初步制定了设备安装、试压检漏、单体调试、联动调试及投料试车等操作规程。

【Abstract】 Fluidized bed biomass fast pyrolysis technology is a highly efficient chemical conversion method which can transform the low-grade biomass into high quality bio-fuel or high value-added chemical products. Based on the summary of the existing domestic and international research on biomass fast pyrolysis technologies, this study not only propose the optimization of pyrolysis process, the design of key equipment, the planning of equipment installation and commissioning process in a pilot’s point of view, but also provide a theoretical basis for our industrial technology development of biomass fast pyrolysis and the design and optimization of the device amplified.Developed a set of annual processing capacity of1,000tons of BL-SCFB-6-type fluidized bed biomass fast pyrolysis equipment, and reasonable optimize the pyrolysis process. Design a handling capacity of150kg/h screw feeder and integrate key components of the airlock, the cooling water jacket, seal component, and solve anti-spray, high temperature of feed tube, the shaft end sealing and other issues. Through cold state experiment, comprehend the feeding state of the screw feeder, as well as the influence of the speed and pressure. Design segmented fluidized bed reactor and to optimize the design of air distribution plate; Design sieve-condensing tower, checking through fluid dynamics; According to the design requirements of the equipment installation and commissioning programs, drawn equipment layout plan and describe the operating procedures Preliminary include equipment installation, pressure test leak detection, monomer debugging, linkage commissioning and put to trial.


