

A Study on Jewish Political Participation and Its Cultural Roots in the United States

【作者】 任月芳

【导师】 李兵;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 美国犹太人口不足600万,仅占美国总人口的2.3%。然而,就是这样一个少数族群,却在美国社会、经济、文化、政治等领域发挥着与其人口及不相称的巨大影响。一个千年流散、苦难深重,但又自强不息、富于创造、走势强劲的民族,在美国这样一个充满自由主义色彩的现代国家,犹太民族的传承和发展吸引众多研究者的目光,是研究的热点问题。美国犹太人走向公民的地位过程中,逐步发育的政治意识,亘古未有的参与政治、影响政治这种现象很引人注目。独树一帜的美国犹太政治对美国的政治决策有重大影响。美国犹太人的从政现象与以往任何时候都不一样,究其原因是多方面的。本文着眼讨论美国犹太人参政现象背后的文化根源。认为犹太人从政离不开文化因素的推动。分别从内部及外部两个维度探讨文化因素。内部因素主要从三个方面展开:美国犹太人的内聚力对其从政的影响,民族悲情和大屠杀记忆对其参政的进步推动,以及以色列的建立为其参政提供了源源不断的精神动力。外部因素主要从美国的政治文化特征为犹太人从政提供了机会和可能,美国较弱的反犹主义氛围,以及美国主流文化对犹太人的接纳三方面进行阐述。本文认为:文化因素在美国犹太人参政中,起到不可忽视的推动作用。一方面,美国犹太人热衷参与政治、影响政治的现象深深根植于本民族的文化。美国犹太文化作为犹太政治的精神母本,影响着犹太政治的走向及命运。另一方面,美国犹太人参与政治,不断发展壮大,形成强大的犹太政治势力也离不开美国特定的文化滋养。更加自由、平等的美国文化土壤是他们在政治上取得成功的重要的外部文化因素。

【Abstract】 Less than6million, American Jews account for only2.3percent of the U.S. population. They were once marginalized and even ignored for a long time, now considered as a powerful ethnic group that wields profoundly influence on American society. History witnesses the prosperous course of Jews American. The fate of Jews in the United States seems not the same as the past. Jewish Americans, exiled for over two thousand years with strong spirits, strive for their survival in the New Land. Jewish politics is the hot issues in research.During the process of pursuing the rights as American citizens, American Jews have cultivated the political awareness and taken part proactively in politics and wielded significant impact on American political affairs. It is the image of disproportionate Jewish political power that makes research so intriguing. The impacts they exerted on is extraordinary prominent. The influence American Jews have made in the United States that elsewhere can hardly compared with.This unique political phenomenon is not coincident but closely connected with complex factors, including the economic, religious, social and cultural elements. The paper concentrates on the perspective of cultural causes for the Jewish political participation, trying to examine two levels of cultural roots---namely the internal cultural causes to prompt Jewish Americans to involve in politics and the external cultural atmosphere that provides a more liberal and tolerate culture climate for them to climb up the ladder of politics. The internal cultural roots mainly constitute of the Jewish strong cohesion, the Holocaust as acted a spur to awakening of their political consciousness and the spiritual of their political actions. For the external cultural roots, it examines the aspects of the political system of the United States which opens doors and opportunities for American Jews to engage in political issues, the weak anti-Semitic cultural climate and the acceptance of the mainstream white culture.The thesis holds that cultural causes play significant roles in Jewish political participation. One the one hand, American Jewish enthusiastic political practice and acts are embedded deeply in Jewish culture. Taken as the spiritual force in their political engagement, Jewish culture will definitely influence their political direction and future. On the other hand, the profound impact they have exerted on American politics links closely with the cultural environment of the United States. Its freedom and tolerant atmosphere cultivates the Jewish power in political arena.


