

The Research on the International Competitiveness of Solar Energy Photovoltaic Industry in China

【作者】 焦隆

【导师】 吴红梅;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着能源与环境的压力不断加大,世界各国日益重视新能源的开发,光伏产品贸易也随着产业的发展高速增长,但伴随着全球金融危机和欧债危机,世界光伏市场增长放缓,美国和欧盟分别对中国启动的反倾销调查,使得严重依赖外需的中国光伏企业雪上加霜,中国光伏产业也到了整合的关键时期。本文以产业竞争力理论为基础,结合“钻石模型”的主体框架,采用定性和定量分析等思路,从产业链、市场、贸易、政策等多角度出发,结合描述性分析、案例分析、政策对比等手段,探究中国太阳能光伏产业发展的问题和困境,发现结构性产能过剩、产业结构不合理、严重依赖外需、内需严重不足是制约中国太阳能光伏发展的主要问题。进而,本文结合2000-2011年中国光伏产业相关数据,通过协整检验、Granger因果关系检验、ECM模型等方法,找出中国光伏产业国际竞争力的影响因素,发现高技术产业和制造业的整体实力、人力资本投入在短期和长期都具有显著影响,固定资产投入的长期影响比短期显著,R&D投入在短期内会起到促进作用,而长期来看,竞争力的增长会反馈R&D投入。最后,本文针对所探究到的问题,为中国太阳能光伏产业发展提出合理化、可行性建议。

【Abstract】 With the increasing pressure from energy and environmental problems, the world has paid more attention to the development of new energy sources in recent years, which brings the booming growth of photovoltaic (PV) products trade together with the whole industry. However, since PV enterprises in China highly rely on overseas market demands, the rapid pace of PV market has been held back by international financial crisis and European debt crisis, while the anti-dumping investigation launched by America and EU has made the situation even worse. Now is the crucial moment for integration of PV industry in China.This paper made an investigation on the problems and dilemma of current situation for PV industry in China. Based on Industrial competitiveness theory and Michael Porter diamond Model, this paper made an analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively from various perspectives, as industry chain, market, trading and impact of policy environment in ways of descriptive analysis, case study and policy comparison, etc. A series of restrictions on Chinese PV market have been identified.Furthermore, by means of Co-integration test, Granger causality tests and ECM model, this paper analyses the relevant figures of Chinese PV industry from year2000to2011to find out the factors that have impact on the international competitiveness of Chinese PV industry. The result indicates that the overall strength of high-tech and manufacturing industry, the investment of human resources, fixed assets and R&D has impact in both short and long run. In the end, this paper gives reasonable and workable international strategy for further development of solar energy photovoltaic industry in China.

【关键词】 新能源太阳能光伏产业竞争力
【Key words】 new energy sourcessolar energyPV industrycompetitiveness

