

Study on the Post Occupency Evaluation in Comprehensive Park

【作者】 姜莎莎

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 公园是城市人群接近自然的主要场所,本文以海淀公园为例,应用环境心理学、环境行为学理论为基础,通过使用状况评价方法,对其进行全面调研与分析;并通过研究海淀公园修建的背景与当前面临的新形势,如社会的发展、周边环境的改变、群众需求的变化等问题,提出对海淀公园的发展有参考价值的改造提升策略。通过对使用人群的调查与作者本人的参与观察,分析海淀公园各构成要素的使用与存在问题,空间使用状况与利用方式,辨别哪些空间是受人们欢迎的,哪些空间是不受人们欢迎的,并对其原因与问题进行分析;同时对公园的使用人群、活动时空分布、活动类型、主观意向进行了全面的调查与分析,为公园的评价与改造提供客观依据。针对以上调查研究结果提出相应的改进措施和设计建议:1、构建满足不同年龄段游客需求的公园,关注主要使用人群;2、结合公园使用中存在问题进行改建,提升公园满意度;3、根据游客分布状况,适当增加服务设施;4、加强对历史文脉的延续与继承,突出时代需求;5、突出区位优势,运用高新技术与先进造园理念;6、优化公园管理机制。把海淀公园建设成一个可持续的、以人为本的、有历史文化内涵的现代城市公园。此论文将使用者的需求与城市公园改造相结合,为类似的综合性公园改造提供依据与参考。

【Abstract】 Parks can make people close to the nature in cities.The study evaluated the HaiDian Park by the methods of use states, based on environmental psychology and environment behavior theory.Then the study praised the trategies to improve the park through new theories of building city, based on the backgrounds and new states, such as social development,changes of the surrounding environment and the new needs of people.Based on the questionnaires and observations myself, the study analysised the using states of the constituent elements and found the problmes; the using state and method of every space, to find out the welcome and unpopularity parts and the reasons for those spaces; analysised the crowds in the park, the distribution of activity space, the kinds and time of activities, the minds of acts completely.Based on the results of above investigations, the study gave measures and advice to improve and creat a new morden park, with sustainable development, spirit of people oriented and the cultural connotation. The study could give advice to reform parks, based on acts of reforming parks and needs of users.


