

Ecological Infrastructure and Construction Strategy Of City Parks

【作者】 刘艺青

【导师】 刘志成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 我国园林设计的生态内涵在历史上就由来已久,而在现代,国内外的风景园林生态设计在业内也已经有较长时间的理论实践探索。针对传统生态设计多局限在具体微观技术层面这一问题,本文尝试将生态基础设施(EI)的概念引入城市园林建设中,对公园绿地的建设提出系统性的相关策略与建议。文章采用了比较研究、文献查阅、实地调查以及综合系统整合的方法,对风景园林生态设计、公园绿地发展以及生态基础设施等相关国内外理论与实践做出研究、分析与综合,并对相关案例进行实地调查研究。作为生态基础设施的构成环节,公园绿地发挥了一系列生态服务功能,包括:生态系统自身做功、环境改善与维护、生物多样性保护、文化历史延续、防灾避难、美学与游憩等等。在功能实现过程中,着重考虑了生态环境的系统性和联系性,强调与周围更大尺度区域绿地的联合做功。生态基础设施的建设主要分为三个层面:宏观(区域)-中观(城区)-微观(场地),当我们关注于公园绿地的设计建设时,首先要在宏观生态系统联通性的战略原则指导下,通过对公园绿地的完善,完善其在区域尺度与周边各类绿色空间的联系性,保证生物、物质、能量联系通道的畅通性;其次,保护中观尺度各类绿色廊道的建立与维护,公园通过这些廊道的存在,作为节点发挥物种保护、历史维系等功能;最后,通过指导微观尺度的生态技术应用,使得公园内部能够在节能、防洪、教育、游览以及多样性乡土性保护等各个方面发挥作用。前人对宏观、中观的EI建设已经做出了较为广泛的研究,本文则试图主要从微观角度着重分析单体公园绿地的建设技术措施,并结合中观地区性的绿地联系进行少量探讨。北京奥林匹克森林公园是我国为迎接2008年北京奥运会而营建的运用了众多先进理念与技术的大型城市综合绿地公园,其建设过程中很多理念与方法符合了作为生态基础设施要素的公园建设要求。通过对其进行分析,结合前人的理论实践研究,文章总结出一套按照生态基础设施建设的需求与指导,公园绿地在设计建设过程中应该遵循的一些策略,以期对未来的城市公园建设提供不同层面与尺度的建设帮助。主要策略有以下六个方面:(1)保持生态基础设施系统的连续性:(2)尊重环境的原生状况;(3)建立和维护多样化的乡土生境;(4)恢复与维护湿地;(5)应用清洁能源、节约利用资源;(6)建立绿色文化遗产保护廊道。

【Abstract】 In the Early history of our country’s garden design, the ecological connotation has been reflected. In modern times, no matter at home and abroad, landscape eco-design theory and practice has also been explored in the designing industry for a longer time. Concerning that the previous ecological garden design methods focused mostly on the level of construction methods, this paper attempts to introduce the concept of Ecological Infrastructure into the urban landscape design area, and make suggestions and strategies about the building of city parks.Adopting the methods of comparative study,literature review,field surveys as well as systematic integration, the article makes a comprehensive analysis of practice of landscape eco-design, the development of green parks and the relative theory of ecological infrastructure at home and abroad, and then made certain research of the related park cases.Traditionally, city parks mainly play the role of provider of pleasant scenery and relaxing spaces. However, when city parks are considered as an integral part of the ecological infrastructure, they should serve as a kind of the natural environment to provide certain ecological services which include: ecosystem acting, environmental improvement and maintenance, biodiversity conservation, cultural and historical continuity, disaster prevention, aesthetics and recreation, etc. The main difference with previous ecological design is that it focuses on keeping the systematicness and contact of ecological environment, emphasizing the joint work done with the surrounding larger-scale regional green.El has been applied in three levels:macro(regional)-meso(city)-micro(venue). When concerned with the design and construction of city parks, we should follow the systematicness principle of eco-system in the macro level in the first place,and perfect the city parks’s connections with surrounding green spaces in the urban dimension to ensure the smooth flow of biological, physical, energy contact channel.Secondly, we should focus on the establishment and maintenance of various types of green corridors, with which parks are able to play as nodes to conserve species and maintain history. Finally, through the guidance of micro-scale eco-technology applications, the parks themselves can play a role in all aspects of energy conservation, flood control, education, tour and diversity of local protection. Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a large urban green park established to meet the2008Beijing Olympic Games, whose construction has concentrated a large number of advanced concepts and techniques. Besides, a lot of concepts and methods during its building are in line with the construction requirements of parks as ecological infrastructure. Combining analysis of the park and the previous research, the article summarized some strategies which park construction should follow under the guidance of EL The main contents include:(1) to maintain the continuity of the ecological infrastructure system;(2)respect to the native status of the environment;(3) diverse native habitats establishment and maintenance;(4) wetlands restoration and maintenance;(5) the application of clean energy and economical use of resources;(6) the establishment of cultural heritage conservation corridor.


