

Carbon Storage and Characteristics of Carbon Pool of Poplar Plantations in Heze Shandong

【作者】 刘诗琦

【导师】 贾黎明; 杨军;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以山东菏泽杨树人工林为研究对象,基于地面调查和Landsat5TM影像,在GIS和ENVI等软件的支持下,建立生物量估算模型,对该市2011年杨树人工林碳储量、碳贮库特征、碳密度及其空间分布进行了研究,并对东明县2000-2011年间杨树林碳储量时空动态进行了分析,为菏泽市乃至整个鲁西黄泛平原区杨树人工林更好地发挥碳汇功能奠定基础,也为区域杨树人工林碳储量的测算提供参考。研究结果充分展示了我国区域杨树人工林巨大的碳汇能力,表明大力发展杨树速生丰产林,对提高我国森林总体固碳增汇水平,增强我国国际竞争力作用巨大。主要结论如下:1、中菏1号、中菏2号和欧美107杨为目前菏泽市杨树人工林固碳增汇的首选品种,各品种固碳能力为中菏1号>中菏2号>欧美107杨。3-9年生杨树幼龄林为该市森林固碳增汇主体,也是当地杨树人工林碳汇潜力所在。建议在保证当地杨树用材林面积的前提下,将轮伐期延长至13~14年,并大力发展农田、道路及河岸防护林,以更大程度地发挥当地杨树人工林固碳增汇水平。2、基于TM遥感影像的菏泽市杨树人工林生物量估算模型B=1765.412+7378.884ln(ρ4)+2113.781×(1/ρ√)+14.541×(1/ρ1),自变量少,模型复相关系数达0.754,其生物量拟合值与实测值间的平均相对误差仅为7.65%,预测精度较高,能较好地估算菏泽市杨树人工林生物量,可为区域杨树人工林碳储量的研究提供参考。3、菏泽市杨树人工林是当地森林碳汇的主体,是山东省森林植被碳汇的重要组成部分,固碳增汇水平在全国杨树林平均水平之上。2011年,该市杨树人工林面积为31.79万hm2,碳储量为13.93Tg,碳密度为43.82t/hm2。73.22%的杨树人工林碳密度小于57t/hm2,且较均匀地分布在整个菏泽地区。4、菏泽市国有林场林地碳储量为0.321Tg,植被和土壤碳储量分别为0.174和0.147Tg,林木碳储量占植被的97.9%,固碳增汇主要依靠林木;林地碳密度为74.74t/hm2,林木和土壤碳密度分别为39.67和34.--1t/hm2。4、5、6、7、9年生杨树林林木碳密度分别为28.54、34.45、36.51、41.24和44.80t/hm2。国有林场,村庄片林,农田、道路及河岸林网单株杨树碳储量分别为56.86、43.72、78.84、69.86和43.01kg/株。5、东明县2000~2011年4个时期的杨树人工林面积逐年增加,分别为17542.62、22705.83、26019.27和27109.10hm2;平均碳密度分别为52.15、40.36、23.26和27.98t/hm2,总碳储量分别为914847.63、916407.30、605208.22和758512.62t。其中,2011年东明县杨树林面积占菏泽市杨树林总面积的8.53%,碳储量占全市杨树林总碳储量的5.45%。

【Abstract】 The poplar plantations in Heze City were studied in this research. On the basis of field survey and Landsat5TM data, the carbon storage, characteristics of carbon pool, carbon density and its spatial distribution of poplar plantations in2011were studied by GIS and ENVI. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal patterns of poplar plantations’carbon storage from the year2000to2011in Dongming County were analyzed. This study would lay the foundation of effective peforming of carbon sink of poplar plantations in Heze and the Yellow River Flood Plain in west Shandong, and also provided a reference for calculation regional poplar plantations’carbon storage. The results fully demonstrated huge capacity of carbon sinks of regional poplar plantations. With the development of poplar plantations, the forest carbon storage would be increased rapidly, and would enhance China’s international competitiveness.The main conclusions are as follows:1. Zhonghe NO.1, ZhongheNO.2and107were the preferred varieties of carbon sequestration in Heze. The order of carbon density of different varieties on the same age was Zhonghe NO.1> Zhonghe NO.2>107. The young forest of3~9year-old were the main part of carbon sequestration. Under the premise of ensuring the area of timber forest, extending the rotation to13or14years and developing more farmland shelterbelts, road shelterbelts and riparian forests were suggested to improve the level of poplar plantation’s carbon sequestration in Heze City.2. Model B=1765.412+7378.884ln(ρ4)+2113.781X(1/ρ4)+14.541X(1/ρl) was appropriate for estimating biomass of poplars in the target area. with its multiple correlation coefficient being0.754. The relative error was only7.65%between measured and simulated values. It could be acted as a reference for the study of poplar plantations’biomass on regional scale.3. Poplar plantation in Heze was the main part of the local forest carbon sinks. Meanwhile, it was an important part of forest vegetation carbon sinks in Shandong. In2011. the total area, carbon storage and carbon density of poplar plantation was317.900ha,13.93Tg, and43.82t/hm2respectively. In addition, the carbon density of73.22%of poplar plantations was lower than57t hm-2. and the poplar plantations presented a homogeneity in spatial distribution in Heze City.4. The carbon storage of state-owned poplar plantations was0.321Tg, and carbon density was74.74t/hm2. The vegetation and soil carbon storage were0.174and0.147Tg respectively. Poplar plantations’carbon storage accounted for97.9%of vegetation’s total values. The carbon density of4.5,6,7and9year-old poplar plantations were28.54,34.45,36.51,41.24and44.80t/hm2respectively. In addition, the carbon storage of single tree in state-owned forests, village woodlots. farmland shelterbelts, road sheltcrbclts and riparian forests were56.86,43.72, respectively.5. From the year2000to2011. the area of poplar plantation in Dongming County were17542.62ha,22705.83ha,26019.27ha and27109.10ha. The carbon density and storage were52.15,40.36,23.26,27.98t/hm2and914847.63.916407.30,605208.22,758512.62t, respectively. In2011. the area and carbon storage of poplar plantation in Dongming accounted for8.53%and5.45%of the total values in Heze City.


