

Study on the Effect on Egg Quality of Xianju under the Semi-Natural Conditions and Earthworm Feeding Mode

【作者】 张浩

【导师】 周圻;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验分别研究了采用半散养方式和笼养方式、投喂蚯蚓对仙居鸡蛋品质的影响,并对其机理进行了初步的探讨,确定了在改变鸡蛋品质方面的半散养方式和日粮中添加活体蚯蚓。本试验分两部分进行,第一部分:选取体重均匀、健康无病的180日龄的仙居鸡200只,随机分为两组,每组100只,第一组采用全阶梯笼养,通风、采光(自然光照+人工光照)条件一致,饲喂基础日粮(日粮的组成及营养成分见表1);第二组采用山地林下围栏饲养,自由采食,自由饮水,每天18:00补料,1周的预试期,然后进入正试期4周。第二部分:选取体重均匀、采食良好、产蛋率相近的210日龄的林下半散养仙居鸡200只,随机分为两组(用围栏隔开),每组100只,第一组补饲基础日粮,第二组在基础日粮中添加活体蚯蚓2公斤,两组每天18:00喂料一次。试验经一周的预试期进入正式期,试验从2011年5月1日至2011年7月1日,试验期60天。结果表明:仙居鸡在半散养和笼养两种方式下鸡蛋的品质在某些方面表现出显著差异,在笼养方式下,仙居鸡的产蛋率、只日产蛋量、蛋重和全蛋含水量较半散养鸡分别提高35.89%、52.75%、12.40%、5.83%,差异极显著(P<0.01);采食量半散养鸡比笼养鸡高2.40%差异显著(P<0.05);料蛋比半散养鸡比笼养鸡降低了36.18%,差异极显著(P<0.01);在粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分和总氨基酸含量上半散养鸡蛋较笼养鸡蛋分别提高5.25%、8.87%、63.82%、43.23%,其中,谷氨酸含量半散养鸡蛋要比笼养鸡蛋高38.58%,差异显著(P<0.05);笼养鸡的蛋清含水量和蛋黄含水量分别高于半散养鸡9.52%、7.94%,差异显著(P<0.05);半散养蛋鸡具有很好的蛋黄着色能力,比笼养蛋鸡提高0.9个罗氏单位,差异显著(P<0.05);半散养鸡的蛋黄胆固醇含量低于笼养鸡11.02%,差异显著(P<0.05);半散养鸡蛋黄中磷脂质的含量和蛋黄中的脂肪/鲜蛋重分别高于笼养鸡9.44%、12.54%,差异显著(P<0.05);半散养条件下有提高仙居鸡蛋清中的蛋白质含量、鸡蛋中钙和磷含量、蛋壳相对重的趋势,但差异不显著。两种饲养方式对仙居鸡其它方面(软破异形蛋率、蛋形指数、蛋壳厚度、蛋黄相对重、蛋黄指数和蛋黄中蛋白质含量)没有显著影响。在半散养鸡中投喂活体蚯蚓能够显著降低鸡组采食量和料蛋比,以及显著降低蛋黄中胆固醇含量,在改善鸡蛋品质的其他方面效果不明显,但总体鸡蛋品质还是略高于对照组。结论:1、不同饲养方式下,半散养方式能改善鸡蛋的品质,能生产含有较高磷脂质、胆固醇含量低和蛋黄颜色好的鸡蛋,并且半散养鸡蛋的经济效益大于笼养鸡蛋。2、补饲蚯蚓能提高鸡蛋品质,显著降低鸡蛋中的胆固醇,而对长期补饲蚯蚓能使鸡形成较强的抵抗疾病功能,还有待于进一步研究。

【Abstract】 In this experiment we study for effect on egg quality of Xian Ju under the semi-natural mode andearthworm feeding mode, and primarily analyze the mechanism, make certain the semi-natural modeand earthworm feeding mode to produce the quality eggs. The experiment includes two departments,Part first: We choose200layers which are good healthy and180weeks old from Xian,ju. The200layers were randomly divided into two groups, and every group includes100layers, First group usingthe ladder cage, with same ventilation and lighting (natural light and artificial illumination) conditions,via free choice and free drinking. The Second groups fed under semi natural conditions, Fed thebasal diet, and fed supplementary feeding at18:00every day. The first7d of each test period was anadjustment period and the following28d was for sample collection. Part second: we select200layers ofXian,ju which210weeks old, which were resemble on weight、ratio of egg Production and depart theminto2overlaps randomly. One group fed on routine forge; the other add2kg earthworm. Theexperiment started from1th of May and ended on1th of July. The results showed that: there was somesignificant difference in egg quality on semi-natural and caged way. Semi-natural layers were betterthan caged layer: the egg production、hen day egg production、egg weight、water content wereimproved35.89%、52.75%、12.40%、5.83%(P<0.01),feed intake was improved2.40%(P<0.05),however egg ratio was reduced36.18%(P<0.01), the difference is extremely notability. SemiNatural layers were higher than caged layer: the crude protein、crude fat、crude ash、total amino acidwere improved5.25%、8.87%、63.82%、43.23%(P<0.05),especily Glu is higher by38.58%, thedifference is notability. Semi-natural layers were lower than caged layers in water content of egg whiteand water content of egg yolk: caged layers were improved9.52%、7.94%(P<0.05), the difference isnotability. Semi natural layers were better egg yolk colors, which were0.9higher than caged layers.The content of cholesterol in egg yolk is lower than the caged layers11.02%(P<0.05), the difference isnotability.the content of phosphor lipid in egg yolk is higher than caged layers9.44%, the egg yolkfatty/egg weight was higher than caged layers12.54%(P<0.05), the difference is notability.there wasthe trend to improve the content of protein in the egg-white、the content of calcium and phosphorus inthe egg and egg yolk weight/egg weight.There was no significant difference in other aspects between semi-natural layers and caged layers. There was significant to reduce feed intake、ratio of eggproduction and the content of cholesterol in egg yolk which was fed with earthworm.But there was nosignificant effect in the other aspects. The results:1, Feed model can improve egg quality, semi-natuallayers can produce better egg which have better egg yolk color、higher phospholipid and lowercontent of cholesterol in the egg yolk., Especily has better economic benefits.2, Fill meshes can affectegg quality: in this experiment the layers which fed with earthworm can notabily reduce the content ofcholesterol in the egg yolk.

【关键词】 半散养笼养活体蚯蚓鸡蛋品质
【Key words】 semi-naturalcaged wayearthwormegg quality

