
常绿水生鸢尾(Iris hexagonus)生态习性与园林应用研究

A Study on Ecological Habits and Landscape Application of Iris Hexagonus

【作者】 张京

【导师】 蔡建国;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 常绿水生鸢尾(Iris hexagonus)又称路易斯安那鸢尾,其花色丰富,植株终年常绿,极大地丰富了城市水体景观,成为目前水体绿化的新宠。通过对引种的‘CherryCup’、‘Professor Neil’、‘Noble Moment’、‘Colorific’、‘Acadia Miss’、‘Candlelight Supper’、‘Blue Duke’和‘Birthday Suit’的越冬适应性与低温胁迫实验、物候与观赏性观测、园林应用的调查,得出以下主要结论:1、通过对引进的8个品种观察其越冬适应性并对其低温胁迫条件下叶片的相对电导率(REC)、半致死温度(LT50)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、可溶性蛋白(WSP)含量、过氧化氢酶(POD)活性等生理指标进行测定。结合隶属函数对各抗寒性指标进行综合评价,结果表明:低温胁迫条件下,8个品种常绿水生鸢尾的LT50分别为‘Cherry Cup’-10.58℃、‘Professor Neil’-2.6℃、‘NobleMoment’-3.48℃、‘Colorific’-10.20℃、‘Acadia Miss’-6.47℃、‘CandlelightSupper’-9.35℃、‘Blue Duke’-6.33℃和‘Birthday Suit’-2.07℃。其REC均呈上升趋势,MDA含量均先下降后上升,SOD活性、POD活性和WSP含量均先上升后下降。综合8个品种的形态与生理指标,通过隶属函数进行综合评定,得出抗寒性强弱依次为‘Cherry Cup’>‘Colorific’>‘Candlelight Supper’>‘AcadiaMiss’>‘Blue Duke’>‘Noble Moment’>‘Professor Neil’>‘Birthday Suit’。2、对常绿水生鸢尾花葶高、花直径、群体花期和抗寒性等观赏性的综合比较表明,8个品种可分成三类,一类为‘Cherry Cup’、‘Colorific’和‘Professor Neil’,或花大、或花葶长、或花期长、或抗寒性强,具有较高的观赏价值;一类为‘BlueDuke’、‘Birthday Suit’和‘Acadia Miss’,观赏性良好;另一类为‘NobleMoment’和‘Candlelight Supper’,花小,花葶短,观赏性相对较差。根据其观赏性进行园林应用时,‘Professor Neil’和‘Acadia Miss’的叶片较长,生长整齐,水景配置中可单独应用也可用做背景衬托其它植物;‘Candlelight Supper’叶片较短,可用做前景布置花坛、花境;‘Cherry Cup’和‘Professor Neil’的花葶较长且花期长,与其它品种相比具有较高的观赏性,可以用来制作花束、插花和花篮。3、常绿水生鸢尾应用于园林时,夏能观花、冬可赏叶,是一种优良的水景植物,既能与沿岸的乔灌草组合,又能延伸到水体,与不同的水面结合形成湿生——挺水——浮水——沉水植物群落,丰富空间层次,弥补冬季缺绿的不足。通过对常绿水生鸢尾部分品种应用情况的调查得出常绿水生鸢尾的种植形式主要有自然式种植、容器种植和种植床种植,应用形式主要有地被和花境、水缘绿化和专类园。针对常绿水生鸢尾的应用形式推荐了几种能突出其特点的配置模式以供参考。

【Abstract】 Iris hexagonus greatly enriches the water landscape of the city whose flowers have rich colorsand plants keep green all the year. It is becoming a new favorite in the water’s green at the presenttime. In this study, eight cultivars including ‘Cherry Cup’,‘Professor Neil’,‘Noble Moment’,‘Colorific’,‘Acadia Miss’,‘Candlelight Supper’,‘Blue Duke’ and ‘Birthday Suit’ were introducted.Overwintering adaptabilities of them were investigated and the effects of low temperature stress onthe leaves were detected. The phenology and their ornamental were observed. Garden applicationswere investigated. The main research conclusions were as follows:1. To determine cold resistance of the eight cultivars, overwintering adaptabilities of them wereinvestigated and the effects of low temperature stress on the leaves relative electric conductivity(REC), semilethal temperature (LT50), malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD)activity, soluble protein (WSP) content and peroxidase (POD) activity were studied. Results showedthat LT50of the eight cultivars were-10.58℃of ‘Cherry Cup’,-2.6℃of ‘Professor Neil’,-3.48℃of‘Noble Moment’,-10.20℃of‘Colorific’,-6.47℃of‘Acadia Miss’,-9.35of ‘Candlelight Supper’,-6.33℃of‘Blue Duke’ and-2.07℃of‘Birthday Suit’. As the low temperature stress intensified, theREC increased, the content of MDA decreased first, and then increased, while SOD, POD and WSPactivity increased first, and then decreased. Considering the morphological and physiologicalindicators of the eight cultivars analyzed by subordinate function, the cold resistance order was‘Cherry Cup’>‘Colorific’>‘Candlelight Supper’>‘Acadia Miss’>‘Blue Duke’>‘Noble Moment’>‘Professor Neil’>‘Birthday Suit’.2. Observation of the scape height, flower diameter, groups of flowering and cold resistanceshowed that the eight Iris hexagonus cultivars could be divided into three categories.‘Cherry Cup’,‘Colorific’ and ‘Professor Neil’ were the first category. They had a high ornamental value with bigflowers, or long scape, or long flowering period or strong cold resistance.‘Blue Duke’,‘BirthdaySuit’ and ‘Acadia Miss’ which had a good ornamental value were the second category.‘NobleMoment’ and ‘Candlelight Supper’ were the third category. They relatively had a poor ornamentalvalue with small flowers or short scape. Landscape application is depended on the ornamental value.‘Professor Neil’ and ‘Acadia Miss’ with long leaves and uniform growth status which can be used alone or be used as background to set off the other plants.‘Candlelight Supper’ can be used asforeground to decorate parterre or flower border for it short leaves. Compared with the other cultivars,‘Cherry Cup’ and ‘Professor Neil’ have a higher ornamental value with big flowers and longflowering period which can be used to make bouquet, ikebana and flower basket.3. Iris hexagonus is an exceptional aquatic plant in landscape application which has beautifulflowers in summer and green leaves in winter. It can combine with the arbor, shrub and grass on thecoast and also can extend to the water body forming a hygrophytes-emergent plants-floatingplants-submerged plants phytocoenosis, which enrich the space level and make up the lacking ofgreen in winter. Iris hexagonus cropping forms were concluded through the survey of some varietiesof applications, such as natural-style planting, container planting and bed planting. The applicationforms were ground and flower border, water edge of the green and the special garden. Considered thepresent application forms of Iris hexagonus, several configuration modes highlighting itscharacteristics were recommend for reference.


