

Releasing Variation and Effects on Airborne Microbes of Volatile Organic Compounds from Osmanthus Fragrans

【作者】 林富平

【导师】 高岩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为了研究桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)释放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)的成分、动态变化及其对空气微生物生长的影响,从化学生态学角度为桂花的园林应用提供科学数据。本研究应用植物化学生态学、植物生理生态学及微生物学等多学科交叉的研究方法,采用活体植株动态顶空气体循环采集法和热脱附-气相色谱-质谱联用(TDS-GC-MS)分析技术,对浙江农林大学校园内4个桂花品种群(金桂、银桂、丹桂和四季桂)鲜花和叶片的VOCs及其释放动态变化进行检测分析,同时采用自然沉降法,调查了不同月份桂花林地空气中微生物(细菌、真菌和放线菌)的数量,并进行了桂花叶片浸提液及VOCs单体的抑菌实验。主要结果如下:1.对4个桂花品种群鲜花在近自然状态下释放的VOCs成分及日动态变化进行分析,在1d的不同时段VOCs均以萜类化合物为主,金桂(相对含量96.54%)、银桂(83.97%)和四季桂(85.79%)均在12:00时达到最高峰,丹桂(91.51%)在14:00达最高峰;金桂和四季桂中萜类化合物主要包括β-蒎烯、柠檬烯、(E)-β-罗勒烯、(Z)-β-罗勒烯、(Z)-芳樟醇氧化物、β-芳樟醇、α-紫罗兰酮、β-紫罗兰酮等成分,银桂中β-蒎烯、(Z)-β-罗勒烯、(E)-芳樟醇氧化物、(Z)-芳樟醇氧化物、α-紫罗兰酮、β-紫罗兰酮含量较高,丹桂以β-蒎烯、柠檬烯、(Z)-β-罗勒烯、(E)-β-罗勒烯、(E)-芳樟醇氧化物、(Z)-芳樟醇氧化物、β-芳樟醇为主。另外(Z)-乙酸-3-己烯酯等化合物含量也较高。2.对4个桂花品种群叶片在近自然状态下释放的VOCs成分及季节动态变化进行分析,在春季释放的VOCs均以醛类化合物为主要成分,主要包括己醛、苯甲醛、辛醛、壬醛和癸醛等,占总VOCs的30%以上,在夏、秋两季释放的VOCs均以酯类化合物(Z)-乙酸-3-己烯酯为主要成分,占总VOCs的30%以上。另外,在秋季金桂和四季桂中醛类化合物相对含量也高达20%以上,丹桂中醛类化合物相对含量高于酯类化合物。不同桂花品种群叶片释放的VOCs在不同季节其组成及相对含量存在较大差异。3.4个桂花品种群林地中空气微生物的数量在全年不同月份具有一定的动态变化。金桂林地中细菌数量在3、5、7、9、11和1月份比对照分别降低46.60%、48.28%、67.64%、34.61%、26.00%和31.00%(P<0.01),其他3个桂花品种群林地中细菌数量在不同月份与对照相比均有不同程度的降低;金桂林在3、7、9和1月份对真菌抑制作用极显著(P<0.01),比对照分别降低33.50%、38.84%、34.13%和59.34%;4个桂花品种群林对放线菌也具有明显的抑制作用。4个桂花品种群叶片浸提液均可抑制空气微生物的生长,随着浸提液浓度的增加抑制细菌和放线菌的作用增强,在浓度为20mg/ml时对细菌的抑制率在70%~90%之间,对放线菌的抑制作用达100%;不同浓度浸提液对真菌抑制作用差异显著。β-蒎烯和柠檬烯的浓度在0.2%时对细菌和真菌生长具有抑制作用,β-蒎烯对放线菌具有抑制作用;罗勒烯在不同浓度对细菌、真菌和放线菌生长均具有抑制作用;壬醛、癸醛、苯甲醛当浓度在0.1%和0.2%时对空气中微生物均有显著抑制作用。

【Abstract】 In order to research the composition, dynamic variation and effects on the growth of airbornemicroorganisms of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Osmanthus fragrans, the scientificdatas were provided to landscape application of O. fragrans from the perspective of chemical ecology.With multidisplinary methods, phyto-chemecology, physiological plant ecology and microbiology, wecould analyze the composition and dynamic variation of VOCs in fresh flowers and leaves of four O.fragrans cultivar groups, O. fragrans Luteus Group, O. fragrans Albus Group, O. fragrans AurantiacusGroup, O. fragrans Siji Group, were analyzed using dynamic headspace collecting and TDS-GC-MS.The numbers of airborne microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes) in different months in thestands of O. fragrans varieties were investigated using the method of natural sedimentation, and thebacteriostasis experiment of extraction liquid from leaves of O. fragrans and VOCs monocase werestudied. The results were as follows:1. The composition and diurnal variations of VOCs in fresh flowers of four O. fragrans cultivargroups was analyzed. Results showed that the major VOCs were terpenoids in differet time of day, O.fragrans Luteus Group(Relative content96.54%), O. fragrans Albus Group(83.97%) and O. fragransSiji Group(85.79%)in the highest level at12:00, O. fragrans Aurantiacus Group(91.51%) in the highestlevel at14:00. the major terpenoids were as follows: β-pinene, D-limonene,(E)-β-ocimene,(Z)-β-ocimene,(E)-linalool oxide, β-linalool, α-Ionone, and β-Ionone in O. fragrans Luteus Group andO. fragrans Siji Group; β-Pinene,(Z)-β-ocimene,(E)-linalool oxide,(Z)-linalool oxide, α-Ionone, andβ-Ionone in O. fragrans Albus Group; β-pinene, D-limonene,(Z)-β-ocimene,(E)-β-ocimene,(E)-linalool oxide,(Z)-linalool oxide, β-linalool in O. fragrans Aurantiacus Group.(Z)-acetate-3-hexen-1-ol(6.9%) were also higher in four O. fragrans varieties.2. The composition and seasonal variations of VOCs in leaves of four O. fragrans cultivar groupswere analyzed. Results indicated that the major VOCs were aldehydes compounds in spring, whichmainly include Hexanal, Benzaldehyde, Octanal, Nonanal, and Decanal, more than30%in the VOCs ofthe total content; more than30%in the major VOCs were (Z)-acetate-3-hexen-1-ol of ester compoundsin summer and autumn; besides, more than20%in the VOCs were aldehydes compounds in O. fragransLuteus Group and O. fragrans Siji Group in autumn, and the relative content of aldehydes compoundsmore than ester compounds in O. fragrans Aurantiacus Group. VOCs constituents and relative contentfrom the different leaves of O. fragrans varieties in different seasons were different.3. The numbers of airborne microorganisms in the stands of four O. fragrans cultivar groups weredynamically variational in different months all years. In March, May, July, September, November, andJanuary, the numbers of bacteria in the stands of O. fragrans Luteus Group were reduced by46.60%,48.28%,67.64%,34.61%,26.00%, and31.00%(P<0.01), respectively, compared with the control ofopen ground, and the numbers of bacteria in the stands of three other O. fragrans cultivar groups alsowere reduced in different months, compared with the control of open ground. In March, July, September,and January, the numbers of fungi in the stands of O. fragrans Luteus Group were reduced by33.50%, 38.84%,34.13%, and59.34%(P<0.01), respectively, compared with the control of open ground. Thenumbers of actinomycetes in the stands of four O. fragrans cultivar groups were significantly reduced.The extraction liquid from leaves of four O. fragrans cultivar groups could inhibit the growth ofairborne microorganisms, inhibitory ability of bacteria and actinomycetes was enhanced correspondingto the increase of extraction liquid concentration. The concentration of20mg/ml inhibited the bacteriabetween70%and90%, inhibited the actinomycetes get to100%. Different concentrations of extractionliquid inhibited the fungi were significantly different. The concentration of0.2%monomers ofD-limonene and β-pinene could inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, and β-pinene could inhibit thegrowth of actinomycetes. The different concentration of Ocimene could inhibit the growth of airbornemicroorganisms. The concentration of0.1%and0.2%of Nonanal, Decanal and Benzaldehyde couldsignificantly inhibit the growth of airborne microorganisms.


