

The Researchment of the Characteristics of the Carboniferous Volcanic Fracture and Crack Structure in Eastern Junggar Basin

【作者】 丁心鲁

【导师】 郭安林;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,国际油价一路攀升,一方面是人类需求的不断增长,另一方面伴随着油气藏开发技术的不断革新以及所涉及领域的不断扩展,以前不太涉及的火山岩油气藏,近年作为了勘探、开发的重点,尤其是在近年准噶尔盆地内部多处发现火山岩油气藏,显示出准噶尔盆地内部火山岩油气藏巨大的勘探开发潜力。火山岩地层内的宏观断裂及微观裂缝构造对于油气的储运有着非常重要的意义,宏观上的深大断裂为油气运移提供了通道,大量的微观裂缝发育为油气储集提供了良好的储集场所。本文中将准噶尔盆地东部西泉地区石炭系火山岩作为重点研究对象,利用录、测井等资料,并结合岩性资料,对区域内的石炭系火山岩中的断裂以及裂缝构造进行研究,通过研究我们发现,准噶尔盆地东部地区受到了剪切应力的作用,形成了近似于棋盘格子状的构造格局,这种剪切应力场在研究区域内在不同的方向上形成了不同的应力场环境,有区域性的拉张环境,也有挤压环境,其中南北向倾向近于直立的张性断裂是在区域性的拉张环境形成的,而在挤压环境下形成了走向近于东西方向的逆冲推覆构造断裂。伴随着断裂的形成,在断裂的周缘也发育了大量的微裂隙,对于火山岩相来说,挤压环境下形成的断裂,沿着其走向,裂缝构造相对于拉张环境下形成的南北走向的断裂周缘要发育的多;实际的研究结果显示区内石炭系火山岩油气藏储层裂缝非常发育,几乎所有火山岩相中都不同程度地发育有裂缝;相对于南北方向的断裂来说,在东西延伸方向的断裂周围微裂隙更加发育;断层的交汇部位微裂隙则更加发育。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the soaring international oil prices, on the one hand, the continuous growth of human needs, on the other hand, along with reservoir development technology innovation, as well as the areas covered by expanding the previously less involved in volcanic reservoirs in recent years as the focus of the exploration, development, and especially in recent years many of the Jung gar Basin, internal volcanic rock reservoir, showing the huge within the Jung gar Basin, volcanic oil and gas reservoir exploration and development potential. Volcanic rocks within the macro-fracture and micro-crack sconstruct a very important significance for the oil and gas storage and transportation, deep faults in the macro-channel oil and gas migration, a large number of micro crack sand development of oil and gas accumulation provides a good accumulation of place. This article in the eastern Jung gar Basin, Western Springs area of Carboniferous volcanic rocks as a key object of study, the use of recorded, logging information, and lithology, fracture and tectonic fault structures in the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the region, through the research we found that the eastern part of the Jung gar Basin has been the role of shear stress, the formation of the tectonic pattern similar to the checker board lattice, the shear stress field in the study region in different directions, forming a different stress field, there will be regional extensional environment, but also squeezed environment, where north and south to the tendency of near-vertical tensile fracture is the formation of a regional extensional environment, formed a trend nearly east-west direction of the thrust nappe compressional structural faults. Accompanied by the formation of thefracture, and fracture around the development of a large number of micro-cracks, volcanic facies, formed under compressional fracture along its trend, the cracks tectofacies north-south extensional environment to fracture to be development; the actual results show that the area of Carboniferous volcanic rocks oil and gas reservoirs cracks are well developed, almost all volcanic phases have varying degrees of development of cracks; relative to the north-south direction of the fracture, extends east-west direction of thefracture the surrounding microfissure more development; fault intersections of micro-cracks is more developed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】186

