

The Research for High Voltage Insulator Charged Clean Equipment and Its Control System

【作者】 查光兴

【导师】 阎勤劳; 薛少平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 绝缘子在架空输电线路中起着支撑导线和防止电流回地的作用。在自然条件下,绝缘子的表面,经常被导电物质污染。遇到潮湿天气时,污层在湿润作用下,电导增大,泄漏电流增加,产生局部放电,达到和超过临界状态时,发生电弧闪络,称为污闪。小污闪事故引起的一般停电事故可造成几十万至几百万KWh的电量损失,大面积、长时间的停电事故则可造成达千万KWh的损失。由于污闪事故引起的突然的、长时间的停电对国民经济造成的间接损失则更是无法估量的。要想防止绝缘子污闪的发生,必须定期对绝缘子进行停电清扫。目前,国内外对户外高压架空输电线路悬式绝缘子的自动带电清扫无可行方法,提出以技术成熟的线路巡检机器人作为移动平台,安装一个绝缘子清洁机械手。本研究对此进行探索和设计,开展了以下工作:(1)确定高压绝缘子带电清洁机械手的运动范围和清洁工作的规范参数及要求,明确了带电清洁装置的目标。(2)分析机械手的运动空间和工作要求,设计机械手的结构,确定机械手各构件参数,对机械手的结构、功能进行系统的设计和校核。根据电机的规格和连杆的尺寸以及连杆材料的密度,估算整个机械手的总重量,验证是否满足机械手的要求。(3)运用D-H法对机械手建立连杆坐标系,进行坐标系的齐次矩阵转换,求出末端执行机构的齐次变换矩阵,代入机械手各关节变量的初始值,验证变换矩阵的正确性。针对悬式绝缘子直线分布的特性,试用直角坐标系坐标分解法取代存在多解问题的运动学逆解的方法,简化求解运算,为控制系统路径规划提供最快速的算法。(4)针对机械手的精确控制的要求,设计上、下位机结构的控制系统,上位机使用DSP微处理器ADSP2106X进行机械手路径规划和系统监控,数据传输使用多接口的CAN总线,下位机使用单片机及其外围电路组成的四个分别控制各关节的单片机系统,对各关节进行独立控制,以实现机械手的精确定位。结果表明,机械设计满足要求,存在一些问题有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Insulators play two basic function in overhead transmission lines, supportingoverhead transmission lines and preventing the current back to the earth.In the naturalconditions, the surface of insulators are often polluted by conductive material. When itmeet the wet weather, under the wet function, the conductance of dirt layer increases,and the leakage current increases, then the partial discharge produces. Partial dischargeoccurs and develops constantly,when it reaches or exceeds the critical state, the arcflashover occurs, this kind of flashover is called pollution flashover. The generalpower outage which was caused by small pollution flashover accident could bringabout the power loss from hundreds of thousands to millions KWH, the power losswhich was brought about by the large area and long time power outage could be up toten million KWH. The indirect loss of the national economy which was due to thesudden, long time power outage caused by pollution flashover accident wasimmeasurable. Preventing the occurrence of insulator pollution flashover, insulatorsmust be cleaned regularly. For there was no feasible way for cleaning the suspensioninsulator of the Outdoor high overhead transmission lines, the idea of installing ainsulator clean manipulator to a mobile platform which was used a mature technologyline inspection robot as was puted forward. This idea was researched and designedtentatively, and the following work was carried out:(1) The range of the High voltage insulator charged manipulator’s movement andthe standard parameters and requirements of the cleaning were determined, the goal ofthe charged cleaning device was determined.(2) The movement space and work requirement of the manipulator were Analyzed,the structure of the manipulator was designed, the parameters of the manipulator’scomponents were determineded, the structure and function of the manipulator weredesigned and checked systematically. According to the specifications of the motorsand the size of the connecting rods and the density of connecting rods’s material, thetotal weight of the manipulator was estimated, to verify whether meet the requirementsof the manipulator. (3) The connecting rod coordinate system of manipulator was established byuseing D-H method, coordinate systems were transformed by the homogeneous matrix,the final homogeneous transformation matrix of the terminal actuating mechanismwere worked out, each joint’s variables was replaced by the manipulator’s initial value,the correctness of the transformation matrix was verified. According to thecharacteristics of linear distribution of the suspension insulator, the method ofdecomposing coordinate in the right Angle coordinate system was tryed to replace theInverse kinematics method which has Multiple solutions, then the operation wassimplified, the most rapid path planning algorithm was provided to control system.(4) The control system according to the requirements of the accurate control ofthe manipulator was designed, DSP microprocessor was used for manipulator’s pathplanning and monitoring system, the much interface CAN bus was used for datatransmission, four SCM system which controled each joint respectively werecomposed by single-chip microcomputer and their peripheral circuit, the accuratelocation of the manipulator was realized.The results showed that the mechanical design meet the demands, there weresome problems need to be studied further.

【关键词】 绝缘子清洁机械手坐标系求解控制
【Key words】 InsulatorClean manipulatorCoordinate systemSolvingControl

