

Effects of Ratio of Different Kinds of Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

【作者】 杨生婷

【导师】 廖允成;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 烟草是我国主要的经济作物之一,肥料是影响烟叶产量和质量的重要因素。为了研究氮磷钾配施对烤烟产量及品质的影响,探讨烤烟生产需要的适宜的施肥量,本研究在陕西省宝鸡市陇县设置烤烟氮磷钾配方试验,采用三因素五水平二次正交旋转组合设计,分析不同施肥配比对烤烟产量和品质的影响。试验设置N、P2O5、K2O三因素,分别对其设置了五个施肥水平,建立以N、P2O5、K2O施肥量为变量因子、烤烟产量为目标函数的三元二次回归方程,通过计算机对所建立的N、P2O5、K2O肥与产量的回归方程进行优化。在品质分析上,试验测定了不同处理烟叶的主要化学成分,基于SPSS平台,利用主成分分析法对烟叶品质进行实证研究,构建了烟叶品质分析模型,并对结果进行分析和解释。主要研究结果如下:1.不同施肥水平对烤烟的产量品质有不同的影响。在一定范围内,烤烟的产量随施氮量的增加而增加,达到一定值后,其增产效果降低,甚至减产。在低肥水平下单施磷肥钾肥烤烟的产量要高于单施氮肥。氮肥过高或过低均不利于烤烟产量的增加,而磷钾则对产量的增加有较强的促进作用,因此在烤烟种植过程中,在氮肥保持适中的情况下适当增加磷钾肥的施用,可以提高烤烟产量。2.将试验产量与肥料设置经过三元二次方程拟合。通过计算机频次分析得到该组合在该试验条件下的高产栽培农艺组合方案为每公顷施入N72.61-84.11kg,P2O590.76-105.14kg,K2O186.81-202.73kg,此时,烤烟的产量可达到2350kg/hm2以上。3.利用主成分分析法对烟草的品质进行综合分析。试验选取了13个烤烟化学成分来测定烟草品质,通过主成分分析提取四个主成分来代替原有指标,建立烤烟品质评价模型,对23个试验处理的烤烟品质进行分析,得出各个不同施肥处理进行综合品质分析的结果由高到低为1号>11号>7号>12号>21号>2号>8号>23号>18号>20号>15号>13号>17号>19号>16号>3号>6号>14号>22号>4号>9号>10号>5号,其中1号、11号、7号综合主成分最高,烤烟品质最佳,其中1号处理氮磷钾施用量分别为77.84kg/hm2、97.29kg/hm2、179.59kg/hm2。本方法对烤烟品质分析不受主观因素的影响,评判结果具有一定的客观性和可行性。

【Abstract】 Tobacco is one of China’s major economic crops, fertilizer is an important factor of theyield and quality. in order to understand the relationship between fertilizer and flue-curetobacco quality, we set N P K formula test in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province.The study designthe field N, P2O5and K2O fertilization experiment with the method of three factor five leveltwo orthogonal revolving combination., to analysis different fertilizer on yield and quality.According to the data obtained, a ternary quadratic regression model was established, inwhich N, P2O5and K2O were independent variables and tobacco yield were dependentvariables. Use the computer to optimization the N、P2O5, K2O and yield regression. WithSPSS statistical software,we make empirical research to build tobacco leaf qualities model ofdifferent by using principal component analysis. Then,we analyzed and explained the resultsof the research. The main results were indicated as following:1. Field experiment showed that different fertilizers have a strong effect on yield offlue-cured tobacco. Different N, P2O5and K2O fertilization also have a significantly influenceon yield of flue-cured tobacco. In the low-fertilizer level, the yield of flue-cured tobaccowhich only fertilized K2O or P2O5was higher than only fertilized N. Increase the K2O amountcan improve the yield of flue-cured tobacco on the lower fertilization soil. The high or low Nall to the disadvantage of the yield of flue-cured tobacco. In the high P2O5or K2O level, theyield remains high. So when plant the flue-cured tobacco, we can appropriate increase in theamount of P2O5and K2O in the case of N suitable.2. We can got the high-yielding tobacco fertilization Scheme by the computer frequencyanalysis: N72.61-84.11kg/hm2,P2O590.76-105.14kg/hm2,K2O186.81-202.73kg/hm2.3. Using principal component analysis on the quality of the tobacco. The study selected13flue-cured tobacco chemical composition to determine the quality of tobacco, extract thefour principal components instead of the original indicators through principal componentanalysis, the establishment of the Tobacco Quality Evaluation Model, we can get the chemicalcomposition of flue-cured tobacco scores are in order of to1>11>7>12>21>2>8>23>18>20>15>13>17>19>16>3>6>14>22>4>9>10>5, which, on the11th, the7th rankedmore forward.


