

Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Supply on Tomato Yield, Quality, Water and Nitrogen Use Eiffciency in Solar-Greenhouse

【作者】 易晓丽

【导师】 曹红霞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年12月至2011年7月在甘肃省武威市清源镇发展村沙产业暨循环农业示范园区进行了水氮供应对日光温室番茄产量、品质及水氮利用效率的影响试验,以日光温室番茄为研究对象,寻求当地日光温室番茄节水节肥、丰产、优质、高效的灌水施氮模式。对日光温室番茄生长指标、耗水规律、产量、品质以及土壤NO3-N含量进行观测分析,研究得出如下结果:(1)适时、适度亏水灌溉能提高番茄的总产量和一类果的产量,舍弃果的产量也略有增加,但总体影响不大;亏水条件下过量施肥增加舍弃果产量占总产量的比重,降低一类果产量占总产量的比重;但适量增施氮肥能促进番茄早熟,从而提高前期产量的比重,由于采收前期番茄市场价格较高,因此适量增施氮肥有助于提高番茄的经济效益。开花坐果期和果实膨大期亏水及增施氮肥对日光温室番茄的株高、径粗均无显著影响。(2)在温室番茄的商品品质指标中,除了番茄的单果重,其它指标对水氮供应的响应均不显著。增施氮肥有助于提高番茄的单果重,而亏水灌溉使番茄的单果重下降,且果实膨大期亏水对果实单果重的影响大于开花座果期。在温室番茄的内在品质指标中,充分灌溉条件下增施氮肥能提高果实可溶性固形物的含量,在亏水灌溉的条件下增施氮肥会降低果实可溶性固形物的含量;果实膨大期亏水能显著提高番茄果实的维生素C含量;灌水量相同时适量增施氮肥反而能降低番茄果实中的硝酸盐含量,施氮量相同时亏水灌溉会提高番茄果实中的硝酸盐含量。(3)土壤沿剖面的含水率变化对水量因子比对施氮量因子更敏感,果实膨大期亏水土壤沿剖面的含水率变化比开花座果期的更剧烈。各水氮处理在0~100cm土层深度中的土壤NO3-N分布状况基本一致,即土壤表层0-10cm和80~100cm土层的NO3-N含量较高,40~60cm土层的NO3-N含量较低。随着施氮量的增加,沿土层深度的NO3-N含量也逐渐增加。在施氮量相同的条件下,亏水灌溉土壤水溶液的NO3-N含量均显著低于充分灌溉条件下土壤水溶液的NO3-N含量。(4)日光温室番茄各生育阶段耗水总量为果实成熟期>果实膨大期>开花座果期。亏水灌溉能够提高水分利用效率,且同等亏水水平下果实膨大期亏水比开花座果期亏水的水分利用效率高。亏水灌溉能够提高番茄的氮肥利用效率,且同等亏水水平下开花座果期亏水比果实膨大期亏水的氮肥利用效率高。在果实膨大期亏水的条件下,增施氮肥虽能提高番茄产量,但氮肥的利用效率随施氮量的增加而下降,故在本试验地区增施氮肥并不合理。(5)选用3种应用最广泛的水分生产函数模型对本试验条件下温室番茄的水分生产函数进行了计算,日光温室番茄各生育阶段对亏水的敏感程度为果实成熟期>果实膨大期>开花座果期,根据回归分析的计算结果,在本试验条件下,Blank模型是较为理想的温室番茄的水分生产函数模型。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study is to research the optimal water-and-fertilization patternwhich is water-and-fertilization saving, steady yield and good quality for tomato ingreenhouse. The experiment was conducted in the town of Qingyuan in Wuwei in the Gansuprovince Basin Agricultural Demonstration Area for Sand Industry from December2010toJuly2011. The growing index, water consumption, yield and quality of the greenhouse tomatoand the absorption of NO3-N in soil, were monitored and analyzed.The main results are:(1) The total yield and the First-Fruit yield of the greenhouse tomato increased underwater deficit, though it also increased the Discarding-Fruit yield, it does not matter. Increasingnitrogen increased the proportion of the Discarding-Fruit yield among the total yield of thegreenhouse tomato on the same amount of irrigation, and it decreased the proportion of theFirst-Fruit yield among the total yield. Increasing nitrogen could promote tomato mature,which increased the proportion of the earlier period yield among the total yield. As the marketprice higher in the earlier period, economic benefits of the greenhouse tomato increased. Theplant height and stem diameter of the greenhouse tomato were not affected obviously underdifferent water and nitrogen levels.(2)Within the quality of commodity index of the greenhouse tomato, all of the indexwere not affected obviously under different water and nitrogen levels unless the index of fruitweight. Increasing nitrogen increased fruit weight of the greenhouse tomato which woulddecreased when water deficit, especially in fruiting stage. Within the quality of internal indexof the greenhouse tomato, Increasing nitrogen increased total soluble solid content on fullirrigation, while increasing nitrogen decreased total soluble solid content on water deficit.Vitamin C content improved to water deficit in fruiting stage. Increasing nitrogen properlycould decreased Nitrate content on the same amount of irrigation, but increasing nitrogenwould increased Nitrate content to water deficit.(3) The soil moisture along soil profile was more sensitive to water deficit than nitrogen,and it was more sensitive to water deficit in fruiting stage than in flower appearing stage. Theaverage absorption of NO3-N in the depth of0~100cm soil were not affected obviouslyunder different water and nitrogen levels in the whole growing stage of the greenhouse tomato.The absorption of NO3-N in the depth of surface0~10cm and80~100cm soil were higher, while the absorption of NO3-N was lower in the depth of40~60cm soil. With the nitrogenincreased, the absorption of NO3-N was increased with the depth of soil. The absorption ofsoil water NO3-N to water deficit were significantly lower than to full irrigation on the sameamount of nitrogen.(4) Under the test conditions, the water consumption characteristic was: fruit maturationstage> fruiting stage> flower appearing stage. The water use efficiency was improved towater deficit especially in fruiting stage than in flower appearing stage. The water-fertilizationuse efficiency was improved to water deficit especially in flower appearing stage than infruiting stage. Increasing nitrogen increased yield of the greenhouse tomato while decreasedwater-fertilization use efficiency to water deficit in fruiting stage.(5)Water production function of greenhouse tomato was calculated by three waterproduction function model with wide range of applications, and the sequence of sensitivityindexes to water deficit of greenhouse tomato in different stages was: fruit maturation stage>fruiting stage> flower appearing stage. According to the sequence, Blank model was the bestwater production function of greenhouse tomato under the test conditions.


