

Experimental Resrarch on Irrigation Model of Water-Saving and Quality-Controling of Economic Crops in Atid Northwest Greenhouse

【作者】 殷韶梅

【导师】 胡笑涛;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验于2010年-2011年,在甘肃省武威市凉州区清源镇发展村沙产业暨循环农业示范园区进行,以温室番茄与西瓜为研究对象,探求节水、丰产、优质和高效的灌水模式。对温室与西瓜番茄水分生理指标、耗水量、产量和品质等进行观测分析,取得如下主要成果:(1)2010年温室番茄结果期亏缺灌溉试验结果表明,水分亏缺在一定程度上可以降低番茄的光合速率和蒸腾速率,主要表现在中午12:00-14:00,14:00之后不同处理之间的差异逐渐减小。番茄收获后主根干物质量表现为CK与2/3CK极显著差异,茎的干物质呈现2/3CK>CK>1/2CK,叶的干物质呈现CK>2/3CK>1/2CK,其中2/3CK与1/2CK之间差异显著。通过对番茄产量、水分利用效率及经济净效益综合分析得出,当灌溉定额为3457M~3/hM~2时,可以得到最大经济净效益30.9067万元/hM~2,此时产量为189.161t/hM~2,灌溉水分利用效率为55.78kg/M~3。这说明如果将该地区农民目前所采用的灌溉水量CK减少10%左右,可获得最大经济净效益,且水分利用效率较高。营养品质结果表明随着灌水量的减少,番茄果实中的可溶性固形物,可溶性蛋白,VC以及有机酸含量均有所增加,其中果实中VC含量和可溶性固形物处理之间有极显著差异。(2)温室番茄亏缺-复水交替灌溉试验结果表明,耗水量与产量大体上呈二次曲线关系,灌水量与水分利用效率呈线性关系;不同灌水处理前期产量差异较大,中期结束产量相差不大,后期结束总产量表现出了较大的差异。总体来说处理奇数次灌水定额为常规水量的1/2,偶数次灌水定额为常规水量的处理T4产量最高;结果期前期品质表明,表征温室番茄色泽的3个指标亮度、饱和度和色彩角均随着灌水量的减小而增大。结果期中期色泽的3个指标:亮度、饱和度和色彩角呈现不规则变化,果形标准度T4、T5处理较好;番茄硬度和可溶性固形物前期较小,到中期有所增大,后期又有所减小,总体来说番茄果实的硬度和可溶性固形物随着采摘时间的推移,具有先增大后减小的变化趋势;不同灌水处理果实硬度随着亏缺-复水总体亏缺程度的增大而增大;亏缺-复水交替灌溉可以提高番茄果实中的可溶性蛋白含量;番茄果实中有机酸的含量和VC含量随着采摘时间的推移呈递增趋势;随着亏缺-复水交替灌溉总体亏缺程度的增加,有机酸含量也呈增加趋势。糖酸比呈现先减小后增大的趋势。结果期前期、中期和后期,温室番茄果实中糖酸比含量随土壤水分的增大均表现出先增大后减小的变化规律。通过商品等级比较发现,前期阶段一级果和二级果产量占总产量比例较大的处理为T1和T6,均占到该阶段总产量的70%以上,中期阶段一级果和二级果产量占总产量比例较大的处理为T3,产量占该阶段总产量的70.27%,后期阶段一级果和二级果产量占总产量比例较大的处理为T3和T1、T2,产量分别占该阶段总产量的82.57%、71.61%和78.59%。(3)温室西瓜亏缺-复水交替灌溉试验结果表明,株高的生长量,奇数次灌水亏缺程度越大,经过偶数次灌水补偿过后,株高增长越快;水分总体较少会抑制茎粗的生长,而水分适当的话可能会促进茎粗的生长,并且避免不必要的水资源浪费。叶片数和叶面积在坐果期到膨大期出现了明显的补偿效应,其中处理T1,T4,T5,T6叶面积增长迅速,处理T2,T4,T5,T6叶片数增长迅速,表现出了较好的补偿效应。通过亏缺-复水交替灌水处理鲜物质量研究结果表明经过两次循环亏缺-复水交替灌溉,奇数次灌水定额为常规灌水定额的2/3,偶数次灌水定额为常规灌水定额3/4的处理T3和奇数次灌水定额为常规灌水定额的1/2,偶数次灌水定为常规灌水定额的处理T4有利于作物地上部与地下部分的生长,有利于产量的形成。耗水量与产量大体上上成二次曲线关系,灌水量与水分利用效率呈线性关系。除T1处理以外其余处理相比对照(CK)均实现增产效应,且各处理之间产量差异显著。产量结果表明,处理T4、T3、T6较对照产量分别提高11.37%、9.43%、8.26%。经济净效益较好的处理分别为处理T3、T4,单方水效益较好的处理分别为处理T5和T6;温室西瓜的硬度及可溶性固形物均随灌溉定额的增加而减少,说明亏缺-复水交替灌溉与亏缺灌溉一样可以改善品质,且灌水量越少品质越好;亏缺-复水交替灌溉条件下,温室西瓜的Vc含量随灌水的不同呈现不规则变化,西瓜T3处理Vc含量最高。(4)利用层次分析法进行灌水模式综合评价,考虑灌溉水分利用效率、生长量、产量、经济净效益及品质5方面因素,确定温室番茄结果期亏缺灌溉最佳灌水模式为当灌水定额为常规水量的2/3倍时的处理2/3CK;番茄亏缺-复水交替灌溉最佳灌水模式为奇数次灌水定额为2/3倍的常规水量,偶数次灌水定额为3/4倍的常规水量的处理T3;西瓜亏缺-复水交替灌溉最佳灌水模式为奇数次灌水定额为2/3倍的常规水量,偶数次灌水定额为3/4倍的常规水量的处理T3。

【Abstract】 This experiment carried in radical circular agriculture demonstration park ofdevelopment village in QingYuan town LiangZhou district WuWei City in GanSu province,take the tomatoes and watermelons as the research object, in order to find the water-saving,high quality, good quality and high water use efficiency. Observed and analyzed the waterphysiology index、 water consumption, yield and quality, made the following mainachievements:(1) The results of deficit irrigation experiment of tomatoes in the mature stages in thegreenhouse2010showed that: water deficit in some extent could reduce the tomatophotosynthetic rate and transpiration rate, mainly displays in12:00noon-14:00PM, then thedifference between the different treatments gradually decreased. After harvest the dry mass oftaproot of tomatoes performed for theCK has significant difference with the2/3CK, dry massof stem shows2/3CK>CK>1/2CK, dry mass of leaf showsCK>2/3CK>1/2CK, and the2/3CK has significant difference with the1/2CK.Comprehensive analyzed the tomatoes yields,water use efficiency and pure economic benefit:when the irrigation water for3457M~3/hM~2,can get the largest pure economic benefits of309067yuan/hM~2which removedthe income of the irrigation fee, the yield reached189161kg/hM~2,the water use efficiencyreached55.78%.The nutrition quality showed that, the soluble solids, soluble protein, VC andorganic acids content are increased, among them,the VC and the soluble solids has significantdifference between treatments.(2)The results of deficit-recovery alternate irrigation experiment of tomatoes ingreenhouse showed that: the water consumption and production had a quadric-curverelationship,the the water consumption and the irrigation water use efficiency in a linearrelationship; yield of the early period had a big difference, yield of the middle stagesremained the little difference, the late stages showed the total yield has a significantdifference.Now the overall, the odd number times give the irrigation quota of1/2conventional water, even number times give the irrigation quota of conventional water of theT4treatment get the highest yield;.the results of the quality showed that, with the irrigationwater reduced the characterization of the three color greenhouse tomatoes index brightness, saturation and color Angle are increased.The results of the three indexes of color, brightness, saturation and color horns in the middlestages present irregular change, the fruit shape standard degrees presents T4,T5treatment isbetter; the hardness and soluble solids are the small in the early stages, to middle increasesomewhat, and later reduced, overall for fruit of hardness and soluble solids with picking thepassage of time, change trend presents the first increases, then decreases.The fruit hardness ofdifferent irrigation treatment increased with the overall deficit degree;the deficit-recoveryalternate irrigation can improve the soluble protein content of the fruit; the content of organicacid and VC content increased with the picking time passed, the organic acid increased withthe deficit-recovery alternate irrigation deficit degree increased.Sugar-acid ratio first reduced,then increased.At the early stages,middle stages,late stages of the mature period, thesugar-acid ratio content have the change trend:first increased,then reduced.Compared withthe commercial degree find:at the early stages,the yields of level1fruit and level2fruit takethe big percentage of the total yields is the treatment T1and T6, more than70%at that stages;at the middle stages, the yields of level1fruit and level2fruit take the big percentage of thetotal yields is the treatment T3,more than70.27%; at the late stages, the yields of level1fruitand level2fruit take the big percentage of the total yields is the treatment T3,T1andT2,respectively82.57%、71.61%和78.59%。(3)The results of the deficit-recovery alternate irrigation experiment showed that, the oddtimes deficit degree is larger,after the even time irrigation compensation,the plant heightcompensation effect ion presents more obvious inspire;the total water less would inhibit thegrowth of stem diameter, and moisture appropriate may promote the growth of stem diameter,and avoid unnecessary waste water.Leaf number and leaf area in fruit stage to the swollenperiod there is an obvious compensation effect, T1, T4, T5, T6treatments leaf area is growingrapidly, T2, T4, T5, T6treatments leaf number is growing rapidly, showed a goodcompensation effect. Through the deficit-recovery alternate irrigation, the fresh mass contentresults showed that, after two cycle deficit-recovery water alternate irrigation when odd timeirrigation quota as the2/3of conventional irrigation quota, the even time for3/4conventionalirrigation quota,treatment T3and odd number times irrigation quota for1/2conventionalirrigation quota, even time for conventional water irrigation quota,the treatment T4, is helpfulto the underground part and the ground part of the crop growth, and helpful for the formationof the production.Generally, water consumption and production in a conic relationship,irrigation water and water use efficiency in a linear relationship. In addition to the treatmentT1, the rest of the processes could got increase affection compared withCK, and the yielddifference between treatments significantly. results of yield showed that processing T4, T3, T6 compared withCK were increased by11.37%,9.43%,8.26%. pure economic benefits showedgood respectively were the processing T3and T4, unilaterally water benefit showed goodwere the treatment T5and treatment T6; the hardness and soluble solid of watermelon ingreenhouse reduced with the irrigation quota increased, means that the deficit-recoveryalternate irrigation was the same as the deficit irrigation,both of them could improve thequality of fruit,the irrigation less,the quality of fruit better;the vitamin C under deficitirrigation in greenhouse presents an irregular change,the T3treatment can got the highestcontent.(4)Make use of theAnalytical Hierarchy Proces(sAHP)method to do a comprehensiveassessment to the irrigation model, considered the irrigation water use efficiency,massgrowth,yield,pure economic benefit5factors,ensured that the best irrigation model oftomatoes under deficit irrigation in mature stages was the treatment2/3CK which theirrigation quota as the2/3times by conventional irrigation quota;the best irrigation modelunder the deficit-recovery alternate irrigation of tomatoes was the treatment T3,which theodder number times the irrigation quota as the2/3times by the conventional irrigationquota,and the even number times the irrigation quota as the3/4times by conventionalirrigation quota; the best irrigation model under deficit-recovery alternate irrigation was thetreatment T3, which the odder number times the irrigation quota as the2/3times by theconventional irrigation quota,and the even number times the irrigation quota as the3/4timesby conventional irrigation quota.


