

Study on the Propagation of Selected Plants and Their Growth Adaptability in Saline Soil

【作者】 张兴钰

【导师】 蔡永立;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在盐碱地和盐渍化土壤上绿化是一项十分艰巨的任务,其成功与否取决于土壤改良和适生植物的筛选。在上海地区分布有大面积的盐土,随着新城建设的加速,对绿化速度的要求越来越迫切,由于盐土绿化的工程成本很高,人们越来越重视耐盐土植物的筛选;但目前适合盐土生长的园林植物较少,一些乡土植物尽管适合生长,但又缺少繁殖的苗木,从而制约了盐土地绿化的发展;因此开展植物适生性研究和适生植物苗木繁殖技术研究不仅具有一定的理论意义,也具有现实的应用价值。论文在对上海及周边地区绿化及乡土植物调研的基础上,选择3类8种植物,进行了苗木繁殖技术的研究,一类是适合盐土生长的乡土植物如旱柳(Salix matsudana Koidz.),第二类是耐盐碱的外地种源如胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor Turcz.)、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa L.)、柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii Kom.),第三类是在上海已有很好应用的园林植物如野蔷薇(Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr.)、棣棠花(Kerria japonica (L.) DC.)、杞柳(Salix integra Thunb.)和连翘(Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.)Vahl.)。其中对4种植物的盐土适生性进行了一个生长季的试种试验,研究结果如下:1、苗木繁殖技术的研究(1)乡土植物旱柳和构树快速繁殖技术的研究:通过对扦插苗床培养基的改进,发现园土:草炭(1:3)比例的配方,可提高旱柳扦插苗的生根率到98%,而且生根数也有所增多,增施浓度为1000mg/L的(IBA)生根剂,可将旱柳生根率提高到100%,根长和生根数都有所提高;但构树在所有配方中均未发现生根。(2)园林植物繁殖技术的研究:4种取自本地的园林植物在园土、盐土(取自临港新城)和草炭不同混合配方的培养基上扦插试验的结果表明,土壤盐度明显影响到4种园林植物的生根,其中盐度最低的园土培养基上植物平均生根长度约为盐度最高的临港盐土的2倍,野蔷薇在几种配方中的生根效果均优于其它3种植物,连翘最差。(3)外源耐盐碱植物苗木繁殖技术研究:培养基类型对3种豆科植物的发芽率影响显著,在园土基质中加绿化基质或者靓土,能使种子发芽率提高1-2倍;胡枝子比其它两种植物的发芽率高,幼苗期需要时间短;在大棚内育苗,可大大提高种子的发芽率。2、苗木盐土适生性研究(1)距河流远近对繁殖苗木生长的影响:通过把几种植物种植在不同生境中,研究其生长情况,得出远岸带裸地更加适宜植物生长,且植物生长快,存活率高;栽植在近岸带裸地中的4种园林植物,只有野蔷薇和连翘存活,生长量也不高;在草丛生境中的四种植物,自栽植起就出现死亡现象,栽植50天后全部死亡。对比三种生境中的四种植物的生长情况,发现野蔷薇比其它三种植物的生长速率快,在上下坡裸地的成活率均超过90%,在上坡裸地的单枝高度增长119.45cm。综合比较,野蔷薇的适应能力最强。(2)土壤盐度对繁殖苗木生长的影响:通过把几种植物种植在不同盐度的土壤上,得出以下结果:含盐量为6.21g/kg时,杞柳的叶片大部分干枯,其它三种植物叶片只出现少许干枯,叶色浅绿,有虫食现象。而当含盐量为9.66g/kg时,四种植物都无法正常生长,杞柳和棣棠花生长到九月全部死亡,连翘和野蔷薇的叶片出现少许干枯。将这几种种植物受盐胁迫程度划分归类,野蔷薇为1级,受轻度盐害;连翘为2级,受中度盐害;棣棠花为3级,受重度盐害;杞柳为4级,受极重度盐害。(3)不同管理措施对繁殖苗木生长的影响:通过对几种灌木做了除草和不除草处理,对比植物栽植两个月内的生长情况,得出草本会抑制灌木生长,不宜在灌木幼苗期混种。

【Abstract】 To plant in saline-alkali soil and saline soil is a tough work, its success depends on the soil development and the selection of suitable plants.There are large area of saline soil in Shanghai, with the acceleration of new city construction,the speed of tree planting needs to be quicker and quicker. As the high cost of planting in saline soil, people now pay more attention to the selection of salt resistant plants, but there are little garden plants suit the saline environment so far, some native plants suit, but the seedlings limit, so does the development of planting in saline soil. It has both theoretical significance and application value to conduct study on the adaptability of plants and their propagation skills.This paper choices three kinds of plant to conduct the experiment of the adaptability compare and the propagation skills. The first type is the native plant adapts to saline soil, such as Salix matsudana Koidz., the second type is salt resistant species from other places, such as Lespedeza bicolor Turcz., Amorpha fruticosa L., and Caragana korshinskii Kom., the third type is garden plants well applicated in Shanghai, such as Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr., Kerria japonica (L.) DC., Salix integra Thunb., Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl, the followings are the results:1. Study on seedling propagation techniques(1) The root rate of Salix matsudana Koidz..could be increased to98%by adding garden soil and peat matrix to saline soil matrix, the root number also increased. With the Increase in volume of peat matrix, the root rate and number increased at the same time. By using IBA rooting powder of1000mg/L, the root rate of Salix matsudana Koidz., even could be raised to100%(2) By refining the saline soil and reducing its Salt content in lingang new city, the average root length of this four plants in garden soil could be2times of that in lingang soil. The root effect of Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr. was the best comparing with three other plants in the three matrix, while the Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl was the last.(3) Through making different preparation matrix,found the significant germination rate of substrate types, plus green matrix or Jane soil to the garden soil matrix, made the seed germination rate increase1-2times; The germination rate of Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. is higher than other plant, seedling stage required a short time; In the greenhouse, the condition could greatly improve the germination rate of plant.2.Study on suitability of seedling on salt soil (1) By planting four species in different habitats to study their growth, we could find the uphill was more suitable for plant to grow, as the plant growed faster and had a high survival rate; Only the Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr. and Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl could be survived in the downhill bare land, the growth amount was not high; The four plants in the grass habitat, death occurred since planting, all plants were dead after50days. Compared the growth of these plants in three kinds of habitats, Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr. have the fastest growth rate, its rates were both more than90%in upper and lower bare land,the height increase of single branch was119.45cm in the uphill habitat. Comprehensive comparison, The ability to adapt of Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr. was the strongest.(2) By planting the four species plant in the habitats of different saline level, we could conclude: when the salt content was6.21g/kg, most leaves of Salix Integra Thunb. were dry, but only a few leaves of the other three kinds of plants were dry with light green leaves and phenomenon of insects eating.When the salt content was9.66g/kg, all four plants could not grow normally,both Salix integra Thunb. and Kerria japonica (L.)DC died on September, the leaves of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) vahl and Rosa multiflora were little dry.Four plants could be classified by the degree of salt resistance, the first class was Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr., it was mild salt demaged.the second class wasForsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl., it was moderate salt demage; the third class was Kerria japonica (L.) DC., it was severe salt damage; the fourth class is Salix integra Thunb.,it was very severely salt damaged.(3) By conducting the methods of weeding and not weeding and comparing the growth of the shrubs within two months, we can find shrub grew large suppressively.


