

Research on Status,Problems and Countermeasures of Sediment Dredging and Disposal of Wenruitang River

【作者】 潘震

【导师】 黄民生; 何岩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展以及人类生活活动的频繁发生,城市水体污染的状况有愈演愈烈之势,其中尤以城市河道的黑臭现象以及水体富营养化最为常见。在大部分河道污染中,底泥作为内源污染对于整个河道水体的状态起着不可忽略的作用,因此,如何有效控制并尽可能的清除内源污染对于河道的治理是十分重要的,河道底泥疏浚作为最快速、最有效的清除内源途径之一,在国内外已经取得极为广泛应用。温瑞塘河河道污染状况由来已久,温州市市政府从2000年起开展针对温瑞塘河综合整治工作,底泥疏浚作为其中的一个重要环节,其实施质量的好坏对于河道整治效果具有重要影响。本论文以温瑞塘河为研究对象,通过资料收集、文献查阅、现场实地研究以及数据分析等方法,针对温瑞塘河底泥疏浚处理处置现状及问题展开研究和对策分析。本文首先对温瑞塘河背景情况进行了介绍和分析,温瑞塘河的污染是结构性、人为性的污染,是温州市社会经济发展对环境产生的后遗症,且由于近十年来温瑞塘河缺少常规性河道疏浚工程,外加沿岸垃圾、污水泥沙沉淀等现象,导致河道污染及底泥淤积愈加严重。温瑞塘河市区主要河道底泥疏浚主要采取工程建设形式、常态维护形式以及闸口搅动形式这三种形式进行,再根据不同河道等级及状况决定采取断水或带水工艺方式。本文还针对温瑞塘河底泥疏浚现状进行了实地调查研究,主要分为底泥疏浚过程、底泥运输及中转处理、底泥最终处置三个部分进行,通过实地研究了解温瑞塘河底泥疏浚实际操作方式及流程,并分析探讨底泥疏浚过程及处理处置中存在的问题。温瑞塘河疏浚后底泥运至灵昆堆场进行堆置处理,堆场作为温州半岛浅滩工程中“围海造田”的一部分。论文根据温州市温瑞塘河保护管理委员会所提供的部分市区河道底泥重金属数据,采用SQGs以及潜在生态危害指数法两种评价方法对底泥重金属污染进行评价,分析河道底泥重金属污染程度,提出针对温瑞塘河不同程度底泥重金属污染状况,可以考虑采取不同的疏浚底泥处置方式。最后,本文根据温瑞塘河底泥疏浚处理处置现状及其过程中存在的问题,并结合国内外其他城市河道底泥疏浚的实践经验和教训,分析并提出相应优化对策和建议:首先是针对底泥疏浚技术的优化;其次是在底泥疏浚过程中对二次污染的有效控制;第三是针对底泥堆场处置的对策优化;第四是疏浚底泥综合利用的政策调控。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development and the activities of human interference, the status of urban water pollution getting worse, which urban river black-odor phenomena and water eutrophication is the most common. In the most of river pollution, sediment as internal sources of pollution for the entire river plays an important role, therefore, control and clean out an endogenous pollution is very important for river regulation. Sediment dredging as a fast and effective removal of endogenous, it has been made extremely broad application at home and abroad.Wenruitang River has been pollued for a long time, the municipal government of Wenzhou undertaked a comprehensive renovation for Wenruitang River in2000. Sediment dredging as one of the important aspect, the quality of implementation have important implications for the results of river regulation. In this paper, based on information collection, literature review, field investigating and data analysis, tries to analyze and discuss the current problems of Wenruitang River sediment dredging disposal.Firstly, this paper study the background of Wenruitang River, the pollution of Wenruitang River is caused due to a structural and socio-economic development.In recent years, with the lack of regular river dredging project, coast of garbage, sediment precipitation and other phenomena, river pollution and sediment siltation become more severe. Wenruitang River has mainly taken three forms of sediment dredging, and to adopt a different process according to the different river conditions.And then, this thesis study of the sediment dredging status quo. Divided into three parts, sediment process, sediment transport and intermediate treatment, sediment final disposal. Analysis the problems of sediment dredging process and disposal. The sediment of Wenruitang River are transported to Linkun. Paper using two evaluation methods of SQGs and Hakanson potential ecological risk index, analysis the heavy metal pollution in sediments of Wenruitang River. Proposed for different pollution status of river, consider taking a different sediment disposal.Thesis makes a survey about process of sediment dredging, sediment transport and transit handling, sediment disposal, understand the specific methods and processes of sediment dredging, and analysis the problems that exist in the whole process. According to part of data collected which heavy metals in river sediment, and then evaluate the heavy metals in sediments by SQGs and Hakanson potential ecological risk index, analysis the heavy metal pollution of river and proposed corresponding recommendations.Finally, according to the problems in current situation and process of sediment dredging, combined with the practical experience and lessons learned at home and abroad, discussed and proposed the optimization strategies and recommendations: optimize the sediment dredging, secondary pollution control about sediment dredging, sediment yard of program optimization, policy regulation of comprehensive utilization of dredged sediment.


