

Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Generating Potential from Source Rock of Chang9Member, Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin

【作者】 师磊

【导师】 卢双舫;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地球化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯盆地是我国陆上第二大沉积盆地。虽然鄂尔多斯盆地长9油层组油气勘探成效还远不及长7,但近来长9湖相优质烃源岩的发现,及相邻的长8、9、10储集层中好的油气显示和工业油流的获得,暗示了长9烃源岩也可能是一套重要的潜在烃源岩。针对这一问题,本文综合采用地球化学、石油地质学等理论为指导,以地球化学、地质、钻井、测井、录井资料的综合研究为途径,定性评价长9烃源岩的生烃潜力,定量计算其生、排烃量,明确长9烃源岩的成藏贡献,为客观认识相关目标的勘探潜力服务。本文对鄂尔多斯盆地长9烃源岩生烃潜力进行了定性和定量评价。结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地长9优质烃源岩主要集中在志丹、英旺地区,计算得出鄂尔多斯盆地长9烃源岩现今生、排油量分别为生油25.22×108t,排油8.69×108t;鄂尔多斯盆地长9烃源岩油气资源量分别为(2.09~4.17)×108t和(0.06~0.12)×1011m3。鄂尔多斯盆地长9烃源岩主要生、排烃期为白垩纪(145~65Ma),生、排烃主要集中在志丹和高桥-太白地区,郭庄子地区也具有一定的生、排烃强度,英旺地区虽具有一定的生烃强度,但未发生大量排油。对源岩排烃效率的定性和定量研究表明,英旺地区长9烃源岩排烃效率明显低于志丹等其它地区,仅为44%,其余地区平均为82%。排烃效率低应是英旺地区长9原油勘探未能取得突破的重要原因。综合利用GC、GC-MS和碳同位素组成资料进行了油源对比研究,结果表明鄂尔多斯长9烃源岩确实为一套潜在的烃源岩。因此,在志丹地区进行油气勘探时应考虑长9烃源岩的贡献。

【Abstract】 Ordos Basin is the second largest basin in China. Although the oil and gas explorationeffect of the Ordos Basin Chang9is far from that of Chang7, the discovery of Chang9Member high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks and the good hydrocarbon show and the gainof commercial oil flow in Chang8,9,10Reservoir in recent years, which indicate Chang9Member may be a set of important potential hydrocarbon source rocks. Aiming at thisproblem, this paper adopts a combination of geochemistry, petroleum geology theory as aguide, qualitative evaluation of hydrocarbon generation potential of hydrocarbon from sourcerock of Chang9and qualitative calculation of the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion bymeans of comprehensive study of the geochemistry, geology, drilling, well logging and mudlogging data. Clearly the accumulation contribution of the Chang9hydrocarbon source rocksfor the services of an objective understanding of the relevant objectives of the explorationpotential of the service.Therefore the hydrocarbon generation potential of hydrocarbon from source rock ofChang9Member was researched qualitatively and quantitatively in this paper. The resultindicated that the quality source rock of Chang9Member, Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basinis mainly distributed in Zhidan and Yingwang areas. Calculated from the Ordos Basin, oilgeneration and expulsion are25.22×108t and8.69×108t. Hydrocarbon resources from sourcerock of Chang9Member in Ordos Basin are (2.09~4.17)×108t and (0.06~0.12)×1011m3. Themain period of the generation and expulsion of Ordos basin Chang9source rocks is theCretaceous (145~65Ma). Zhidan and Gaoqiao-Taibai are the major oil generation andexpulsion regions and Guozhuangzi also has a certain intensity of hydrocarbon generation andexpulsion.Yingwang has a certain degree of hydrocarbon generation intensity, but it has notremendous expulsion. Therefore the expulsion efficiency of hydrocarbon from source rock ofChang9Member was researched qualitatively and quantitatively in this paper. The result ofqualitatively and quantitatively hydrocarbon from source rock of Chang9Member indicatedthat the expulsion efficiency of hydrocarbon from source rock of Chang9Member inYingwang area is obviously lower than those of other areas (e.g.Zhidan area). It is only44%,and the average value of those of other areas is82%. The low expulsion efficiency ofhydrocarbon should be an important reason that no breakthrough has been made in theexploration of oil from source rock of Chang9Member in Yingwang area. Comprehensiveutilization of GC, GC-MS and carbon isotope data of oil-source correlation, the results showthat Erdos Chang9source rocks are a set of potential hydrocarbon source rock. Therefore,hydrocarbon resources from source rock of Chang9Member should be considered when oiland gas exploration is conducted in Zhidan area.


