

Comparison and Selection of Overseas Investment Mode of Chinese Petroleum Enterprises

【作者】 刘芳芳

【导师】 彭民;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油工程管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是世界上经济发展速度最快的国家,经济的持续稳定发展要求石油能源的持续供应,然而我国国内的石油供需差距不断加大,仅靠国内的石油开采已经无法满足需要。放眼世界范围内的石油资源总体上又是供大于求,产地与消费的不平衡性特点突出。在这样的背景下,中国的石油企业走出国门进行海外石油项目投资成为必然选择。选择什么样的模式进行投资,是决定企业海外投资成败的关键一环,因此国内外学术界对于海外投资模式的研究一直是热点,但针对石油企业这类具体企业海外投资的投资模式方面的研究却不多。本文对于我国石油企业海外投资模式做了详细研究:首先概述了课题研究的背景和意义,回顾了国内外学者对对外投资以及国际市场进入模式等方面的相关文献,严格界定了本文的研究范围后详细介绍了本文的相关概念及理论知识;其次,介绍了我国石油企业海外投资的背景,将我国石油企业海外投资的发展历程分为三个阶段并分别介绍了我国石油企业的海外投资在每个发展阶段的特点,并分别介绍了我国进行海外石油投资的主体、投资规模和布局等;再次,分析了我国石油企业海外投资模式的探索过程并创造性地将我国目前常用的海外投资模式归为海外(合作)开发、技术服务、参股投资、海外并购及“换石油”五类并深入分析,在此基础上对不同模式进行详细比较;最后,从项目、国家和企业三方面对影响和决定石油企业海外投资模式的因素进行系统分析,指出海外石油资源市场中出现的石油项目与可采用的投资模式之间的对应关系,运用等级理论的思想,结合模糊综合评价法提出“树型”选择路径,为我国石油企业海外投资模式的选择问题提供了有效的理论参考,最后总结全文。

【Abstract】 China is one highest economic growth rates in world. The sustainable development ofnational economy requires stable oil supply; however there is widened gap between demand andsupply in domestic oil market and it is far insufficient to meet needs merely by inlandexploitation. On the whole petroleum supply in world is exceeding the demand and characterizedby an imbalance in production and consumption areas. Under such background, it is inevitablefor Chinese petroleum enterprises to seek overseas investment opportunities. The choice ofappropriate investment mode is vital to success of enterprises. Hence the long-term heated studiesof this in domestic a, but in fact rarely focused on petroleum industry.This paper has studied on modes of Chinese petroleum enterprises overseas investment:Firstly, it elaborated background and significance of the research and accurately defines therelative concepts, theories and areas of study after reviewing the related references home andabroad; secondly, it introduces basic situation such as background, history, subject, scale andlocation of overseas investment of domestic petroleum enterprises, and divides the investmentdevelopment course into three stages and respectively sums up the characteristics of each stage;thirdly, it has made an in-depth analysis of the available investment modes for petroleumenterprises, then classified all modes into five main categories: Co-exploration, Technical Service,Equity Investments, Mergence and Swap for petroleum and compared one with another; Finally,one-to-one correspondence between petroleum project type and available investment modes arepointed out after systematic analysis; influential and decisive factors on investment modes areexplored from angles of object, nation and enterprise, then ‘tree’ path model as an effectivemethod to select investment mode based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on application ofhierarchy theory is created.


