

Structure Design and Simulation of PGZX-1Pipe Climbing Robot

【作者】 张灵聪

【导师】 何富君; 李秀伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 加热炉管长期受热后炉管将产生严重的渗碳现象,从而使管壁硬化变脆,极易造成炉管断裂,为此需要对炉管进行定期检测,以确保工作的稳定性及安全性。针对炉管这种细长结构和排列比较紧凑的结构形式,本文提出了一种爬管机器人结构,以提高检测的自动化水平和可靠性。这种机器人能适应的管柱材料和管径范围广,爬行速度稳定,结构小巧,能够解决由于管柱弯曲等原因造成的机器人偏转问题。本机器人设计了橡胶履带爬行机构,可以实现机器人匀速、稳定地爬行,可以满足炉管测试的要求。针对相邻两炉管之间的间距小,不利于机器人全方位抱紧炉管、操作空间小的特点,提出了链式机械环抱机构来实现完成机体与管柱的紧密贴附,可适应不同的管柱及管间距。探测传感驱动装置采用了丝杠与半月板联接结构,可实现小角度回转,扩大探测面积。本设计完成了机器人的方案设计和本体结构的三维建模,完成了驱动部件的选型,完成了主要传动部件的设计计算及校核。对机器人的运动系统进行了ADAMS运动学仿真分析。将三维模型简化后导入ADAMS软件,通过将各履带块作为刚性件,分别施加铰接、载荷及约束的方法建立履带的仿真模型。仿真分析了机器人爬行过程中履带块与驱动轮之间的相互作用,履带块的速度及加速度变化,抱紧机构的受力情况。仿真分析表明机器人能够实现良好的爬行状态。PGZX-1型爬管机器人提出了链式抱紧机构实现了小间距炉管的贴附,并采用履带爬行机构实现均匀、可靠的爬行。仿真分析表明该机器人具有较高的运动性能,能够用于实现炉管的自动化检测。

【Abstract】 It is easy to have serious cementation phenomenon that heat the furnace tube for along time, and cause the pipe wall hardening changes crisp, extremely easy to create thefurnace tube break. Regularly detect the tube column will guarantee the work more stableand much safer. To raises the automation level and reliability of detect, the articleproposed one kind robot structure that aim at the pipe which is tall and slender, and itsstructural style is well-knit permutation. This kind of robot can climb up the tube do not onthe limit of column material and it can adapt major scope caliber. The robot climbing speedstable, and its structure is small, it can solve the problem that engine body deflect becauseof the pipe bend.The robot design a rubber caterpillar climbing mechanism, it can fulfill the pipedetection demand that realize the robot climb constant velocity and stably. Aim at thefeatures that small spacing between pipes, and it makes against the robot grasps the pipe onevery side, and the space of operation is small, the article puts forward a chain mechanicalencircle structure to realize complete attach closely between engine body and pipe, it canadapt different pipe and pipe spacing. The probe head installment uses the guide screw andthe meniscus joint, it can realize the small angle rotation, and expanded survey area. Thedesign complete the robot plan design and M-3DM of engine body, and complete typeselection of drive element, and complete design calculation and check of the majortransmission parts.The article conducts ADAMS kinematics simulation of the locomotor system. ImportADAMS after simplify the M-3DM. By make the acceleration as rigid member, we buildthe caterpillar simulation model by exert articulation, load and constraint. Simulationanalyses the interaction between caterpillar blocks and driving wheel and the change ofvelocity and acceleration of caterpillar block, and the load-carrying capability of graspmechanism in the process of climbing. The simulation analyses show the robot can realizefavorable climbing state.PGZX-1climbing robot put forward chain grasp mechanism to realize attach of pipewhich is in small spacing, and use caterpillar climbing mechanism to realize homogeneousand dependable climbing. Simulation analyses show the robot has higher motionperformance, it can use to realize automation detection of pipe.

【关键词】 炉管机器人爬行检测履带
【Key words】 tuberobotclimbdetectioncaterpillar

