

Santanghu Basin Malang Depression Carboniferous System Harjiawu Formation Volcanic Reservoir Logging Evaluationg

【作者】 李庆波

【导师】 蔺景龙;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 世界石油工业的发展和勘探技术的不断提升,在国内外发现了很多种类不同的火山岩油气藏,火山岩在油气成藏过程中发挥了重要作用,火山岩油气藏越来越受到了油气勘探界的广泛重视,已成为国际上油气勘探和油气储量增长的新领域。本课题立足于三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系哈尔加乌组火山岩岩石物理实验研究,结合取心井资料、测井资料,开展储层特征研究,搞清三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系哈尔加乌组火山岩岩性、物性、等储层特征;应用研究区的储层岩心电阻率实验数据,采用交会图方法识别火山岩岩性,建立研究区储层参数测井解释模型,分析研究区哈尔加乌组储层“四性关系”,对储层进行测井综合评价。研究表明,哈尔加乌组火山岩类含油性总体上以火山角砾岩、玄武岩较好,安山岩次之。哈尔加乌组C2h1-1、C2h1-2、C2h2-1均展示了良好的储集性能。C2h2-1、C2h2-2储层属中孔低渗型储层。哈尔加乌组在凹陷北东部构造抬升区,C2h1-2、C2h2-1两个期次储层发育最好,可能形成Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类储层。

【Abstract】 With the development of global oil industry and the improving of the technique ingeophysical prospecting in recent years, Many diffirent various volcanic reservoir had beenfound both at home and abroad, and volcanic plays important roles in the hydrocarbonaccumulation process, More and more attention was paid on volcanic reservoir at boundariesof oil exploration, it has become a new fields of the increasing reserves of oil and gas in theinternational oil and gas exploration.This subject is base on volcanic rock petrophysics research at Santanghu basin Malangdepression carboniferous system Harjiawu formation. Developing researchon reservoircombine data of coring well and logging data characteristics, to make clear the lithology、Physical Properties and reservoirs characteristics of the volcanic in Santanghu basin Malangdepression carboniferous system Harjiawu formation; Using the logging data of reservoir coresamples in the research area, by using of intersection graphs recognize lithology of volcanic,build the model of log interpretation reservoir parameter in the research area. Analyse the fourbehaviors relationship of reservoir of Harjiawu formation in the research area and loggingcomprehensive evaluating the reservoir. The results show that oil-bearing property ofvolcanics in Harjiawu formation volcanic breccias and basalt is best and andesite takes secondplace. All of C2h1-1、C2h1-2、C2h2-1at Harjiawu formation shows good reservoir property. C2h2-1、C2h2-2belongs to medium porosity and low permeability reservoir. Reservoir in C2h1-2、C2h2-1in the tectonic uplifting region Harjiawu formation which in northeast depression growswell,it may become Class Ⅱ and Ⅲ reservoir.


